This is nuts, Wipeout awards from Billabong. Pay close attention to the slow motion replay and you can sometimes catch the guys being flung inside the wave and skipping over the water like a rock.
The cherubic Whitney Houston above reminded me of this Russian singer. Wait until the chorus when he busts out the soprano C. Insane. Also, the video has accordion players wearing executioner hoods, so the whole thing comes highly recommended.
Pedophile Canadian game show host. Good Lord this guy is creepy. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Again no idea if someone has posted this before and couldn't be bothered looking but most people not from Aussie wouldn't likely have seen this. Turned out to be a hoax but funny as hell.
Now this is what I call a sports commercial. Simply awesome...I'm surprised things like this aren't made more often.
I become borderline addicted to these guys for a while after watching the movie Wristcutters. Put it inside a spoiler to keep the size down. Spoiler
Since mothers day is coming up i thought of this one. This shit is hilarious. . If anyone can explain to me how i can put the original video from NBC up i will change the link. Do you have to use the code, URL or what when you embed it when it is not off of youtube? Thanks.