Interesting that she is painted as dishonest for wearing a girdle. Any of you guys use Just for Men? Have plugs? Any of that fancy powder hair shit that hides your baldness? Wear clothes too big so you don't look too fragile? Any man-makeup in use? Any big fancy car to hide that tiny penis? Nobody likes looking like the shit we do. We all present ourselves so we don't look inferior to someone else. The girl was trying to look good. Have a tiny drop of compassion. Not for the crazy scream of "rape" though. Fuck that noise.
I think I just read up to "girdle" and my brain went, "Whaaaat?" I'm amazed there's someone who's not: on the red carpet over 60 years old wearing Spanx and whatnot. I thought they were only reserved for those populations. What kind of girl wears a girdle? Am I missing a Modern Girl Secret? Is that what's missing in my life to bring home lads like Tom?
I'll be honest, the thing I'm getting hung up on is how some of us are expecting good manners in a random hook-up gone bad with both parties being drunk at 4 am. I mean, yes, it's the right thing to do, but really? Although I've never had something like that happen to quite that degree, I have had women's boobs completely come off in my hand (bras these days are amazing btw), and now-a-days apparently they have padded jeans, which just serves to make kittens cry. Granted, I've always still slept with the person, because 90% of the time it has never been just one characteristic of a person, random or otherwise, that attracts me to them, but I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't disappointed. With that said, my worst "ex" so to speak was when I was young and foolish and slept with a married supervisor at a bank I used to work at. We hadn't really even flirted (or maybe she tried, I don't know, but I was 19 and so clueless you practically would've had to drop trou and bend over in front of me for the lightbulb to finally come on), but one year we had a holiday party at a swanky hotel. I went, had a couple of drinks, but she got a bit too buzzed and asked me to drive her home to be safe. Which turned into "could you walk me in my husband isn't home" to "do you want a drink" to bing bang boom. Of course I was all over that and a fun affair took its course over about a 2 month period, until she told me she wanted to leave her husband and kids because she never felt more alive, which freaked me out and led to pretty much the most uncomfortable month stretch at work until I found a new job.
Ok, less serious rant: Listen, dudes, with the exception of the uber-hipsters whose pants are so tight I'd know whether or not their balls are shaved before they get naked, it is a completely surprise reveal EVERY TIME we see you naked for the first time. Sure, there are the Cosmo-esque hints about height/foot size/hand size ratios (which LIE TO US sometimes and it's THE WORST), but we never have any idea what we're going to be working with before the boxers are off. But we're still expected to react with tact at worst, and hiding our indifference on average. If we were to react with disgust or hastily leave with some lame excuse after our eyes lingered on your dick with a sorrowful look in our eyes, you'd be upset too. In fact, I'm sure it has been the trigger for those guys who end up walking into a women's gym and open-firing or murdering hookers because "no one would miss them." Over and out.
No, no, no, no, and no. And my fancy car just makes my already enormous penis just look more formidable.
Honestly the way he described it sounds more like a corset than a girdle. I also agree with what Pimptress said; I think it's bullshit to call something like that a bald-faced falsehood.
Ok so, totally agree with this. I own a horrible set of Spanx because I have a very fancy cocktail dress that is so slinky that you can basically see every hair/seam in your undergarments/weird lumps/etc, but I have only ever worn it under this dress and to black tie events. If there was even a possibility of someone seeing me naked later that night, I would NOT be wearing spanx/I would ninja them off in the bathroom before I got naked in his presence. Who are these people wearing them on a regular basis? Or for romantical situations?
Well, Spanx do have a slit in the crotch...under the right circumstances, that could be romantic. To Mormons, that is.
Sorry to resurrect this from a page ago, but...what? I see two problems with this logic: 1. The guy faking the big dick opened himself up to criticism by, in fact, faking the big dick. If you're about to sleep with someone for the first time, and they've lied about nothing - no ultra-tight body suit to hide fat, no Walmart tube sock to fake a big dick - and you discover some aspect of them you find unappealing, then by all means...STFU. But if they've lied about themselves, then game on. S/he deliberately misrepresented him/herself. 2. Acknowledging the truth makes you a bad person...? That's the bit I'm having trouble with. It's okay for someone to have a flaw. It's okay to be repulsed by it. It's just not okay to talk about it or acknowledge it. That, right there, is what's wrong with so many aspects of our culture. Carry on with the de-re-railing of the thread.
