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Ask an Escort.

Discussion in 'All-Star Threads' started by shegirl, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. artificial

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 16, 2009
    To date, I have told one friend, and in Canada, prostitution is legal to an extent. That your friend has told you, to me, means s/he's okay with talking about it. I opened up about it about an hour into an eight-hour roadtrip, and spent the rest of the time answering her questions. It was really refreshing to get to talk about it with someone who's known me for a number of years [as opposed to a fellow sex worker]. I've found the stigma surrounding it to be incredible - hence why I haven't discussed it with other friends.
  2. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Apologies for my tardiness. I was watching a wrestling tournament that my friend was coaching out of town. Back to business.

    I would estimate that I make around $1500 a week right now. In my time, I've probably made $6,000 so far, as business was a little slower around the holidays and before I established myself. The girls at my agency don't work full-time, but with a wide enough client base, it's certainly possible to do so. A couple girls have other jobs outside the agency. I have school and family.

    They know because I've told them. Most people, when they see the money I make, guess that I work in the adult industry, anyway. Even my sister thought I was a stripper. Escorting isn't illegal; prostitution is. In fact, the city of Atlanta can grant permits to agencies and individual providers for the business. It only becomes illegal when a direct exchange of money-for-sex comes up, which is why we don't discuss it, it's just understood. Besides which, I pride myself on having generally laidback and non-judgmental friends. I like to push the envelope in general, not just with my job, so people that look down upon me usually don't stick around anyway. Why should I be ashamed of who I am and what I do just because some uptight prick thinks poorly of me? I still like myself. And there are plenty of other people that like me and accept, even support, what I do. My agency's pricing is on par with what you'll find in Atlanta agencies. I can't speak for other markets. Even I think $1,000+ an hour is a bit extreme - unless that money goes to pay for extras, like a super expensive hotel room or long-distance travel, I can't think of that large of a price discrepancy leading to that much better of an experience. My agency caters to upper middle class professionals, not celebrities and bigwigs. I suppose those men might be willing to pay more for escort services, but again, I can't imagine why they would pay that much more when girls can only get so pretty and talented. I don't find it difficult at all to return to schoolwork afterward. In fact, during longer sessions, I read for my Bioethics class during "breaks." You're quite welcome.

    On my second outcall, I parked my car on the street in front of the house I was going to. After I was half undressed and making out with my client, the cops starting knocking on the [see through, plate glass] door. Apparently, the neighbor is a cunt and called the cops because she didn't recognize my car. Easily my scariest escorting moment.

    What I'm doing isn't illegal. I can't stress that enough. Just not the savoriest (Is that a word?) of jobs. But, if a cop was somehow able to come after me, I'd probably deal with the blackmail. I've only spent one night in jail [completely unrelated to escorting], and that was the most humiliating experience of my life. I'd rather not repeat it.

    Actually, the hours are a longer than just your appointment times. I'm supposed to arrive at incall at least 15 minutes before an appointment to change, do my makeup, et cetera. After the appointment, I have to clean up. For both incalls and outcalls, driving time has to be factored in - I live 30 minutes from incall, and often 45 minutes to an hour from my outcalls. So even for just 10 incalls a week, I'm looking at more than 20 hours a week, while taking 17 hours in school. I'm a biology major with minors in anthropology and statistics. I made sure I only have one class that I consider to be truly difficult this semester, and I often give up going to parties or bars in favor of staying home to study when I'm not working. I also do work for some classes during my other, easy-pass classes.

    Female clients are very rare, and their usual reason is because it's a joint appointment with their partner. I've never seen a female client without a man involved.

