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Anal? That'll Cost Ya Extra, Buddy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mental, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Nope. Sure, had I had fun with girls after parties but never had sex because I have a little integrity. Purely physical encounters got old in a hurry for me because they weren't emotionally fulfilling, and shitty handjobs just plain suck.

    The first half of your post is spot on but the second half? Gimme a fucking break.

    It shouldn't be a surprise you can count me in the "never gonna do it because I have no interest in it" crowd.
  2. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.

    It is one thing to fuck a girl who turns out to be faking or playing up her interest. It is a completely different thing to pay money to guarantee that that's going to happen.

    Jagermeister is terrible, like maple syrup cut with battery acid.

    But most of the guys are saying that they want the woman to be into it, not that they need some deep spiritual bond. And I doubt the guys who DO want an emotional connection are having too many one night stands, so I'm not sure who you're mocking with this.

    Really? You think that it's white-knighting to reveal a personal distaste for having sex with people who aren't into it? How low do you think the bar is, here? I hope that you're not so cynical as to believe that it's outlandish that a person with a penis could place a premium on the sexual pleasure of their partner, because that's just...sad. Tragic, even.

    Bet you the cheerleader is more likely to leave the quarterback if she knows how well you fuck, though.
  3. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I'm out on this thread. Some of you, just wow.
  4. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I haven't...yet, but I think it's well within the realm of possibility. Seeing street walkers retracts my penis and hurts my soul, but non-destitue knock outs who work for a reputable, regulated agency of some kind? I could see it.

    The biggest obstacle is my lack of funds, because I wouldn't do it for just a single hour some night. Seems like a waste. I'd want two girls out at my place for a weekend, washing my truck in bikinis, taking baths and 69ing on the couch while I eat pizza. Something like that. Either way, not happening on my current salary.

    Another (smaller) obstacle would be oral. I'm lucky enough to know from (very long ago) experience what two girls going down on me is like, and wearing a condom would just feel wrong. But I would wear a condom, and that makes me question whether it would be worth it (probably would). Same goes for oral on her/them. One of my top three sexual bucket list items is going down on a girl...with another girl. But there's a zero per cent chance I could actually go down on a hooker, unless she showed me her test results from the day before (and hadn't been with anyone else). Is that a thing?

    Regarding the legal issue, of fucking course it should be legal, taxed and heavily regulated (escorts AND clients should have to be tested first, in my opinion). Of all the things we've deemed illegal over human history, prostition is CLEARLY the one we love doing most (it even happens in countries where the penalty is death -- DEATH!). So in the interest of all involved, and society in general, the only thing that makes sense is to legalize it.

    As a side note, anyone else find it hilarious that a lot of the guy posts in this thread have effectively scared off the majority of TiBettes from posting? Nice work, gents.
  5. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Have I fucked women I'm not attached to emotionally? Yes. Would I again? Probably, if put in the right situation. Would I pay for the privilege? No, I can't say I would. I'm also perfectly capable of rejecting an unsuitable opportunity to get my dick wet. Besides, what cute girls want to fuck someone they are not into? That sounds exactly like a situation I would avoid, because it reeks of consequences like pregnancy, std's, accusations or just a crazy bitch trying to ruin your life over a piece of sex you shouldn't have had to begin with.

    Also, I'm past the point in my life that I'm gunning for a one-night stand, or at least, most forms of meaningless sex. I've learned that it's better when it's fulfilling and in that respect, I'm choosing quality, constant sex over the simple need of shooting a single load off. To quote Doug Stanhope, "no one ever woke up and said, 'Boy am I glad I got a hooker last night!' I could've jerked off and saved myself $300."

    I highly disagree that it's immature to prefer sex in a relationship, than the kind of sex Motley Crue members seek.
  6. subgeniuschick

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Canada eh!
    I'm a female and I don't personally know ANY women that have, or have even thought of, paying for sex. So when I see the 400lb woman w/ a kid or two in tow — well this comes to mind.

    In all serious though. I'm not going to say that all men everywhere would screw your 95 y/o Gramma if they had the chance because some men are gay.

    The whole problem I can see in the paying part is it kinda takes out "the being wanted" aspect of it. So sure, you hook up w/ that gal at the bar because you thought the way she could tuck three shots of tequila in her boobs was really cool, and maybe she liked liked you back because, well who knows. Point is that it is mutual. If I'm reading through some of the posts here correctly, that seems to be what a few of the guys are trying to say and paying for sex would certainly remove that aspect of the whole thing.

    edit: typos
  7. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    I can only speak for myself, but as a pimply-faced 23-year-old, I never really gave two shits about the cheerleaders. I never said anything against one night stands or expressed a need for some deep soulmate experience every time I pull my dick out. If a girl walks up to me out of the blue/meets me at a party/picks my dick out of a hat, it's her choice, and she has a desire to fuck me, else she wouldn't be doing it. That's a far cry from doing it for money.

