I don't know if any of you browse the humour section at your local bookstore, but personally I think putting out a humour book id probably easier than it sounds, judging by what'll you find on the shelves. Aside from finding Max's and Phila's books in the humour section, you will probably find: Anywhere from 2 to 9 different books serving as a "guide" to surving zombie attacks. Seriously, there are a DOZEN of these books, all that have been published, all that have had their hack authors paid to do so. Probably at least 3 books attacking the Twilight franchise, an easy contemporary target. Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side, because they're God. More than 5 books on how AWESOME IT IS TO BE A MAN. "Men are Better than Women", "Man: The Book", "The Man Book", "The Guide to Guys" all books about dudes, directed at dudes, but not in any way gay. Fiction by half-assed comedians who usually aren't even funny when doing what they do best. Chelsea Handler (not funny) has two books, an so does this laughless instant has-been: Spoiler ..A gigantic, expensive coffee table book. It's great, really-- not only do you not have to have any talent or be very famous, you don't even have to know what you're talking about! What do WE as a whole usually collectively agree about on here? There's: -A love of booze. Boy do people on here KNOW THEIR FUCKING BOOZE -A contempt for Teenage werewolves and other Skinny jeans-faggotry -A hatred towards self-deluded "I'm Awesome" internet pesudo-celebs (John F. Page, "The Founder", Ryan Milliron and the like) -A collection of great drunk stories and even better drunk posts. -Nettie posting his sister's naked pictures on here was rad. Had to say it. -A disdain for hack celebrities who include Ke$ha, The Kardashians, Brokencyde, Nancy Grace etc. - (here come-a can o' worms) Flats. Discuss. -A near unanimous agreement that Ben Rapesburger should be burned at the stake. As for people contributing, there's so many. To break it down-- Rants and attacks: Effinshanigans, Ballsack, Bluedog, Beefy, Scotch, Black Jesus, More Cowbell, Juice and Pimptress (Pimp Mama T is my fave TiBette) have brilliant black humour skills. For advice? Nett, Suapyg, Scootah for different reasons entirely. Storytellers? Toytoy, VinChater always seem to have great yarns. There's lots more where that comes from. Start filling up that writing thread, people! And I completely agree, "Boom-- roasted" had to be somewhere in the title because they might shine on "Thundering Assholes".
I know that going by page views and posts in a thread is no where near representative of actual content but that said some of the WDT's have been some of my favourites (especially the first and most recent christmas DT). If you could maintain the conversational flow of the DT, coupled with a more solid narrative it would be hilarious and compelling reading. Especially as watching certain board members get more and more drunk, their posts degrading from coherent, well thought out witty retorts to slurring epithets reminiscent of a dementia ward for veterans and jaded whores (not that the here ladies are whores, you're all lovely, you just got dirty mouths). Personally, the rant and rave: personalised thread would crack me up even out of the context of this board. A few of the best posts would be a great way to provide a break or preface a chapter.
I agree with just about all of Crown Royal's post. As for the title, a good title for the book would be most of the (hilarious) current slogan of the board with some addendums: The TiB: Where Intelligent Discourse, Gamer Geeks, Boozers, Perverts and Members Who Deep Throat Bananas Meet I think that covers everyone.
Crown is on this. I really like the idea of a collection of drunk, gross, or generally misanthropic stories. There are so many great "I shat myself" stories on here. Great drunk ramblings and fantastic break up stories. Hundreds of pages of pure gluttony and avarice. Or we could just be really bitter and call out everyone we fucking hate from internet celebrities and posers, to politicians and your weird uncle that you caught fondling your dog's balls that one Thanksgiving. 200 pages of gin soaked rants, no editor for punctuation or continuity. It doesn't even have to be true, because fuck it. Couple titles of the top of my head: "Mew mew mwe cta outsade: Mostly True Drunking Storis" "You're a Faggot and Nobody Likes You" Cover photo of Ryan Milliron topless. (I generally don't use the term "fag" cruelly, but it's such a hilariously underused word in proper titles.) "Humble: The Story of How We Are Faster, Funnier, Better Looking, and More Charming Than You." "I Ated The Whole Thing" Or "I Drank The Whole Thing"
I appreciate the plug, but I'm kind of busy right now to be writing a book. I think Crown had the answer staring him in the face: The TiB Zombie Survival Guide - How intelligent discourse and Justin Bieber lyrics can help you survive the apocalypse.
With all the sites out there posting books for user created content, would it really be that hard for one of you guys to create a "texts from last night", "FML", "Not always right" etc but simply for the Rants and Raves thread? Here's your site name R&R - Rants and RAves so you Rest and Relax. Everyone needs a little R&R from time to time. (send me a royalty after the fact.)
So we're all degenerates and that's normal? Or are we natural degenerates? And why do I have an intense feeling of Deju vu? Or is it Vida Blue?
Honestly, it would be God's divine will to detail the two-day deconstruction of Ryan Milliron. I mean, check out the response I got from him when I posed on his site as a fan begging for relationship advice from him about deciding between two women: That really was from him. I got his autograph and you didn't. Oh, and just in case you missed it let me make you cum in your golden panties: Spoiler
Fixed that for you... I would buy a book of condensed TiB stories, though I'm not sure why considering that I have probably read all the content it would provide. As for contributions, I can probably add a line or two of text, considering that I have been here pretty much since the beginning of the forum and have just over 100 posts.