I may head over there tomorrow to check out the finals depending on how things work out. According to the Star Trib website, there was already a pretty serious crash on the course today involving major bone breakage. I missed out on the Red Bull Flutag so I really would like to see bodies flying all over the place.
The Girlfriend found a tiny, off-white puppy on the side of the road last night. After a miserable Friday 13th, this tiny thing was the highlight of our weekend. Pics to follow. It looks like a tiny polar bear.
I took the wolf on a walk tonight. He has to have freezer burn in his head to love cold weather this much. My roommate adopted him because his first owners didn't realize how big he'd get. I imagine he would have been a poofball as a puppy. I'd try and find out what you've got so there's no big big fuzzy surprises.
I'm further north than just sbout anyone in the lower 48. Nine miles out on lake of the woods and it's -15 degrees. And i'm drunk
How's the fishing? I'm thinking of heading down south to do some coyote hunting in the next couple of weekends.
I used to only smoke when I drink. Now, I don't smoke at all. It's been since New Years. You know, it's really not that hard to do, surprisingly. And it's been 65* F or so in GA all winter this year. It's been below 30* about 3 times, today being one of them. That's unseasonably warm, but we usually average a high temp of ~40* or so between December and February. Suck it, polar bears.* *Come see me in July, when it's 110* with 80% humidity. Sheesh.
Speaking of new year's resolutions, fun fact: today is January 13th. All of the women who were ovulating on New Year's Eve will be expecting their periods today.
You mean I get to be the guitar virtuoso with the James Deen swag and you get to be the shitty hip hopster who can't do anything without a sample? DONE. (i don't actually believe either of those things is true, but sure) EDIT: Did I just write James Deen by rote? I know too many horny twenty-something chicks.
Try quitting when you've smoked a pack a day for ten years, and your parents, and their parents all smoked. It is not easy. *Addictive personality may run in my family.
Good problems to have. But Kanye tops the list of celebrities alive that I'd want to do therapy with. A good majority of the clients I see come from folks who are in the arts or majoring in communication studies. My best guess is that's the key to their creativity. They see the world differently, which is why there is a constant clash or struggle with the world in general and the need for therapy in the first place.
Ahh, hammered posting on the TiB. I feel delightful this morning. Spoilered for terrible ms paint pic.
Booze and a quarter being delivered in a few. This will be fun. I need a recommendation for a movie/show. Something interesting and funny to someone who is hella stoned...
I was going to do Vegas in March 2013, then throughout USA for my next trip. But now I'm wondering if I should be looking elsewhere