This is amazingly good for being basically all voiced, animated and colored by one guy. It's basically kinda like, "What if Star Fox the game became a good adult cartoon?"
"Ray Ray ,kick rocks with no socks and flip flops..." I am dying. God bless her soul. RIP Auntie Fee
I have not been here in aaaaaaaaages. I thought this was worth sharing. A very interesting and informative interview.
I listened to this and the one from last week. I love Joe Rogan, but he is never more out of his element than when he's with PHD level philosophers.
One thing I deal with as a farmer is misconceptions about what I do by people who have very limited knowledge about agriculture. A few people have been trying to remedy this problem by sharing what they do on YouTube. My favorite channel is MN Millennial Farmer. He farms in Western Minnesota, about 30 miles from me. He's articulate and entertaining, and makes a point to be honest and transparent about what he does. He's a great representation of what a typical farm in the corn belt is like. Definitely worth checking out.
So yeah... I'm addicted to this channel now... thanks for sharing. If you're looking for a 30 minute overview, he just uploaded a good interview/overview recap of his channel done by Farm Flix
A canadian magician who just runs a really interesting and well-produced channel explaining some of his stuff, doing crazy puzzles, and a bunch of street magic. Just good entertainment.
Along the lines of other cool channels to follow, these guys shoot crazy exotic and homemade ammo out of shotguns. Except it isn't so much a gun channel, as it is a physics channel. The slo-mos and explanations for things is what really provides the entertainment value, and their recent video is a good example of why I love them:
I am not a fan of most of this guy's material, but this made me laugh harder than anything that I've seen in awhile: Spoiler But I am disappointed that he didn't include anything about James Buchanan.