I was told by some women (at least 3) at college that I have "large hands"* - my parents both have larger hands than me. As a result, I have long fingers - something probably not uncommon for people with supposedly large hands, right? I wear a shoe size 11.5 U.S. (10.5 U.K.) - sometimes I wear a 12 (11) because half-sizes are a bitch to find. I wonder why my dick size is not in proportion to this. Fuck my life. *Maybe those females had tiny hands? I wouldn't know how to gauge hand size, unless it's smaller or larger than mine?
That's exactly what you want though. When she has her little hands wrapped around your dick it makes it look heaps bigger. If she had giant truckosaurus hands then it would look like she was holding a tic tac.
How do you know it won't happen? How do you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that a veritable stranger, who's proving to be an irrational person at best, WON'T follow through with their threat?
Seriously? Let me spell it out: The fact that the woman in Tom's story didn't follow through on her threat does not mean other women wouldn't. It doesn't make that threat any less frightening. By your logic, if a man threatens to rape a woman, until that woman gets a rape kit that comes back positive, any other rape threat in history is "fantasy at best". Apparently the month-long drunk thread we just finished turned half the board into drooling retards, because a lot of the "intelligent discourse" since looks like the result of a half-assed abortion by an hourly med school dropout who said "Fuck it, I'm going back to college" halfway through.
I'm not missing the point or being dense. Having a different opinion from you is okay. Look, I completely understand that what she threatened is wrong. It's a form of intimidation. It's scary. But you know what? In THIS story, the one we're actually talking about and disagreeing over, the girl in question DIDN'T file rape false rape charges. It doesn't make what she did ok. However, threatening=/=doing. Your rape analogy is a logical fallacy, and on top of that, I am not denying that rapes have happened in the past in other scenarios. I'm honestly not even sure what you're getting your getting your panties in a wad about. Is it that I disagree with you in this instance? Or is it more about your resentment of the small amount of power that some women have wrongly used to dominate men? Because aside from this thread, and talking to you at other times, I am picking up on some serious resentment issues towards women. And with that, I'm finished derailing the thread. Peace out, girl scouts.
You got me. I have a compulsively overwhelming resentment toward women which is the only motivation for my post. Unlike some of the posters in this thread, I can handle opinions counter to mine. What pisses me off is Tom being dogpiled as if he's a terrible human being, an asshole, blah blah whine whine. And further, your response to shimmered's questions was worded in a way that was completely dismissive of the accusation being thrown out in other scenarios, and counter to your last post, also suggested that it wasn't that big a deal because she didn't follow through and actually file the charges. I will apologize for the overly aggressive tone of my post. The end comment wasn't directed at you specifically, but at many posts over the past few weeks. That said, are you fucking serious? A personal snipe about resentment issues, followed by the equivalent of "I'm going to take my ball and go home now!"?
I'll bite: which one? <a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies</a>
Bewildered, I <3 you, but holy cow...what are you thinking here? I once watched a National Geographic special about elephants. Apparently elephants defend their young/territory by stampeding whatever they perceive as a threat. Sometimes, though, the stampede is just an idle threat and the elephant charges its 'victim,' but stops short of actually running it down and killing it. When the announcer asked how a person could tell if an elephant was stampeding, or if it was just blustering with a fake charge, the expert said: "When it's just blustering, it stops. When it's for real, it doesn't." Your logic about screaming rape here is in that same vein. Who in the name of Christ is willing to call that bluff? "Oh, she won't really call the cops and scream rape." Until she does. Tom is, like, 6'5. Who is ever going to believe that the girl stood a chance at fighting him off? Most times in life, women get the short end of the stick. In this regard (sexual assault), as with child custody, I think that they wield far too much power from a societal and a legal standpoint. The mere accusation is enough to ruin someone for life; it doesn't have to be grounded in any sort of reality. That chick, while she may or may not be crazy, is certainly a conniving bitch who deserves everything she gets. Falsely accusing someone innocent of rape is right up there with forcing sexual contact on someone who has said no.
I would never and have never put up with that kind of inconsiderate, borderline-retarded behavior. It's shit like this that has done a wonderful job of warning me of impending insanity. I've found via my friends experience and you poor bastards that crazy comes in steps. 1. Asking what you're up to. 2. Asking if the opposite sex is going to be there. 3. Demanding that you call every ten minutes so they know you're "safe". 4. Strapping a GPS device to your ankle while you're sleeping. Please answer me this one question. Why do you put up with bullshit like I quoted above?
This whole rape accusation semantics angle that you've gone off on is mind numbing. I've read through this thread twice trying to figure out just what your point is and where you're going with this, and I'm baffled. Was he supposed to give more consideration to her demand to remain in his home alone since she only threatened to have him arrested? You seem like you are either tediously argumentative or painfully stupid.
I feel like bewildered may have worn a girdle on her wedding day. Rumor has it she also had to threaten her husband with false rape charges to get him to marry her. This is what I liked about the heavy moderation on the rmmb. Idiots were silenced and ridiculed for their ridiculous statements. It's almost like she is trolling us.