    If you can't understand that a direct sex for money transaction is completely different from wining and dining or a drunken one night stand (which apparently you can't, judging by the abortion of a post you made), I don't know what to tell you.

    If you'll excuse me, I have to go shit up a perfectly good thread with a mindless rant that assigns certain beliefs and mindsets to other posters based on my highly flawed interpretation of their posts. Oh wait...
  8. Psychodyne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    State of Hockey
    Yeah, so I'm paraphrasing. However, both of these statements are true to a certain extent, and I think it has a lot to do with that elusive "maturity" word being tossed around in another thread. Winterbike's post was a good example of that. If what I read was correct, he used to do what Misanthropic stated at one point in his life, but because of experience and all that "growing up" bullcrap, he learned that wasn't as fulfilling to him as what he's doing now. Fair enough. But let's not pretend for a moment that our early 20's selves didn't react fairly close to what Misanthropic described. Or at least I won't pretend, because I haven't always been the Paragon of Morality and Finder of Lost Souls I surely am now. Besides, that Beef n' Cheddar totally wanted me, so fuck you.

    I have never rented a prostitute. It's crossed my mind in the past when I was younger, and I might have even done it if I knew where to find one, had any money at the time, and wasn’t afraid of getting arrested. But I didn't, and didn't, and was, so it probably was for the best that it never happened. C'est la vie. It's not something I'm interested in now, either, because not only will I not jeopardize my current relationship, and am still concerned about getting arrested, but I'm in the same boat as Nom in my thoughts of personal responsibility. I do think it should be legalized, though, and I do think legalization would reduce the extensive risks and mistreatment some (most) women endure while engaging in the profession as it is. I don't think those things would be alleviated all together, but could potentially reduce the victimization that's prevalent today.
  9. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Just to stir the pot a little...

    Some posters here have either implied or outright said that a one night stand indicates some kind of lack of integrity or morals. Is that an underlying belief? That if you hook up with and fuck someone for just one night, it was a morally bankrupt circumstance? I'm not suggesting that the sex will for sure be fantastic or that it's a safe practice, but there seems to be some hardcore judgements associated with it.

    Building on that, if a ONS lacks integrity, isn't prostitution actually a bit more honourable? Assume, in this example, controlled prostitution. So the girl (or guy) is tested for STIs and in a non-exploitative circumstance. Isn't a clean-cut business transaction bit more on the up-and-up than a drunken, morally deficient one night stand?
  10. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Christ we could have an entire separate thread just on this alone. One night stands obviously make men awesome and women sluts.

    In all seriousness, I think they're perfectly fine. If my girlfriend had one before we dated I wouldn't care. Her past sexual activity is her business.
  11. subgeniuschick

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Canada eh!
    Ya'but drunken morally deficient one night stands are more fun! Can you imagine college without them?
  12. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I used that word and maybe shoulda said "discipline" or "self-restraint." If you wanna fuck a new one every night, good for you (I don't give a damn). I simply choose to not do that and had the self-restraint not to fall to temptation whilst drunk and horny.

    I was raised in a strict Catholic house so you can imagine how my parents felt regarding premarital sex. While I initially abstained for reasons stemming from faith and my parents' influence, eventually I kept it up solely for personal reasons ("Been waiting this long, might as well keep going 'til I find the right one"). Sometimes it took some discipline to say "No I can't" when given the opportunity, and that's what I intended to convey. If you think that means I judge or look down at people more promiscuous than I am, you're wrong.
  13. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I really don't understand how this concept is eluding you. Have you ever gone somewhere with someone who didn't want to be there? Gone hiking with a friend who hates the outdoors? Gone to an ethnic restaurant with a picky eater? Gone to a klan rally with Nom? It's just not fun. Whether it's your soulmate or just some cool chick you met earlier that evening, for a lot of people sex is better if it's something fun you're doing together, and not something you have to drag her along by offering her something in return. It's why women shopping with their friends is something they do for fun, and shopping with their husband is a miserable experience that they'll both reference during the divorce proceedings.

    It's not about some "deep emotional bond" or "cosmic connection" or whatever other bullshit you were prattling on about, it's about having fun with people who are also having fun. Instead of using a woman to masturbate with in exchange for a Benji.
  14. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Sorry, I really did ruin that whole Saturday by not getting dressed up at home.
  15. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    I think this basically underscores my thoughts. Prostitution involves one of the two wanting sex while the other is willing to have it for a price, while ONS both want sex and no money transaction is involved. Honestly I see neither better or worse than the other if both people are willing participants. Simple as that. I also think it is a little short sighted to think, outside of drug addicts or sexual slavery, that the pro wouldn't enjoy the sex or enjoy getting the client off as so many of these post would lead you to believe. I'd say we let the former escort answer about her thoughts on the subject before making broad statements about what the sex would be like just because it was a money transaction instead of the "traditional" way.
  16. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You looked ridiculous:

    #76 Aetius, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  17. Psychodyne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    State of Hockey
    I, too, get the impression that some folks are saying they cannot have sex without emotional attachment, period, therefore unable to have one nighters no matter what, and anyone who can hates and objectifies women. Others are calling bullshit. I might be exaggerating a bit.

