I'm grateful for low interest rates and positive gearing otherwise my seven figure property debt would keep me up at night. (Going to fix this very soon becuase I'm 90% certain the US economy is going to implode next year and drag us with you) I'm grateful my woman goes to the gym 4 times a week and works full time. (Several of my mates wives have turned into hambeasts and spend all day making the couch sweaty and spending money they didn't earn. This is uncool.
Remember what I said about servility? That's exactly it. Next weekend I'll have a bed to fuck and cuddle in; in the meantime, I don't care to comfort myself with the suffering of others (and besides, what's the guy with the crazy bitch got to be grateful about? And what's the crazy bitch supposed to grateful for?). Tonight I have my couch and French TV stations and the knowledge that at no time is the world in the most perfect of all possible conformations.
Family. They are one thing I can always count on. They have seen me through my worst and they have never given up on me. I used to be such a shitty kid, I am amazed that they never gave me the boot. Health. For my family and myself. Lastly would be my close friends. Those are the three things that I appreciate most above all. And hot witty girls posting their pictures on forums in their bikinis. God Bless You All.
People have claimed that I am the last young girl who knows the meaning of the word gratitude. I live my life eternally grateful for all I have. I never forget those who have been good to me, and I never forget when things weren't always so wonderful.