How old was the stepson? Not that it matters or provides any context. I hope the booze kicks in to numb the emotions soon. Sorry man. Um... I'm watching FSU do their best "me" impression on a basketball court, shooting 12-41 in the first half while VCU shot 50%. I'm confident my alma mater at Free Shoes Universitiy will come back and VCU will cool down.
Barrowing(read not paying for) a Mt. Dew from the Bithcy Sales Cunt. Why she "sells" them out of a mini fridge in her cubical is a head scratcher. More so when you add in that the work fridge is less then 20 feet away and half empty. Saw that Friday song on Today's 4th hour with milf Hoda Cotb. What a awful song. Not up to par with great Canadian hits like "Let's go to the Mall" and "Sandcastles in the Sand"
That's...completely awful. My god, I'm sorry man. Are you going to get struck by lightning next? Why does fate have it in with you lately? Being higher than shit right now (and four smooth cold filtered Miller Genuine Drafts deep) kind of softens the blow of hearing that, but I truly hope you can hang in there, guy. Christ on a cross. I almost beat up a crossing guard today. Fuckhead was blasting his whistle to the beats on his cocksucking Ipod and caused me to M. Bison-stomp on my brakes with oncoming traffic about to tongue-kiss me. I DID manage to steer while making obscene gestures with BOTH hands, however.
I just pulled a muscle in my side while inhaling. Now I'm yawning with every other breath and my side hurts like fucking hell. Time to get high.
I don't know you other than what I 've seen on this site and though we may all disagree or "fight" I think we all appreciate that it takes all of us to make this site work. Worst news I've heard in a long time. Hang in there, hollow words I know, but shit I'm sorry for your loss. I'm going to drink one more tonight for you. I know its no help and won't lessen your loss but I wouldn't wish that on anyone and you shouldn't drink alone. Sorry again for your loss toytoy.
Tonight I've decided to see if whiskey cures colds. If all goes well I'll sleep well tonight and wake up feeling like I just lost my virginity. If on the other hand whiskey lowers my immune system I'll wake up at 3 am feeling like ass. Its a coin flip really.
I think I'm still drunk from My dad's 60th bday party last night. It's fun having 6 boozehound aunts/uncles keeping your glass full. Amnnnd now I can't sleep. Balls.
The Rams are so hot right now. The bars last night were crazy, I've never seen so much love in Richmond, VA. George Mason all over again, anybody? Truthfully, I don't see them getting past Kansas, but ANYTHING can happen in March.
So I'm calling it a draw with whiskey as a cold cure. I woke up at 5 after going to bed at midnight, then went back to sleep until 9, 8 hours of disjointed ok sleep. Another effect seems to be that my body has finally starting draining, while kind of annoying, it means I'm getting better. So if this were mythbusters and I had to call this plausible, busted, or confirmed, I'd have to say plausible.
My deepest sympathies toytoy, it can't possibly be much help, but your in my thoughts. I'm really looking forward to Ireland - Macadonia tonight. Been pulling some great women consecutively recently, they never want to talk/text the next day however which sucks as I'd rather have a girlfriend now than random slags. But I guess you just can't meet the right kind of girl in a bar.
Well, the ex managed to fuck up our plan to leave last night, but I am kind of glad we didn't as I was exhausted. It's going to be fun, we don't make regimented vacations like many folks, we call them adventures. We pick a couple towns to hit and just play it by ear the rest of the time. We have the most fun being random. And drunk and high helps.