I'm just gonna put this here, I guess it could go in the tech thread but I'm here now. I can't seem to find a better quality vid. How long have these been around? I don't live under a rock or anything but I had no idea.
Plinkett's review of Episode III is finally up: http://www.redlettermedia.com/ If you haven't seen his reviews of Episode's I and II, do yourself a favor and watch them first. All of his shit is hilarious, but these three are shining jewels.
I have been on this ride , or at least one very similar to it and let me tell you , it's a bastard of a ride , particularly when you're in your 30s, those in their 30s and beyond here will know what I'm talking about.
Saw this not too long ago. I wasnt sure where to put it: here or the Old Movie Review thread. Its an 80s after school movie called The Wave, which is based on a true story. Its about a high school teacher performing a social experiment with his class showing them how the Nazis became so powerful and supported in Germany. Its a pretty interesting experiment and I cant imagine anything like this ever going over well in schools in 2011. Its about 40 minutes, the below video being the first part. But definitely worth checking out.
The breakfast of booze. http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicMealTime#p/u/7/wZDv9pgHp8Q And the Meat Salad http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicMealTime#p/u/0/wFB_vHVFM_8 Can't get the youtube link to work since it's from a channel I guess.
Whatta dumbass. Oh and she's suing the mall not because she's physically hurt, because she's butthurt.