I was going to post this in the thread about the teen werewolves but figured no point in bumping a dead thread, besides this is funny enough to stand on it's own.
Don't know if these have been posted before but they truely represent the glory of the youtube. The best of Russia Lady Gaga Chatroulette And last a moment of inspiration x 40:
Very cool "Famous Art in 3D" video. It's NOT what you'd expect. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.snotr.com/video/4262" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.snotr.com/video/4262</a>
A friend of mine is trying his hand at becoming a viral sensation. I'm doing my part by posting this here.
I haven't seen this here yet [and yes I know it has been around for awhile, but I just saw it myself a couple days ago] but it is fucking hilarious:
High New Zealander thinks bomb scare is "pretty trippy stuff, aye." Also, dots are the same as spots or hot knifing (heating weed up with hot knives). I like that out of all the people there, the reporter picked this guy to talk to him.
This is a clip from a canadian cooking show called Des Kiwis et des hommes. The asian guy is trying to show the hosts how to cook a Royal Clam. The video is in french, but it's still pretty funny even if you don't understand what they are saying. Skip to 0:55 to see what a Royal Clam looks like.
What the hell has this girl been eating ? http://www.break.com/index/lighting-fart-girl-torches-butt.html