In my mind a born again virgin should be someone who's had sex hinder there life. Like maybe a sex addict but not to that level. Sadly I think most people who consider themselves born again virgins are just crazy people. After some of these posts I started wondering about all the people who preach about abstinence until marriage and wonder if anyone of their sex lives are good at all. I'm guessing they don't have very good sex lives and the women have probably never gotten close to an orgasm.
Maybe I don't live or run in very religious circles but I don't think Ive ever come across a born again virgin. I can see the concept maybe help addicts, sex or drug, that blew a significant chunk of their teenage and/or early adult life making horrible life decisions because of their affliction. A fresh start on everything might help set goals and such. One of my friends was a alcoholic and had a rash of bad years from high school until about 24 with DUIs, the law, and extremely poor decision making sex wise. If she wanted to clean up by saying she wasn't going to just fuck the first guy she was interested in but make something more meaningful first, I'd support that. I mean it'd be one of those irony situations you'd have to chuckle at, but if it helps... The religious type don't really apply here because they are just justifying the weird guilt trip thing. Except I guess the strangely high amount of "ex" addicts that are super religous. My parents weren't religious in the slightest so we never got the pressure to hold out for marriage but sex still wasn't something that was brought up. My mom would have been happier finding a condom than assuming I was fucking with out them.
Hey! What did I do! I didn't bring up a single stereotype about Asian women all being raised by tiger moms, proficient with at least one classical instrument, and rebelling by being both sexually adventurous at a young age and slightly promiscuous which comes in direct conflict with their overbearing parents values and accepted behaviors. I wouldn't write that kind of pigeonholing nonsense because you are a unique and special person and obviously none of these downright offensive tropes apply to you.
Not a Yaris. A Corolla. Because I'm a total Asian mom. Anyway, I think we've derailed. Tell us about your re-born virginity, Rush.
I'm a virgin. Again. Well, much like death bed conversions, as the night was winding down, I was always willing to say whatever it took to get me to the promised land. I may or may not have claimed "me too" virginity status more than once. But, now, despite what Steve Carell may have been able to pull off, I think I'm a little old to sell that now.
Re: I'm a virgin. Again. I knew a girl who used to keep a little tube of red food colouring in her purse so she could claim virginity status over and over again. I know about 6 guys in high school who all think they were her first. Also, I have never banged anyone named Yaris or Carolla or Corolla, nor have I (knowingly) banged a transvestite before. Y'all are fucked.
Re: I'm a virgin. Again. The shamelessness of whores is always fascinating. One of my high school friends was dating 3 guys at once and they all thought they were monogamous with her. The juggling act she did to pull it off for several months was quite impressive. Not surprisingly she was also my first blow job. We were 13 then. God damn that girl got around.