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Across the Lines

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My track record has been primarily white girls, but not out of preference really. I went to a homogenous suburban HS and an even more "white" college, so my options at times were limited despite the fact that my tastes always trended towards more exotic looking girls.

    My best friend in college was a safety on our football team, and despite the fact that his taste in girls was more white than most of the frat dudes I knew, I ended up hanging out with alot of black girls, mostly through his older brother, also on the football team. And even though I got along great with all of them, I think they thought of me as that funny, amusing white dude that they loved being around but had no desire to fuck, which sucked. I guess thats what happens when you're 5'11, 165 and all the other dudes are 6'2-6'3 and absolutely jacked. They spent most of their time being pissed that my friend didn't like black girls and never tried to hook up with me out of revenge, despite my mental wishes. They did teach me how to dance however and I'm thankful everyday for that rhythm lesson.

    Since I've moved to Chicago, its opened up a bit. I dated my first Latina who was probably the most attractive girl I've ever been with and dated a Filipino girl for awhile. Funny enough, seemingly unlike alot of guys here and who I know in general, I've never been into Asian girls, so my friends were surprised that I was dating her (you could say Filipino is different than Asian, whatever.). Then about 3 weeks in, she turned both flaky and obnoxious so it quickly ground to a halt. Oh well. I've still never been with a black or bi-racial girl, but its something I'm quite open about wanting to pursue given the opportunity.

    In a perfect world, I will marry a beautiful latina or bi-racial girl and have children who can actually tan without pain or significant effort. But knowing this, all my friends just assume I'll end up marrying some prototypical blond.
  2. ex Animo

    ex Animo
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    San Jose, CA

    Yeah... I love white girls. White girls and Latina girls. I'm an equal opportunity, but I tend to gravitate to White or Latina girls. God help me if it's a white AND Latina girl. Fuuuuuck.

    Honestly, as much as I love white girls - There are some really fucking ignorant white girls. The last girl I dated tried to argue with me about....well...the troubles of being black. Basically, I said that there are still some race issues out there in the world today. She said that everything was just peachy. Jesus.

    Dealing with white parents can be fun. Especially when I have a huge wall I have to tear down while I'm dating their daughter. I'm pretty harmless. I have a steady job, just graduated from a private school, and I don't get into any trouble whatsoever. I'm just gonna get into your daughter for a bit, but you know, whatever.

    I support interracial dating. I think it's awesome. Besides, it shouldn't really matter at the end of the day. In the end, you're into that person for who they are, not for what they are.
    #22 ex Animo, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  3. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    "But if people keep talking about racism, it's just going to make it worse! I don't see color, and as long as black people continue to talk about what's different, they're never going to advance! Why can't they be more open-minded like me!"
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I've never dated any black girls, but supplies are fairly limitied in my town. I have dated Korean, East Indian, Romanian (yowza) and Hispanic girls before. Mostly mighty white in my life, though.

    My wife is British, does that count?
  5. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    Most of the dudes I have been with/dated have all been white boys with brown hair and light eyes.

    There are approximately 3 exceptions I can think of:
    1) My high school boyfriend was half-Chinese. There's something about the mix of Asian/white that is all sorts of right. Every half-Asian I've ever known is ridiculously good-looking. I don't recall there ever being any issues with discrimination, only multiple jokes about how one day were were going to be Jon and Kate Plus 8.

    2) Last year I was seeing a half-brown dude for a while. I also am insanely attracted to a lot of brown guys. I'm guessing my affinity for all sorts of ethnicities comes from rebelling against growing up in the whitest place ever.

    3) There's a Spanish dude I fuck when we're both single, who reinforces all of those Latin lover stereotypes you've heard about.

    The dude now is so pale that we can probably pass as an interracial couple.
  6. Bryan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I am also a fan of half-Asian girls (a study showed that people did in fact prefer part-Asians over their pure white or Asian counterparts when it came to computer generated facial composites, my personal tastes preferred the photos that blended 25% Asian with 75% white for both sexes, if I recall correctly), but in real life it's probably because half-East Asians are disproportionately the progeny of wealthy fathers and hot mothers, usually white and Asian respectively. I also seem to know substantially more half-Asian girls than guys, might be a manifestation of beautiful people having more daughters, but probably my own memory bias.

    Two of my longest standing "relationships" have been with white girls from very white places. You might be onto something.
  7. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    I've only dated white girls but this thread is quite timely because I have recently started seeing an Afghani girl that is absolutely stunning. She looks nothing like the Afghani women I've seen on t.v. I've always been into exotic looking women but have never had the opportunity to date/fuck one because of where I grew up. She's a Muslim and I am a Christian but we both have a mutual respect for each other and have yet to have any problems concerning religion. I haven't met her parents yet but they are pretty traditional and I'm unsure about how they will feel when a blond guy shows up at their house. She doesn't have much of an accent but people will sometimes pick up on it and ask her where she is from. People guess a bunch of random places but are always shocked to learn that she's Afghani.
  8. Poopourri

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    Maybe this has already been brought up, but has anyone else noticed a difference in vaginas between races? I've hooked up with more than just a few black girls and with the exception of one they all had significantly bigger clits than any of the white women I had been with.

