I forgot to mention the greatest thing that happened today... While my buddy and I were sitting in my yard drinking, a truck pulled into the yard. It was toytoy. I went yelling and screaming down the driveway "That's my baby!! It's toytoy!" My buddy thought I'd lost my fucking mind. The guy driving her finally stopped to figure out why I was screaming like a maniac and waving franticly. I just wanted to see my baby again. He hasn't taken very good care of the old girl. The paint on the hood is pretty much gone and the front bumper is crushed in, but he and his wife were pretty amused when I told them the truck had a name..."Toytoy"...for those of you that haven't heard the story, she was named toytoy because she was a toy Toyota pick up. It was a fluke he pulled into my drive, but damn it was good to see my old friend again. Here's a picture of toytoy just as we set off on our long journey to Mississippi:
tonight i drank a entire eighteen pack of buch lite and took 2three shots of vodka i then proceededd to get into a fight withh a stop sign.................................................................................................................................................................................................. and i losgt now my nuckles and my hand hurt really fucki bad i hope it still doesnt hurt in the morning right now im drinjing a buncha gatorqde and h20 to help a hangover tommorrrow fuckin a i cant believe i did this stupid shit. i'm so drunk i cant even sleep my head is spinning and i feel like im gonna fuckin puke again i'm nto sure if that makes me a light wiehgt compared to all you but i also take into account the fact that your all alcoholics lulz what's everyone doing/did tonight.> editL All in all I'd saytonight was a good night
Korean food, sushi, arguing with girlfriend and best friend about life in a first world democratic country being better than living in China. I can't fucking stand these Chinese immigrants / children thereof. It's like they've been collectively brainwashed into thinking that China is some sort of fucking utopia. I also found a nice .gif of a large, beautiful pair of breasts bouncing against a window pane but it's too large to upload. EDIT: So it appears I'm devolving into some sort of racist xenophobic crank. Well, I knew it would happen eventually.
Hurray for the thing that probably only other person on this board (me) would know or care about whoopee!
So now I'm plenty hydrated and plenty drowsy but i still cant seem 2 get 2 sleep the room is stilll spinnin and shit - as long as i can keep this puke down still I should be A OKAY or maybe i should just puke and feel better but then wont that waste all the gatorade??
Such a rookie. Chugging Gatorade after drinking that much doesn't really help. Puke now. You'll feel better (but still like shit) in the morning. The Gatorade/water before bed thing only works when you've only had a few. Not when you're puking and trying to masturbate to 10-year-old Britney Spears videos after a fifth of Jameson. Give it up. She's past her prime and you have a better chance of giving your dick rugburn than getting off.
At this point I would like to point out an issue that comes up in pharmacy with reference to taking pills and vomiting. As a general rule, if you vomit within an hour of taking a pill, you aren't going to get the proper dose. If you vomit within an hour of taking emergency contraception, for example, you need to take another dose. A similar problem exists with proper anti-emetic therapy. How does one treat nausea and vomiting when you consistently keep vomiting up the dose? The advantage is that you're already drunk anyways, so it won't hurt going in. Remember, wide end goes in first so it won't slip back out.
I like that it's portable. Like some suppositories need a fucking trailer hitch or something. So you're saying that if I'm already blowing chunks from morning sickness, that my Plan B pill won't be as effective?
Are you sure i've projectile vomitted and masturbating to hit my baby on e more time on more than one occasion. Seriously though that gatorade always helps from keeping my head feel like it got slammed into a concrete wall by a semi which is always the worst part of the hangover for me I'm def gonna feel like shit in the morning but atleast my headache wont be intolerable edit: I just puked anyways and i ddidnt even mean to. O well. It was orange
Plan B will probably prevent miscarriage if you're already pregnant. You need mifepristone if you want to be fancy, but last time I checked there was no paucity of flights of stairs in the world.
Right. On to plan C then... for coat hanger. Speaking of hangover prevention, are those 'Chaser' pills legit?
When Plan A fails, it's time for Plan G-H-B. No idea what's really in those chaser pills, but RU-21 (which to my mind is a play on RU-486, the trade name for mifepristone, a progesterone antagonist and medical abortifacient) claims to be a "natural health product", which to my mind screams "bullshit" for a whole bunch of boring reasons you don't want me to go into. Advil for the headache, gravol for the vertigo, and oral rehydration therapy for dehydration are what I recommend. That, and an obscenely hot shower/bath.
Feeling slightly better now. I guess weed and mojito's really can conquer the flu. I still haven't eaten but 2 pieces of bread today, so chances are I'm going to be black out drunk and puking within an hour or two.
HEY EVERYONE GUESS WHO IS RUNK! ME GET OUT OF TOWN SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT SHOU SHOT SHOUT SHOUT i said shot i went and drank rum at a car at a resturaunt at a car again at a car once again at a bar at a liquor store at a car at a bar at a movie theator at a movie involving hot tubs at a washroom at a car at a friends house at a showing of SNL at a car at my house CULMINATION OF MY NIGHT. boom.