    I know this isn't a question, but its implications irritate me, so I'd like to address it anyway. While I understand that artificial hasn't read the entire thread, it upsets me regardless that this single sentence was pulled from several paragraphs and taken out of context. Perhaps her reading comprehension is poor. Perhaps I worded it poorly; if so, my apologies. I'll restate it in a clearer format. This job is about the client and their wants. I don't make the big bucks doing what I want to or with clients. That's for the dominatrices of the world. Plenty of clients want to get me off and focus on my pleasure, and if they do, that's great. But if it happens, it's because they want to. It's because they ask me what I want. My desires and satisfaction are not a component without their decision to make it so because this job, escorting as a business, isn't about me, it's about them. If you want it to be about you all the time, every time [and I say this to everyone], fuck for free so that you can choose your partner. Because some guys just don't care, especially when they're renting your vagina for an hour.

    I agree with the idea that people [not just women] can get emotionally attached through what was, at least originally, a purely physical relationship. But I coach myself on not getting attached when I feel that there's no future in my personal life, and the money certainly makes things easier. I don't have a therapist. I haven't felt the need for one. I talk a lot, about everything, to my friends and acquaintances, and I feel that their perspectives are often more helpful than a therapist's might be because they see me day to day and they have a better feel for who I am. I've gone to therapists in the past, and I think they can be useful and helpful if the patient is willing to cooperate, but I'm secure enough in myself and what I do to feel that I don't need one, at least not right now. As far as finding my review goes, click on the "Search Reviews" link, and all that needs to be entered is "x" by "Provider's Name," Atlanta for the city, and U.S. for the country. I checked this yesterday, and I found myself, so this process should work.

    I thought it would, but I haven't changed my views much. Everyone wants to be happy in some way. And everyone pays for sex, whether it's physically [through disease], emotionally [through a case of the crazies], or monetarily [either directly, by paying for an escort, or indirectly, by paying for drinks and dates and gifts and whatnot]. This is the most direct and pretty much the most guaranteed method. I use protection, I won't get attached and stalk you, and I won't hold out on you til you buy me something pretty. I do worry a little bit about leaving the job, but I do want a family and a career I can be completely open about one day, so leaving will be necessary and worth the trade-off.
  3. Mexicutioner

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Las Vegas
    Is this something in your life you will hide from a future spouse you meet, say 10 to 15 years from now? I don't know if that is too vague of a question but let's say you gave this up tomorrow and fell in love ten years later. If this past life of yours was something that wouldn't rub him the right way is it something that you would keep hidden? What about from future kids?
  4. Bob Trousers

    Bob Trousers
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The UK-a'ight, cunt?
    So how did you come to abuse your sister? Sorry if I've missed something, but it seems to me to be pretty relevant. And no-I'm not judging, but you brought it up and I think it would be quite enlightening.
  5. Queef Debris

    Queef Debris
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm willing to bet you've heard some crazy stories from other escorts in your agency, especially from those who have been in it longer and have had their fair share of whack experiences. Any particularly hilarious or insane ones that you would be willing to share with us?

    Is it common for sting operations to be conducted on escorts despite the legal disclaimers? or for a fake ad to be used to lure in unsuspecting johns?

    What would be a valid reason to turn down a client according to your agency? and how do independent workers screen their clients if they do at all?

    Thanks again for sharing with us. Any ignorant opinions I had before this thread were based on websites I "stumbled" upon when I was doing anything other than looking for porn.
  6. artificial

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 16, 2009
    Wow, don't get your panties in a bunch there. My reading comprehension is just fine, and like I said, I didn't want to steal the thunder from your thread - but that one line of yours really stuck out at me. All I said was that it was not how I've experienced escorting. You don't have to be a fucking cunt and insult my intelligence just because you're "renting your vagina for an hour". I'm not. Again, that's your wording, and not MY personal experience or opinion of my services as an escort.
  7. JDTheHero

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    Oct 19, 2009
  8. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Does anyone else find it funny that 50% (2/4) of the regular female posters here are literally whores? I mean we used to always joke about it...but now we have evidence.
  9. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ladies, this thread has thus far been awesome, let's not derail it with infighting. There are bound to be differences between your experiences. I'm sure Oh Shit has never been asked to wear a polar bear pelt and shove an ice cube up a man's ass, and I'm sure artificial has never been asked to refer to a client as "cousin Jethro" and smoke meth. Let's all get along. I don't want to have to escort one of you from this thread.
  10. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
  11. artificial

