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A relaxed ass, is a happy ass...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nettdata, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I've put up naked pictures before. I imagine they're on a few hard disks I wish that they weren't, but that's the price you pay for posting your ass on the internet. I've also made a few more personal ones, but I trust the guy they were for (and by trust I mean I could kill him in a heartbeat if he threatened to leak them).

    That said, I'd only make a sex tape if it were somehow to advance my career. Given that American politics thoroughly repressed, I don't see that happening any time soon.
  2. mya

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I would never even consider a sextape. I want to enjoy myself and not worry if the lighting is flattering or the angle isn't showing off my best assets. I have/would do sexy photos though. I would love to get some done by somebody who actually knows what they are doing before everything starts to sag and wrinkle. Nothing too risque, I like shapes and curves, but draw the line at the actual genetalia. Guess I prefer porn light, like Cinemax.
  3. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    I've taken pictures and made short videos for past girlfriends and fuck buddies, but no full-on sex video exists where I'm a participant. I know what I look like naked and in action and as far as I'm concerned, it ain't pretty. I wouldn't even watch that.
  4. burned ice cube

    burned ice cube
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I have made about 7 videos between the current lady and my last one. Both liked the whole idea of having the videos uploaded to amateur sites just to see the responses we would get. I had second thoughts about putting them out there and having a third party host them but I figured there is no way I am running for any kind of office anyway so what the hell. Between the 7 videos we have roughly 50,000 views which is weird to think about because that means that an average sized town has seen me doing the dirty.

    The current girlfriend and I liked a lot of the feedback we got so we have started getting into doing it live on cam. Its more for the thrill than for the pay (plus she likes getting told what to do).

    Before any of you perverts ask I am not going to post any links but know that the next time you go to a porn site and those camera pop ups come up it could be me.
  5. AlmostGaunt

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Yes, yes, and indifferent, respectively. My first girlfriend had to move for work and we did the distance thing for a while, and I still have the pics from 9 or so years ago. I also have some exquisite pictures of an ex from a shopping expedition which involved corsets, heels, and stockings, and photos with the same girl on a balcony in Borneo. Ahh, memories. I keep them in encrypted zip files in a hidden partition. The security won't keep a determined hacker out, but are sufficient to stop someone casually running across them while using my PC.

    Relevant stories:
    1. At a bucks party for one of my closest friends, the groom was engaging in some drug use in a spare bedroom when his much more conservative older brother was looking for him to say goodbye. Like the good Best Man I was, I diverted older brother, at which point he unfortunately decided to say goodbye to the third brother. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't take my advice not to walk into third brother's bedroom. He opens the door and I get a quick glimpse of a video camera on tripod filming the younger brother snorting lines off the stripper while receiving a blowjob. I'd love to know what happened to that film, but no-one will tell me. Apparently there is also a photo of me removing a playing card, with my teeth, from the same stripper earlier in the night. What sort of fuckwit brings a camera, let alone a video camera, to a bucks?

    2. I was dating a girl for a while and took some photos on my iphone. Fairly tasteful, just scantily clad shots in sexy negligees, which I set as the picture which would display when she called (yeah, I was 21 and dumb, sue me). Well, the world moved on, I got a new phone, deleted all the photos off the one one and put it in storage. Through a combination of random chance, my current phone broke, so I found my old one from years ago and used it for a weekend. I happened to go on holiday with the ex and about 8 other people that weekend, and accidentally left my phone in the truck of some guy I didn't know, the brother in law of a friend's girlfriend. The next day I couldn't find it, so had the ex call it. Repeatedly. Probably about 30 times in all, over the course of the day. Eventually they discover the phone in their truck and drop it off to us. After a hushed conversation, my friend's girlfriend approaches me, clearly very embarrassed and scandalized. Apparently, every time the ex had called, a photo of her in this negligee had appeared, the phone apparently stored it in some wallpaper directory I hadn't cleared. Neither of us cared, but my friend's girlfriend went on a long rant about how it wasn't appropriate because we weren't married. Bear in mind, I was sharing a room with the ex on this holiday, we were clearly banging, but this 26yr old woman was totally appalled that we would take an M-rated picture pre-marriage. Weird.
  6. Sammerton

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    Average Idiot

    Aug 8, 2011
    I've got a couple CD's filled with self shot stuff from various hook ups, ex girlfriends, etc.

    I actually had an ex who found them one time, walked in on her watching me plowing another girl. Thought it was going to be awkward, but she just said something along the lines of "I'm glad you're better at sex now than you were then..." and closed the window. Come to find out she actually enjoyed seeing video/pictures of me with other women, which was a precursor of things to come.

    Man I miss that girl. My current girlfriend is awesome though. Doesn't let me videotape her, I never really did it because I got off on it or anything, it was more for posterity than anything, and I've got awesome pictures of her, Not sure what she would do if she found my collection though. Probably just freeze me out for a couple days and then go on living her life because we're fucking adults.
  7. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Have I? No, though I probably should. People would pay me to stop sending it to them.

    I probably would have in college (one girlfriend would definitely have been into it), had the technology been available. Camcorders, digital cameras etc. were far, far away in the future. The only thing available that didn't require third-party processing was the Polaroid.
  8. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    PM it to shegirl, she'll decide.
  9. Misanthropic

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    Oct 19, 2009
    No to all three. There was time when I was very comfortable walking around a significant others apartment/ home in the buff. I was never a chiseled Greek god, but hey, who is? But I never had any desire to commit my body to film. And these days . . . . let's just say that wouldn't do anyone any good, least of all me.

    I had a buddy once who dated a woman who was into giving and getting nude photographs. Unfortunately, he held onto one of the nude photos - of himself. I found this out after meeting his then new girlfriend. He left to go to the men's room at one point, and she point blank told me that he had shown her the picture, and wanted to know why i thought he would keep a picture of himself in the buff. I must have been a good wingman that night, because they are now married.
  10. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I've sent cell phone cock shots (aka, I've Favre'd a girl), but only upon request. I would only film myself having sex if the girl was super hot, or I lost about 40 pounds.