    I've had lots of one nighters in the past. Not really my cup of tea anymore, but I was less selective in my 20's. I think the most prevalent attraction was that I have an outie and she had an innie and if we put them together it would feel good. We didn't have a long chat about our deep seeded motivations. I assume we were doing it because she found it impossible to resist my rugged good looks and undeniable charm (correct in at least 99% of my's science) but it's possible she was doing it because: I bought her a drink, she wanted random dick, I was the first one to say yes, she wanted to make her boyfriend jealous, she wanted to turn her husband on, I looked sad and lonely, she incorrectly thought my dick was huge, she wanted to feel desired...I mean, the potential reasons are endless, and might have nothing to do with a "connection" with me any deeper than "hey, we could, like, fuck. Or some junk". And I was okay with that. Provided no one was too intoxicated to consent. Does that make me morally bereft? I don't think so. Nor does that mean I didn't or don't enjoy an actual emotional attachment, either.

    And yes, I think a clean cut transaction such as you described IS more honest than a drunk hook up. Not as much fun, maybe, but at least everyone is clear on where they stand. And who knows? Maybe the prostitute IS into the dude and likes him...he's paying her a wage after all, and it could be that she genuinely enjoys him doing that, therefore enjoys her end of the bargain. Granted she might not necessarily see him as the awesome manly lover he knows he is, and more like the $300 he represents, but you take the good with the bad, right?

    Although, on second thought, that's another reason I cannot partake. I could never allow myself to be objectified like that, so maybe this whole thing IS morally repugnant. I'm more than just a breathing wallet, dammit!
  18. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I don't see where people are getting the idea that a few people, like myself, are stating prostitution is unacceptable because you don't have a deep emotional connection or because it's only for one night.

    What I am saying, and what others seem to be echoing, is that there has to be some kind of connection with the other person. It's fine if the connection is simply two people who want to scratch what itches, but the idea of turning it into a financial exchange is where I have trouble.

    You are asking someone who does not want to have sex with you to overlook that fact in exchange for money. This is nothing like a one night stand, or getting a blowjob in a bar. In those cases, at least theoretically, the two parties are attracted to each other. Whether that is manipulated by alcohol, or desperation, or damaged emotions is a different discussion - the overarching point is that two people have gotten involved with similar goals.

    Paying for it means that the other person is, almost by definition, not going to be into it. Even if they are into it, it's going to be virtually impossible to differentiate that from acting. Therein lies my problem - a big part of what I like about sex is the other person enjoying it, and if they aren't, or I can't tell if they are, it's not going to be nearly as enjoyable.
  19. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I think two important things should be noted:

    First, the idea that prostitution runs the gamut and there is no one single description or stereotype that fits. An escort who charges $1000/hour for her services (which often reach far beyond merely sex and usually entail companionship, ‘dates’, time spent together, etc.) is vastly different from a drug addicted street walker who charges $10 for a blowjob, or fucks in exchange for some crack. The two extremes exist, as does everything in between.

    Second, and some of you will probably laugh out loud at this, is the idea that a prostitute or an escort could actually have standards about whom she takes on as a client. I don’t want to put words in Pussy Galore’s mouth, but I would imagine if some john came up to her on the way home from school when she was escorting and offered her $50 to fuck, she’d turn him down. Therefore, if prostitutes have standards and choices (again, assuming it isn’t some kind of sexual slavery) then it’s not always a given that one person doesn’t want to sleep with the other, but is doing so only for money. Maybe there’s a middle ground and the escort/prostitute/hooker enjoys it, and gets paid. Then again, maybe that’s a utopian thing that doesn’t exist in real life.
  20. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Look, I'm not talking about any deep and spiritual connection when I have a one night stand. I'm just saying that if someone's sucking my dick because they want too - because they like me or they think I'm sexy, I can get off from that. If someone' sucking my dick because I walked into their work, and they've got an electrical bill due? That's just not a sexy thing for me.

    And shit, I'm really not judging. I've been paid to play with people. It's super fucking gratifying having someone pay me because they think I'm so sexy that they'll pay to suck my dick. But the way my libido and my ego works out? That's the direction a commercial transaction needs to break down. I'm not going to be into it unless the person I'm with is actually into me.