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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by audreymonroe, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    Fuck heights. I have plenty of other things I'm afraid of, but heights scare the living shit out of me.
    It took me a few tries before I could even finish this video:
    #41 Danger Boy, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  2. Croftie

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Washington, DC
    Snakes are it for me. That is the only thing I can think of that I have such a visceral reaction to. For example, if I'm watching tv, or a movie, or whatever and a snake randomly appears, I will literally scream and duck. No idea why, it just happens. I have made a fool of myself in a crowded theater before because I've screamed when a snake comes on screen.

    I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but it takes every fiber of my being not to hide my face when Nagini slithers on screen.

    Focus: I think this fear might stem from a recurring dream I used to have when I was a child (or did the dream stem from the fear...who knows?). I would dream that at the foot of my bed, under the covers was a large cage full of snake. If I put my feet down there, they would bite me, so for years, I slept with my feet curled up in the fetal position.
  3. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Clowns, hallways, basements, attics, vermin, tight spaces, dark closets, whatever the fuck lives under my bed, bees, drowning, something happening to one of my dogs, friends or a family member (check out the order I put that in, heh) being next to a semi on the freeway (I was in the right lane next to one when he decided to change lanes, into mine. I romped on it and squeezed out but barely. Freaked me the fuck out.) I have more but those are what sprang to mind.
  4. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Roaches are up there on the list for me. They skitter and have no problem skittering right up your pants leg. Shudder.

    I am also not a fan of rats, but mostly because of their scaly tails. I have a pet flying squirrel who is a very adorable rodent, but his tail has fur on it, damnit! Gerbils are also cute, but again: fur on the tail is key. Rats are creepy and I'd be heading the opposite direction if I saw one.

    Although I don't have an active fear of them exactly, I have no love for scary movies. Not psychological thrillers, but "boo!" kind of horror flicks. I am uneasy the entire time. It all stems from some dumbass in my family allowing 4 year old me to watch Tommy Knockers. I had nightmares for 6 months and even wet the bed a couple of times. Fuck scary movies.

    Along the same lines as above, people jumping out and scaring me freak me out. My brother gets me in the dark hallway in our house all the time. My dad once got me (long story) out back of our house behind the wood pile. I typically jump, make a choking sound, and depending on the circumstances, run. In the case of my brother scaring me, I usually tear up and start punching him in the chest and stomach for scaring me shitless. In the case of my dad, as the circumstances were different, I ran like an Olympic athlete into the house, slammed and locked the door, and stood there shaking while bawling my eyes out.

    Yeah, I'm a huge pussy.
  5. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Fucking JUNE BUGS are vile disgusting creatures and I will turn into a squealing screaming little girl crying trying to get the goddamned thing off and away from me. NO THANK YOU. Anything with more than four legs...ick. And milli/centipedes are hideous and I can't for the life of me figure out why they exist.
    Wasps and hornets are of Satan and I will lock myself in my car until they're gone.

    Otherwise, just your standard clowns-bugs-walkingintodarkrooms type of thing. I don't like scary movies...I'm not big on the whole 'fear' thing. I like suspense...but even movies like I Am Legend leave me with my hands over my face through a fair part of it.

    I'm not afraid of heights, or anything like that, and only recently have I overcome a profound fear of water being splashed in my face. Like, I would shower with a washcloth over my eyes to keep water from hitting them I was so damn nervous about it.

    OH and deep ocean creatures. What the FUCK is going on down there with some of that shit? Ugh.
  6. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    I also have a pretty strong aversion to clowns, but not really because I'm afraid of them, but they just creep me out.

    Isn't Hotwheelz the one who is deathly afraid of clowns?
  7. Psychodyne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    State of Hockey
    See, that's pretty fucked up right there. I was seriously squirming and had a knot in my stomach while watching that.

    Clearly, I too, am among the ranks of those challenged by altitude. Although, I'm not sure if I'm afraid of heights exactly, or just afraid of falling. I love to fly, can be in a tall building and look out the window, and think rides like roller coasters and the like are fun. But put me next to a third story railing? I get nervous. Taking an elevator up more than 7 or 8 stories? I start to have cold sweats. Even trying to carry my ass up into a 12' - 15' deer stand? I start freezing up. Some I can't even get up into, I get in too much of a panic. And I can't talk myself out of it. "It's not that high, you'll be fine once you get up there, even if you fell right now it wouldn't even really hurt from this height, you fucking pussy!" None of that matters. I'm holding on to a tree or gripping the ladder like Satan himself was trying to pull me down. It's ridiculous. If I can hurry up and power past the fear, I AM just fine once I get up there. It's the going up and coming down that's a challenge. Every. Damn. Time.
  8. LadyLecter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Stamford, CT
    My fear of heights is very weird. I can go up in tall buildings, I love roller coasters, love flying in planes, and I think glass elevators are awesome. On the other hand, you make me go up a ladder and I start freaking out. I guess it's being close to falling or something along those lines.

    I don't like things with lots of legs. Spiders aren't so bad as long as they aren't huge and/or close by or on me. If they're outside I'll just stay out of their way. But if it has a fuck ton of legs and is skittering around on a wall or the floor I scream like a six year old and try to smash it as soon as possible. The worst time was the last apartment I lived in would get house centipedes that would sneak in every once in a while. Those bastards scared the crap out of me and it was even worse when I couldn't catch them. I would be convinced that they were everywhere ... and they probably were. Never seen a house centipede?



    I hope I never ever see another one of those evil fuckers scurry across my walls.
  9. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Any ocean or lake deep enough that I can't touch/don't have something floating to hold on to close by
    Saltwater where I can't see the bottom
  10. Mild Sedative

    Mild Sedative
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    alzheimer's. My grandma's starting to show signs of it, but I really REALLY hope I never have to see her, (or God forbid, experience it myself) in the really advanced states. Imagine walking in to see someone you've loved for 30 years who doesn't even recognize you. Just the thought freaks me out. I'm pretty sure I'd ball my eyes out if my grandma ever gets that far.
  11. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Open Water that I can't see under. That's about my only fear, really. I have no problems SCUBA diving, etc., but when I'm just sitting/floating in water and can't see what's beneath the surface, it wigs the fuck out of me. Even if it's my 40' deep lake, I get freaked out. When I'm water skiing and waiting to be picked back up after a fall, I get freaked out; heart rate goes through the roof, fast breathing, etc.

    Put a SCUBA mask on me, and let me look around underneath, and I'm fine.
  12. Beer Me

    Beer Me
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    Manitoba, Canada
    Tornadoes: I was always scared of it. I actually had to view one head-on, headed right for my parents' farm. Its now one of the most popular tornado videos on Youtube. Here's my crappy photo. I still shake thinking about it. It sucks seeing the bleeping thing on American TV less than 24 hours after it occurred, and I live in a very rural area in Canada.

    Floods: After hearing about a huge flood in Quebec in the 90s, I was incredibly scared about floods, about all my belongings just vanishing all of a sudden. Speaking of which, I'm visiting my parents and we get a phone call today that we should prepare for flooding. A gravel road north of the farm.. broke, and now water is rushing out of it and heading this way.

    Loneliness: Well, uh.. this isn't something I'm scared of, I'm fine with that, so scratch that. I'm used to loneliness in middle of nowhere in Manitoba, Canada. People here suck (except some cool people in Winnipeg - those people deserve an NHL team - one day.)

    Stephen Harper: He's creepy.