My favorite part of Canada was going to all the Bloods v. Crips parties and being the darkest person there.
Not only this, but for the Queen herself. God forbid we have to give thanks for what Charles tells us to give thanks for. We'll be giving thanks for divorce, adultery and homeopathy until the cows come home. In related news, fuck literature reviews in the ass.
Climbed a motherfuckin' MOUNTAIN this weekend. I feel accomplished. Now to just straighten things out with this girl I've been seeing and I'll be right as rain.
WTF? You celebrate Thanksgiving in the wrong month, but you still eat Turkey? If you're going to copy our holiday incorrectly, you should eat Canada goose or something. Can't you just puff up on back bacon?
One thing the United States is really lacking is a foreign hereditary head of state in its governmental chain-of-command. I vote for the Archduke of Namibia.
I think maybe we may have copied them. Yes, this is where I get my information from.
Unless Brett "Pick Monster" Favre throws for -14 points today, I will have won my first fantasy football game. Blind Drunk Justice v. Bong Hits 4 Jesus. The name of the matchup makes me want to create random corporations with silly names to sue each other and create awesome case names. When I was in law school there was a group of schools that wanted to not allow military recruiters on campus because of DADT, and they created some organization called FAIR (don't recall what it stood for), so that they could bring a case that would be FAIR v. Rumsfeld. I talked to one of the chief organizers and he said they originally wanted the acronym to spell out "All That's Good and Right in the World" for a funnier case name. And getting back to the theme: Say what you will about flat chests, I'd fuck anyone with that face. Either one of them, actually.
By definition, the Queen isn't a foreign head of state. She might be known as the Queen of England, but is also the Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Big fucking difference.
Yeah, I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time looking for her and Depp in the same pic with pirate clothes.
Who photoshopped his face on Tom Brady? In other news, I guess Favre's passes aren't the only thing coming up short this season. Go Jets.