Meh, I'm getting an HTC Hero as a graduation present, I think it's probably a better buy than an iPhone on HGH. 5 megapixel camera? Check. Android operating system that lets you run free Java* apps? Check. And Flash? Check. Big multi-touch touch screen like an iPhone, and blackberry-esque trackball? That's a double check. 3.5mm jack for any normal headphones? Check. A battery you can buy in the store? Check. Cheaper? Check. Plus the applications for this thing look totally awesome, especially the ones that integrate the camera. It looks like some of the apps make it like carrying around one of those Star Trek scanner things. *Apparently it's not real Java, instead it runs on a tweaked virtual machine so it won't run existing Java apps, but that might be a good thing since the apps will then be specifically designed with running on a phone in mind. Edit: Wow this one is really cool. You basically just point the camera at the landscape/surroundings and it automatically looks up relevant data in real time on what you're looking at. It's a fucking Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Well the iPad seems to make it far easier to distinguish Apple users than ever before. I mean those poor iPhone users had to rack their brains coming up with every conceivable flimsy pretext to whip out their iPhone to show off to us, the wholly disinterested public. "Oh you didn't know you there's an app that changes the background color based on my mood for that day? Here let me show you." *pulls out iPhone and starts fiddling with the damn thing* "Oh hey person I saw just yesterday! You haven't changed your cell number since then have you? Let me get my phone out and check that it's current!" *pulls out iPhone and starts fiddling with the damn thing* "It's only been ten minutes, but I can't remember if showed you that picture of myself next to the Eiffel tower." *pulls out iPhone and starts fiddling with the damn thing* "Your iPhone takes pictures with blah blah megapixels? I'm pretty sure mine is blah blah megapixels more." *pulls out iPhone and starts fiddling with the damn thing* I really don't see what the downside is. I mean sure it costs way more than an iPhone. Sure it's far less portable. Sure, it's about a thousand times easier to have it stolen, broken or lost. Sure, given it's name you're setting yourself up for massive amounts of ridicule on an unprecedented level......I forgot my point.
If Jobs wanted to be truly revolutionary he'd have gone for something more like this:
Interesting poll results from before and after the iPad release. <a class="postlink" href="http://i.../</a> If you don't want to click through, the general idea is that the people who heard of it and said they wouldnt buy one went from about 25% to 50%. The other interesting point from it is that most people say they won't want to pay extra for 3G. Personally, I agree with this. For carriers that allow tethering, Apple should have given this thing the ability to pair with my iPhone.
One week ago Adobe's CTO blogged that they're now "on the verge of delivering Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones with all but one of the top manufacturers. This includes Google's Android, RIM's Blackberry, Nokia, Palm Pre and many others across form factors including not only smartphones but also tablets, netbooks, and internet-connected TVs." Basically everything about the iPad that I would say has already been said in this thread but basically, the lack of Flash support is an instant turn off for me. Flash 10 is solid enough to run well on smartphones, but the geriatric's iPhone (sans phone capabilities) won't run it? What's the point of having a huge display to browse the web on if you still can't use certain cites or have to use mobile sites because I don't have Flash?* The points raised regarding using it as simply a media device on public transportation do make some sense but for me personally, I can deal with the small screen on my iPod to watch movies. Especially when I have a phone that will soon be better at the internet than the iPad because it runs Flash. * If I've misread or misunderstood something, lemme know- My understanding now is that, without Flash, a significant amount of websites would be pointless to use (specifically sites like Hulu, which involves one of the key selling points according to people who want to use it solely for watching movies/TV shows).
I played with one the first day it opened in their store on 5th avenue in the city. The store was packed in the afternoon and they still had some in stock, so they probably ordered tons of them. It was pretty cool, pretty much just like a big iphone. It just seems that you would buy one to show off to your friends, because a laptop is way more efficient. But this is really user friendly if old people want to buy one, check their email and look at pictures of their grandchildren.
I work for a major media company where we do reviews of it, Apple sent our guy one, he did his review and has been passing it around. The problem with the thing is that it's too big for a pocket and putting it in your bag is silly. Can't sit outside with it too long in the sun, not because of glare, but because it'll say "Overheated, need to cool down for a few minutes" or something like that. Comes pre-loaded with a bunch of random shit that can be fun, but really the only cool thing about it is the bigger browser. Flash worked fine. This is definitely not for any real productivity, so get rid of that notion. It's a toy, hence the piano app that lets you play the piano and no matter what you press you sound like Mozart. I'd never buy it, but if someone gave it to me, I'd think it was the coolest shit since fire was invented.
Correction what I said earlier about Flash working on it. I was watching Onion News Network videos that look like Flash, but I was told by out IT guy who was given the iPad that the videos are HTML 5. I hope no one ran out to buy one on my flub there.