    This has been "What The Fuck Is Your Point?" with your host, Poopourri.
  9. dugbrandon

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    Village Idiot

    May 24, 2010
    Just that asians are sideways as has been mentioned.
  10. palmettosc

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Honest question/statement here. I'm only attracted to white girls. Am I missing out on something crazy? Are we so progressive that I'm in the small group (trying not to use minority here) of people that prefers their race over others? If I go black can I come back? Small town America needs to know.
  11. Bryan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nope. Can't say whether or not 'you're missing out on something crazy' (although I would fathom it's unlikely), but your preferences are hardly aberrant. It seems white girls are the most popular out of the major races from casual empiricism. Makes sense because white girls have the most ostensible sexually selected signals (light hair, light eyes, perhaps light skin) which apparently override the overall physical femininity and neoteny of East Asian girls. White girls, however, appear to be the most racially insular when it comes to internet dating (preferring guys of the same race more so than other girls): <>
  12. Poopourri

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    If you're asking if you're missing out on some sort of carnal pleasure that can only be attained through fucking girls of a different race, the answer is not really.

    I'm a pretty white bread guy, raised in the south. I know how to work a swamp skiff, hit a stinger 3-wood, and can play bluegrass on my cigar box guitar. I own seersucker suits, live and die by SEC football, wear fishing shirts every day, have ex girlfriends scattered across various sorority rows in red states, etc. Pretty much the pompous bumpkin asshole that a lot of people here picture me to be. Five bucks says we probably have pretty similar social circles and 99% of the time would find the same kinds of girls attractive.

    With all that being said, I was raised in a pretty minority heavy environment when I was younger, to the point that I was in the minority as a white kid. Race has never really been an issue, as far as interacting with people who aren't white, specifically women, but I can't sit here and say that when I imagine my future wife or some random hard bodied skank in my head that she's not white. I'm obviously open to other races, as I've hooked up with plenty of others, but the default setting in my head is white meat. In the interest of full disclosure, none of the girls I've hooked up with who weren't white acted like caricatures of their race, ie: broken english Asian squirting eels out of her ass, ghetto B.A.P.S. with red weave, etc. Hell, the most WASPY, wealthy, well spoken girl I've ever fucked was a black girl.

    I think a lot of it has to do with where you're raised. In the south, you're a product of your environment, whether you like it or not. Racial issues are obviously still prevalent down here, and that carries over into why you stick your dick into certain women and not others. I have friends who will say something along the line of "Man, she's hot for a black chick..." and not think twice about it, or ask "Seriously?" when they find out I've hooked up with black girls. Never asians, hispanics, etc...just black girls. Those kinds of comments don't strike me as racist, because they're my friends and I KNOW that they aren't, but it's like a split second window of direct insight as to the environment that they were raised in and in all likelihood, why they only find white women attractive.

    Or maybe I'm just over thinking all this shit, and really I'm just a dude who wants to try all the thirty one flavors at Baskin Robbins before I inevitably order vanilla, because hey...that shit is delicious. Doesn't mean I don't like one with a little fudge on it from time to time though.
  13. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    Or guys who were virgins until age 45 and mail-order brides.

    The one black girl I've hooked up with had an incredibly tight pussy (and was an absolute freak show). This confused me until I remembered that she had told me she was only attracted to white guys and had never fucked a black guy (the fact that she was 4'10" also probably had something to do with it).
  14. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    I've had kinda similar reactions from people who see that I'm married to a Mexican. Questions like "So, do you eat Mexican food every night?", or before our son was born, it was all "What color do you think the kid is going to be?" (because I'm almost albino and she's obviously dark complected) and "Is your kid gonna speak Spanish or English?". It's like, that's what people around here associate Mexicans with, so my life must be just one giant fiesta. Its like you say, these aren't bad people, they just don't know any better for whatever reason- lack of exposure, local environment, whatever. Hell, it's not even like I was all that knowledgeable before I met The Wife- she was only the second interracial relationship I've ever been involved with (the other was half Thai), and I might even have you beat for the "Whitest White Guy Here" award, so I understand where the ignorance comes from. But its like you said- it really does give you insight to certain things when you are on the other side of the situation.

    I'm just extremely lucky to be married to someone who might be the most understanding and unoffendable person I've ever met, who is able to joke about certain things like her race and give as good as she gets without thinking there is something underlying in the comments made.

    But to be fair, if yall've seen my recent posts in the Cooking Thread, most people really aren't that far off with their first question. But eff them if they don't like it- Mexican food is awesome! And the kid is olive-complected and will be bilingual! I'm friggin' Livin' La Vida Loca over here!

    EDIT: Oh, and I fully expect our son to be able to mow the lawn by the time he's 3. Thas some good Messican jeans, right thar! Jus' like his momma! (Thanks Nett for the reminder)
  15. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Where I live, pretty much the only people with first world cultural backgrounds are white people and asians. Because I went to an unusual highschool, I got a bit more exposure to hispanic/indian (dot) and pacific islander girls, and my penchant for backpackers means that I've fucked people from every inhabited continent, and most of the major ethnic groups - but mostly asian or caucasian.

    The notably under-represented group is black girls, or specifically African girls. My problem is that on a social/cultural level, I don't really gel with most African migrants, while it's not deliberate - I just get on better with people who have a western first world cultural background, and while I'm attracted as fuck to a lot of african american girls - being in Australia makes it problematic to pursue.

    In terms of the racial barriers I have regularly crossed, I've never had an issue or any problems. A bunch of my friends drooled their fucking brains out over the Phillipina (she's half honky, but appears 100% pinoy) girl I was playing with last year - but nobody had any problems with it. We don't really see each other any more, but we still have plans to at some point go to a costume party as fat bald white guy in a hawaiian shirt with a trophy asian child sex slave (she's mid 20's, but looks about 15). The rich irony of that costume is that it's basically her parent.