In the same vain as the video above, the new single from Cee-Lo. The song is amazing, and the video is pretty damn neat too. Fuck, all the YouTube ones have been taken down so here's a link to the Vimeo one.
If you have an hour to spare, watch this! At least watch the beginning to see what he's about. Few things are more fascinating than watching someone who's the best at what they do. Especially when that person is so limited elsewhere. Derek Paravicini - The Musical Genius Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
I don't usually like mash-ups, but this is fucking brilliant. (I looked back about 8 pages and didn't see it, if this is a re-post please delete)
I'm not sure if this video is supposed to make me hungry or make me want to go to vegas with my tuition money and spend it all on hookers and blow.