The first half is the best and parts are a bit repetitive, but the first time I saw this I fell apart. It became a running joke between a few friends that whenever we tripped someone would say "What? Who put that there?"
Possibly NSFW. Err on the side of caution. Not YouTube, but a video nonetheless. This is from the same guys who made the dancing badgers videos. I really don't know what to make of this, but it can't be any more mind-numbing than the dancing pedophile you guys posted earlier on this thread. From Twitter: Yes, THAT Ben Corman.
Crazy fight between two young women and an elderly couple .... Grandma just won't back off.
Drunk monkeys If monkeys can do it, so can I. Interested in learning more? Don't forget to look up the Drunken Monkey Hypothesis: The more you know.
In case you're deploying or something, and need a whole year's worth of LOL/WTF/etc: Taking a leopard for a quiet Sunday drive
I don't know why, but I just can't get enough of it..... "It fun to do bad dings" was a running joke between myself, my brother, and all of his friends for a long time in high school. I miss those kind of people in college, not many of them where I go to school....