According to the movies, people in parked cars are invisible. I can tell you from experience that this is false. Movies make people think that hot wiring a car is as easy as grabbing some random wires under the dashboard, connecting them, and you're in like Flynn. What about the steering wheel lock?
One I forgot, Young kids outsmarting the bad guys and/or kicking their asses. It really doesnt need explanation, just watch: I dont care if its a kids movie, its retarded and lots of movies do this. The only one Ill grant a pass is Home Alone for being a classic.
Dude, you clearly didn't see the Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman show from the 90's where he clearly explains that there is a force field which extends itself about a millimeter from his skin to protect him and anything in that range.
Call me naive, but I highly doubt that most crime/forensics labs have 30 TV's/monitors hanging on the wall either. This has always pissed me off. And why are half the lights off? Call me weird but I kinda enjoy having my workspace well-lit. Also the stupid computer programs people use in shows/movies like this. You want to find a person using GPS? I know when I do it on my home PC I get an interactive map of the city with all sorts of fancy zooming graphis and blinking dots. Any idiot who has ever used a computer knows they don't look like the scene from Weird Science.
People climbing through heat ducts in buildings. No, you can't do that, they are designed to carry weightless air, not a 200lbs man and his machine gun. It is infuriating that so many movies use this trick to get someone from A to B. If you grab an exposed heating duct in any building, anywhere, you will pull it off the ceiling and fall to the ground nearly instantly. If you try to climb in it, you will get stuck, and then you will fall to the ground. They aren't that big, they aren't designed to carry the weight of a person, and they aren't designed to give you access to every room in a large building. So, so dumb.