Fuck moving. I have it down to a fine art after 7 moves in 5 years, but I'd rather do just about anything else. Up to and including housecleaning, pool vacuuming, and babysitting. (Although not ironing. I will happily move your house if you do my ironing.) Anyway, in lieu of endless stream of consciousness rambling, I bid you all good night. The sound of Spanish is awesome, as is Rock Shakira. Sweet dreams TiB.
After you punch out all 12 slots on your abortion rewards card, do they give you the 13th free or is it a free papsmear? I also want to take this time to say how fucking funny the word papsmear is. Immature edit: I just had the idea of all the abortions in the dumpster coming together to form a Voltron Abortion Baby. This would be an awesome Halloween costume. Yes. I am 12.
Its really going to be hard walking across.downtown to Red Bull Crashed Ice with a throbbing erection. Im so fucking excited. God i love living in downtown St. Paul. Anyone else going? I know there are some minny members.
I hear the Nordeast bars calling me... that or my work bench, which is where I usually end up anyways. Thank God I am taking 36 West home tonight instead of east... I imagine traffic will be even more piled up tonight in that lane.
Yeah i take 94 east home. You can imagine how fun that will be. Either way, the bulldog has shuttles to there, which i just found out. I live across from there. Booze it up and hop on the bus over!
I saw the course they were setting up when I went to Cosetta yesterday and unless it's doing a bunch of twists and turns it looked a lot shorter than what was in the commercial, which reduced my interest.
Not too shabby... Serious question: a big wrestling championship belt with "Chili Champ" on the front plate is a perfectly appropriate prize for a chili cookoff, right?
Looks like fun, but not worth the traffic for me; I'm west on 394 and up 169, so it'll be a hike and I don't want to deal with parking. Katakoch, have you ever made a stock out of Ipe?
There's something wrong with 2012's Grace Park that I am unaware of? Audrey, doesn't your new place of employment have any of these? It'd increase customer satisfaction and turnover, right?
I think 2012 Grace Park does just fine. Except, she went all Hawaii Five 0, and doesn't pose in skimpy clothes on fur rugs anymore. Now, if you're looking for some hot, sexy and very naked Hawaii Five O cast members, be sure and check out the movie Big Bang with Antonio Banderas. Two words: Autumn. Reeser. Yowza. In lieu of a 2012 Grace Park, I offer you a completely dissimilar Lisa Heyse. Or, it may be Anna Heyse. I can't tell them apart.
Yeah thatd be a 30 min drive for ya, way more with traffic. Plus parking will be terrible because the drunken irish built the city like retards. Either way, it will be a blast for those of us on the correct side of the Mississippi.
My wife and I talked about it, but it wouldn't be smart to take a 4 month old kid out in this weather. I told her it would would be a good opportunity to get him acclimated to the cold for ice fishing but she disagreed.
Piss on 394 after work. My girlfriend lived in St. Louis Park this past summer and I refused to drive over there before 6:00. I have not worked with Ipe. It sounds like tough, dense, blade-killing stuff, which you find in lots of woods from the Amazon. If you haven't yet, you should stop by Youngblood Lumber on Central Ave to see their exotic species selection. They have some ridiculous stuff. I brought a few boards home from my last trip to visit family in Illinois thinking they were persimmon (Grandpa said so) and it turns out it's just some exceptionally dark black walnut after getting them planed a couple nights ago. Aw shucks. The grain is a little coarse for my liking but I've got a good 30 b/f of it planed and on hand and there's at least 10x that amount waiting for me to bring home in a barn loft. Fuckin awesome air-dried 12'x1' 4/4 boards.
One of our friends is going for a short bit with their three month old. I sure hope not for too long.
The snow is falling...it's going to be an unusually frigid weekend here. After all this mild weather, I guess we were due. Not much on the agenda this weekend, money is a bit low. At least I got some Coffee and Bailey's going right now.
This is some optimistic optometrist talk there. I hate Winter Retardation in drivers. It's sad to watch, really. Like a seagull piloting the space shuttle.