Aye, i cant stomach McDick's any more. Give it to me, and you better make sure there is a shitter within running distances, within 2 hours of eating.
How fat are you?[/quote] Depends on the quarter and the budget, usually around 50-75, maybe a little more. Happy October all
Tabarnak, France5, why don't you broadcast your TV shows in Canada but every other TV station in the family does? I just want to watch me some documentaries. That happen to be hosted by Julie Andrieu.
Can someone please explain this to me. Why is it that any time there are fireworks, there is always some jackass lighting off his shitty ass bottle rockets as though it can compete with the half a million dollar show that is going on?
Lesson of the night: don't bring up god in front of south carolinians. even as a joke. they will take offense. and by take offense i mean use their index finger to whip the dip out of their lower lip and get ready to fight you while you try to explain that it was just a joke. christ i fucking miss new york.
What do you expect in a fucking state that outlawed slavery and started allowing mixed marriges two weeks ago? Isn't their flag a picture of a deer getting machine gunned to death by Dale Jarret? Don't worry about them trying to beat you up over their imaginary friends. Just put a lumberjack competition or Monster Truck rally on the bar's 13" TV and they're mesmerized. You're dealing with people that own Oak Ridge Boys boxed sets and have car batteries sitting on their dining room tables. Belt buckles that you can also serve tea on. Family trees don't often branch out there because it keeps the bloodline crystal that way.
Sometimes you just gotta know when to talk about religion*...that or know how to fight. that time is never in SC
Fuck yea. got invited to an old friend's birthday party. brought my girlfriend and proved that I'm even more awesome now than I was in high school. Granted. that's a pretty low bar to reach but I nailed it. It's a small victory but I'll take it.
Nothing says a succcesfuksl night likes confishindng in your best dude frenids that you want his broehter to lay some pipe in you.
Someone got hammered again... How hasn't your liver disowned you yet? I know at my age of 28 a hangover would last at least a day and a half and is really not worth it. If I can get anywhere near a bottle store today, I'm buying some goddamn rum - either Captain Morgan or Montego Bay. I have Bushmills here but not in a whiskey mood, since I've only been drinking various whiskeys for like 4 months now (2 bottles Jim Beam, one Bushmills, 1/2 bottle VAT 69 (NEVER AGAIN. Jesus... It was so bad the other half went down the sink.) - remember, that's over the last few months.). Drink safe, people.
I look at this picture and kinda feel bad for the poor girl. Is that just bad camera timing or what? And then I look at this picture and don't feel bad any more. It's not even 10am on Saturday yet and I'm already over this whole "3 day weekend" thing. When you're unemployed holidays just mean more time with the parents.
Why do I get the feeling that I would hate to have you as a friend? What's the saying - "A slut sleeps with everyone, a bitch sleeps with everyone but you."
The important question coming from this is: pirate or not, how the fuck does a ginger fattie get two wenches? I am baking a dinosaur cake. It's going to be fucking badass.