I sort of hate girdles now. Depressing story time: (I swear I'm actually quite a happy person. Just somehow this week everything I post here is really depressing. Except the puppy cam.) Anyway, I'd been sleeping with a girl for a couple of months. Obviously, I'd seen her naked and liked her body. (Apparently yoga does a body good.) One night I take her out to dinner and she's wearing a little black dress. She's looking good, I'm whispering dirty things in her ear over dinner, and it's generally shaping up to be an excellent night. We get back to mine, dress hits the floor, and... girdle. I'm mildly bemused by this, but what the hell, right? (At least I understand the point of a girdle. This business of the all pervasive bronzer/blush combo where every girl I see, regardless of whether she's white, black, asian, or purple, has to have an identical complexion? That weirds me the fuck out. But whatever, you put out the bait for the fish you're looking to catch, and I don't happen to be that fish.) We're getting naked, life is good from my perspective. But then, she gets self conscious over the girdle. Starts obsessing over whether or not I think it's ridiculous. I am reassuring in that way that only a guy that wants to get laid can be, but in the meantime she is struggling to get it off. I have to help her out of it, which makes no nevermind to me, but which she finds humiliating. And it gets her in this headspace where she just feels totally unsexy, and self conscious, and ridiculous. The mood is effectively killed, and we spend an hour cuddling instead. Now I am, generally speaking, pro cuddling. As an alternative to dirty sex though, it lacks a certain something. Like orgasms. In short, fuck girdles.
Also, I think everyone's missing the point with the whole girdle thing. The real shocker in this whole thread, which no-one else seems to be as disturbed by as me, was back on page 1. I hate to ask this question because my mind shudders away from the immensity of the horror it contains, but ladies: is this a thing? Have you actually run across guys that wear shit-stained boxers? I've been trying to come to terms with this for the last couple of hours and I just cannot get my mind around it. What the fuck? Please, please tell me that Pinkcup is just horribly unlucky and hanging out in the local premature incontinence district. I can't believe I'm even asking this question, but guys, do any of you knowingly wear shit stained boxers? I need a drink.
My craziest ex cheated instead of taking the offered open relationship, and then married the guy she had boring sex with to start a home business farming gold in MMO's. One of my current girlfriend's has pretty epic depression, that she's normally medicated for and not crazy. Her doctor fucked up her meds before christmas and she's been in and out of hospital with suicide attempts and shit since new year. Nothing funny at all. For all my whoring, I'm pretty good at dodging the seriously crazy.
I have an unfortunate habit of attracting crazy like a moth to the fucking flame. The last girl I was seeing was a fucking lunatic which I didn't see until too late and had ignored on more than one occasion warnings from friends. Among other things she had put a former boyfriend of hers in hospital with a knife wound. Continual mind games and other little ploys. Would lose her shit at some simple offhand joke or comment that had nothing at all behind it and not talk to me for days. She was one of those girls that would want to kill another girl for saying hello to you or looking in your direction yet it was perfectly acceptable for her to grind on anyone and everyone and flirt like crazy while your next to her. At a party at mine someone said something that she took offense to that was preety harmless and she spent the next 5 hours in the bathrrom crying and then a day later had carved something into her arm with a pencil sharpner blade. She apparently still contacts my mum and asks how I'm going but has nothing nice to say to me. The stories could go on for pages but I'll leave it at that, last I heard of her she was back with an abusive ex who is paranoid as he is stupid and she was now getting into all sorts of drugs depsite her often and loudly announcing how she despised drugs. And she is working as a prostitue also. I can only go up from here right?
Honestly the weirdest one I dated was the one i mentioned in the eats like a six year old thread. I guess sane and intelligent people have a way of finding each other.
Ok, this made me laugh out loud. "Hey, you have size 19 feet and your index finger is longer than your pinky finger by approximately 5/8ths on an inch! WHERE THE HELL IS THE REST OF YOUR DICK?"
A 7 foot tall guy with a tiny dick must look doubly ridiculous. His misfortune is compounded by the world's unluckiest proportions.