Rachmaninoff Prelude in C# Minor. The middle section. As many times and as fast as I can. Most of my anger comes in the form of road rage, in which case I am a very verbal driver. I shout, I swear, I gesture, I honk. If you have wronged me, automotively speaking, you will know about it, and so will everyone else.
I don't do anything. I don't even get why people seem to have this need to "release" the anger. I guess I don't buy into the whole "anger builds up until you let it out" thing. When something makes me mad I just do what I would have been doing anyway and after a little while I'm not angry anymore.
I don't often get super angry/rage-y. Its usually about sports or video games. When I do need a release, I strive for really creative strings of profanity. Otherwise I throw stuff, usually pillows, occasionally other objects. I have a unique knack for always looking for something non-breakable tho. If its something random in the car, aka I'm late and people are driving stupid, lots of wheel pounding and screaming. I've found that when I'm truly angry, I can't focus enough to have a good workout or things of the like.
7 times out of ten I'll crank one out; the other three times I tend to get violent. Anger is an aphrodisiac for me, it's always been a huge turn on and if I can't fuck away the anger or masturbate three or four times in a row then somethings getting damaged. In my younger (and more idiotic days) I'd break anything that could be reached. Once I was responsible for replacing whatever I broke, and realized exactly where my drinking money was going I stopped that shit. Deciding between spending money on a heavy bag and booze vs. replacing multiple keyboards and patching drywall wasn't a difficult choice after I hit 15.
I go for a drive. Somewhere far, fast, and for a good amount of time while blasting some hard rock. If I'm just upset, I'll detail my car for a few hours to take my mind off anything. I'm usually pretty level-headed, so I don't get upset very often.
I will play my guitar for hours until I'm relaxed. Forcing your mind to focus on music doesn't allow negative feeling to seep in. Sometimes I will vent to a friend but I feel bad for burdening them.
I like to bottle up the rage and suppress it. Then it manifests as insomnia and/or lower back pain. Works every time.
Hey, there's only room for one guy who gives out unsolicited pharmaceutical advice on this board, and that's me. On focus, whenever I'm angry, I'll do anything to manage it. Tensions can run awfully high at work, but showing it is a big, big, big no-no. Usually sarcasm works. "Wow, I spent five years at university so I could do this!" is heard frequently. But mostly, as long as I don't turn into my dad when I'm angry, I'm happy with how I handle it.
I used to work out when I was angry but now I just hang out with a few friends and drink. Needless to say, I'm not nearly as fit as I once was. Also, rubbing one out usually helps too.
I usually train muay thai and jiujitsu 4-5 days a week so my stress level usually stays pretty low. Also pot.
I clean/organize/OCD what have you. Usually my anger is due to something in my life that is out of control, and this lets me zone out and exhibit mastery over something physically and immediately. It can manifest itself in a variety of domestic ways: doing the laundry, picking up the yard, puttering around in the garage, or shuffling papers at my desk - nothing too intensive...although I have been known to take a magic eraser and stalk around the house making sure every light switch is GLEAMING. Seriously, when is the last time any of you cleaned your light switches? That shit's nasty, yo.
I go down to la jolla cove and club baby seals. I find that for whatever reason it really calms me down.
I work out. Working out is my go-to response to anger, sadness, or stress. It just makes me feel better to get out of my head and/or blow off some steam. If I'm in the car, stuck in traffic, I'll just start yelling, "FUCK!" It temporarily helps the situation.
My life is mostly stress free, so actual anger is pretty rare for me. (Maybe 3/4 times a year. And if my whore Government would stop pandering to mouthbreathers by locking up refugees in offshore desert island prisons, or jailing people for 2 years for simple possession of a plant, that number would probably approach 0.) Like every second person here, I usually work out and then burn a j. Quick and efficient. If I am really, truly angry, I'll sit in a dark room with Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jimi Hendrix cranked and drink scotch until I don't care anymore. Now that I think about it, it seems that all my coping mechanisms are based on drugs. Seems legit. Although, I just hired a boxing coach, so that might be an interesting outlet. Or source of rage, it's hard to say.