Also, I have to say...anyone can say no at any time during a sexual encounter. Does that suck if it happens? Sometimes. But...sometimes you think you know what you're doing...and suddenly realize...it's not right. Yeah, you may have led the person on to that point and goddamn does that make you an asshole, but guilt isn't a reason to go through with having sex. One shouldn't be guilted into sex. One also has the right to remove anyone from their home for any reason. They're guests. You don't owe them anything except a certain amount of hospitality, and once that's exhausted, or proven wasted, kicking them out doesn't make you an asshole...it makes you the person in charge of your domain. Was it dickish to back out? Sure. Especially for such shallow reasons, but truth be known, we have tastes and sometimes the beer goggles come off and that 10 is suddenly a 2 and everything isn't working anymore. Why in God's name would she WANT to stay there? Regarding crazy ex's... It wasn't a sword or anything but...I think threatening me with a shotgun in our kitchen marks mine as certifiable.
Goddamn, people. You're so fucking eager to jump on Bewildered and for pointing out that actual rape accusations, made publically and making a threat of pursuing rape charges aren't the same thing. But here's the thing: They aren't. Y'all are missing the point. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has defended this chick's accusations. No one is denying that threatening to accuse a man of rape (when he has not, in fact, raped you) is beyond fucked up. Everyone knows this. There's no need to hammer this fact in. No one is denying that t0m88 did the correct thing in his situation--which was, in case anyone is confused, to kick her crazy ass out of his apartment. Some of y'all have a valid arguing point: There is literally no way to figure out, in the moment, whether the unhinged person threatening to accuse you of rape is actually going to follow through on that threat. You simply cannot tell. Just like when a man threatens to rape a woman, she will never be able to immediately predict with reasonable certainty if he is going to follow through on his threat and start to rape her. This is basically common sense, but I'm glad we've reiterated it over and over. That was a nice refresher course. The point, though, was this: In this narrative, she was threatening to pursue rape charges against t0m88. But she didn't. This is absolutely horrifying and beyond fucked (as we've established multiple times!). However! She did not actually attempt to press rape charges. That would be beyond "pretty terrible" and entering into "holy shit, t0m88 really got fucked and damn the wheels of injustice are spinning at lightspeed." I'm not making light of t0m88's predicament at that point in time. I'm positive that was a super-scary moment for him and I am deeply sorry that he had to experience such a thing. Truly, I sympathize. But his two qualifications for her "craziness" in this thread were as follows: She wore unflattering shapewear underneath her clothes and she threatened to accuse him of rape. The first point is stupid and reflects poorly on t0m88. The second is valid. In the first scenario, it's been established that t0m88 was reacting in drunken horror at seeing...shapewear. That's why he got soft, that's why his dick supposedly retracted, and that's why he wanted nothing to do with her. In the second, it's been reasonably reconstructed to reveal that she was reacting in drunken horror at his total rejection of her unclothed body. TO REITERATE AGAIN, for those who intentionally misread things, her retaliation was way more fucked up than his original offensive reaction to shapewear. However, if the goal is to make him feel as shocked and horrified as she was when he retreated from her super-scary underpants, she succeeded. Yet another disclaimer for the reading impaired: I do not condone her methods of retaliation. Not at all. But is she truly "crazy," or just a particularly malicious brand of irrational vengeance? Because the two things are not the same at all. They can't be, because the outcomes of threats and actual accusations are entirely different. One has consequences, the other doesn't. True "craziness" would be claiming he raped her (fantasy) when he didn't (reality). Bewildered can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was her point.
So... Crazy exes, yeah? I have a tendency to date relatively stable individuals because otherwise, my own crazy would fuse with theirs to form a vortex of rage, chaos, and neverending monkey sex. Still, my overwhelming penchant for military men lead me to the Ex. Former Marine Corps mortarman, three Middle East tours, and batshit insane because of it. There was the time I woke up in the middle of the night because he was attempting to smother me while still asleep. Or the time we got into a fight so loud the neighbors called the cops, I was shoved into a door repeatedly, and he punched a hole through the bathroom wall. Or all the times I had to clean up after, take care of, and make excuses for a man four years my senior. Or all the times after we broke up that he patronized the bar I worked at, always sitting as close to the service bar as possible so that he could whisper obscenities to me as I collected my tables' drinks. Or the time he threatened to beat me in a parking lot because I'd been drinking and bowling at his [replacement] girlfriend's workplace, and made her uncomfortable by virtue of my presence. Or the time I decided he must have grown up in the three years we'd been apart and dated him again, only him to turn out just as unstable as before (though I guess that was more my crazy than his). Nothing to see here but a trainwreck, folks.
I like the fact that the whole situation could have been fine if Tom's chick spent some time on a treadmill instead of covering her fat ass up and making empty threats.
Damn it, man, I was trying to get this shitshow back on track! Seriously, though. Cardio works. Or, you know, not being so tanked when you meet someone that you don't realize their arms look like ham hocks. Spanx doesn't hide the Hi Helens, boys. Or a double chin.