I've seen the bar fall silent for far worse singers before. That's my favorite thing about Irish country bars, a man can stand up totally blocked, start singing and if he has the respect of the bar everyone will fall silent and listen.
Pretty funny "where not to be" video of the recent Christchurch 6+ magnitude earthquake. It's the security footage of people in a hardware store. You know, those places with rows upon rows of hard, sharp, implements-of-murder for sale.
A fellow Porsche Nut I know in LA had his garage showcased in Popular Mechanics and a few web sites recently. I covet his garage. Best part is that it was all done with stupidly cheap used stuff from Craigslist. Some of those cabinets are old bank furniture that weigh hundreds of pounds. I can't find the link right now, but the running thread he had while he was building it up last year was entertaining as hell.