Well, if you are gonna mess with psychotropic substances, might I suggest this? Or maybe some David Lynch? Or maybe some Rock & Rule?
I'm working on the bottle of Crown Royal I got in a family gift exchange at Christmas. It's going down very well with ice in front of the fireplace. I will let my hands rest in preparation for tomorrow when I will go like hell in my shop and destroy my fingers. Tonight I get to enjoy the rare pleasure of high grade wood shopping. A little bit of ambition has opened up a great opportunity to supply my venture for the next couple of years at prices I can afford today. Getting "insider" deals is fucking awesome.
I would, but the guy I would fuck is out with his buddies. Maybe when he gets home. Except the doctor specifically forbade any objects in my vagina for a week. Buzzkill.
My girlfriend and I were deprived of private time the last time we were together due to family being around damn near 24/7. She's going to be here next weekend. We've already determined the theme of the weekend will be "good restaurants" and "too much sex." Can't wait. Nothing like seeing each other once a month to get your priorities in order.
I was just trying to post an awesome song. Anybody that gives a crap, go to youtube and look up The Dirty Mac-Yer Blues. It's one of the best old blues songs I've ever heard. Props to tha Bandit.
Just went and spent $50 on two six packs, some chocolate, and two cheap bottles of wine. Fuck this week.
I hope my room mate stays gone because this kitchen is about to get destroyed in a frantic fusion of belly dancing and Running Man. BOOOOM!
You should check out Oslo: Burning The Bridge to Nowhere. He has some great lines in that one. Talking about Norway: "You're like Minnesota, if they lost 40 pounds and did a little bit of ethnic cleansing downtown. If Minneapolis had just a little bit of Hitler and Nutrisystems, they could call themselves New Oslo."