The last time I listened to a DAG episode, he was driving me nuts. He was whispering into the mic and speaking really softly, so I'd turn it up, then he'd start screaming, so I'd turn it down. Then he'd go back to talking softly and practically whispering. I finally got frustrated and turned it off. I either couldn't hear and understand what the fuck he was saying, or he was screaming and making my ears bleed. Maybe it was just that episode, but I've avoided DAG episodes since then.
Yeah... DAG doesn't do it for me either. The Adam on the House episode with Ray and Ozzie, where "Ozzie gives advice" is fucking hilarious though.
I was flipping through "Comcast On Demand" and I ran across The Adam Carolla Project, so I watched the first two episodes. They're not bad. I know what he was going for, but I think the show falls slightly short of the mark. Some of the jokes fall flat, and there isn't enough home improvement stuff yet to make it that informational. His crew is definitely entertaining, though, especially Ray and Ozzie, so I am hoping it picks up after the first couple of episodes once they get into the actual fixing of the house. So far, it has just been them demolishing everything.
I feel you, he is one of those maniacs on his own wavelength and does annoying shit while ignoring what's going on around him. The first of the two latest was a one on one with Dr Spazz sitting , DAG is surprisingly toned down. His bit about being an old black women with children named after prescription drugs was probably the funniest part. The last one he wasn't as bad as normal but not as low key as the one on one, but they talk about some funny ass shit. Anyone else still think Allison's "Zip it cunt" sign off is out of place and adds little to no, I'd argue negative comedic value when she struggles to say it around guest she respects, comedy? I remember it felt like a throw away line when Adam originally said it and his rationalization a while back on why it's a good sign off was fucking terrible. Honestly, it always rubbed me the wrong way and wasn't surprised when she started mentioning how no one (read: her) liked it.
You guys are racist. *Cue Brian drop about racial bigotry* He's like a black Robin Williams and I love the change of pace he brings. Adam fucking loves him and they play off each other well. He can pull so much out of his ass very few other people on the podcast can just riff like that. Maybe I just still love him from is In Living Color days, but I've loved it everytime he's been on.
I think I'm in the minority here, but I'm a HUGE fan of the Bald Brian drops. Some of my favorite parts of every episode is the very beginning when he plays the opening drops when Adam says "good day bald Brian."
I like Bald Brian too. Some of his drops are a little obtuse at times but they add another layer to Adams rants at others.
I really enjoy bald brian, I think Adam brings out the funnier side of him as The Film Vault was very very meh in the comedy department.
Holy fucking christ, I could not get through that Bai Ling podcast and it was only 45 minutes long, I tapped out at 30m. Holy fuck.
The most revent DAG episode had Adam burn more calories than he has in the last 10. How many times does he get that much into something? Wow.
Just listened to the most recent Aceman podcast with Fitzdog,,,, one of the funniest ones I've ever heard. I was in tears when they were talking about jerking off while running directly at the bear. Go listen to it.
Listening to the State of the Union podcast, definitely one of the best once he gets on the topic of divorce. Fucking perfect.
I normally don't dig Fitzsimmons but todays podcast was great. Nothing beats Adam's rants on LA police and chickenshit tickets. Kind of sad to hear about Donny but to be honest I am so oblivious to shit like this I didn't even realize he hadn't come on the mic in months until they brought it up yesterday. I wonder how he'd explain the situation, it always sounded like the Aceman belittled and badgered him a lot. I'd venture over to those messageboards but I don't care enough to read through that retardedness. I am also not digging the new website they put up, it's like the new timeline shit on facebook, to much shit going on, flash shit everywhere. I thought we got over that phase of shitty websites when google and facebook showed that simple is better... Still, my number one podcast. Adam rules.
Yes and yes. I never noticed that Donnie wasn't on the podcast. I've been listening to it for just over a year now, I think I started Aug/Sept '10 and I can't remember one memorable Donnie moment. I know he jumped on here and there but never noticed when he went. In regards to the new website, every time I open it, I get a pop-up box that says "Twitter failed to initialize." Also I miss the old pop-up player. It fit him perfectly. Weird that I miss it because its not like I stared at it or anything.
I thought today's broadcast with Kevin Smith was really good. Not real funny, but very interesting in seeing how a potential TV show can go sour just from miscommunication. I am still not sure who's side I would agree with.
The whole thing went to shit when Adam went for the Dr. Drew moves. Wrong approach to be like "Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. You're insane and not living in reality."
I am really starting to hate Allison. She tries WAY too hard to be funny, and her voice sounds like she has a broomstick up her ass. From what I've heard on the "commericals" about her podcast that seems like a joke as well. Jackass: "The first time I had oral sex, which means..." Allison: "Meaning she went down on you?" Does anyone anywhere NOT know what is meant when someone says "oral sex?" In semi-related news, Larry Miller is still awesome.