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 16, 2009
    For the record: my part in this thread is over. I have no qualms with oh shit's opinion of her experience, just that I have experienced differently - which is to be expected. My qualm was with how she responded. End of.
    My PM box is open. Enjoy the rest of the thread.
  12. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    Did you get a lot of attention from guys growing up? Were you "popular" and got a lot of dates, or were you the type of girl who had trouble with boys?
  13. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    I don't want to derail the thread either. While I've been paid to participate in events where I got to fuck someone - I'm not now, nor have I ever been any kind of escort. I'm just a pervert who's done some work that included fucking.

    I have however lived with a sex worker for a while in Australia and I've been fuck buddies with, and just good friends with quite a few people who get paid for sexual contact. I've also worked in strip bars as manual labor out back and emergency security. My observation is that Oh Shit's attitude is much more typical of someone who's been in the industry doing the GFE thing for a relatively short period of time then for someone who's been in the industry for a long time, or who's been in the more tasteless/desperate hustler parts of the industry.

    I've spoken about this before. But Strippers are so often, broken people who hate men - because they spend anything up to 60 or 70 hours a week hustling guys with nothing like intimacy or even honesty, and frequently only barely make an hourly return that's about the same as a good waitress in a nice restaurant. Stripper customers nickel and dime argue with the girls, lie, bullshit and try and put one over at every chance. They're the lowest common denominator of clients in the industry. The average guy goes into a strip bar hoping to get his weasel waxed for less then he spends on his beer. They get disappointed and bitter when the girls don't really want to be their friends and they try and scam every free breach of the rules they can get away with.

    Call girls get paid an hourly that's at least reasonably respectable. And they deal with guys who for the most part know exactly what they're getting and how much it's costing them. There's very few lies and very little bullshit. Guys who are paying extra for an agency with well reviewed girls and a GFE are rarely first timers and they're rarely going to bother trying to hustle the girl over bullshit. They know what they want, they know how much it's going to cost them to get it and they're OK with that. You can do the kind of work that Oh Shit is doing for a reasonable amount of time without losing your respect for your client base. Hey, you're an old guy with money and you want a back rub and a blow job? Fair enough that you'll pay for it. You're a busy guy who's in Atlanta for the week on a business trip and you need somebody to suck your dick before your next meeting? You're probably not scum.

    It's much harder to maintain that respect for guys who are arguing about price, trying to scam time or want you to use their wife's dildo up their ass in the marital bed for $50, half of which is going to your driver. If you're in the industry with something worth while - like your kid sister's college fund or getting yourself through school or dad's medical bills - it's easier. Hell any reason that you can still respect yourself for is easier. If you're feeding a habit or doing it because you flunked out of college and couldn't get another job? Frustration turns to rage and self loathing reflects onto the people who pay you and they all seem like scum.

    I don't know Oh Shit from a bar of soap, apart from a few PM conversations and reading her posts - I don't know the first thing about her. But my experience is that girls who go into the industry the way she has have a much easier time of it. If you can get over the inhibitions about fucking strangers for money to begin with - chances are you'll maintain perspective, at least mostly. Girls who toe dip at stripping and freak out but force themselves to cry through the lap dance because they need the money and eventually move onto hooking once they're good and broken? They end up broken with a smack habit.

    If you've got some kinks yourself - specialty/niche clients seem like the industry to work in from my experience. I know a girl who quite enjoys being spanked. She and her security guy gets flown from the city she lives in to a near by city about 3 times a month, the guys at the party put her over their knee and give her a spanking - nothing else happens, she flys home after 5 or 6 hours at the party - usually without even a bruise to show from the hours of spanking and she makes as much as most people with a degree do in a full time job. For what she gets paid - I'd probably work in that fucking industry if I had the personal aesthetics or bubbly personality to make it.

    Niche and specialist service providers charge significantly more for something that's frequently less invasive or less significant to their personal dignity and self respect. It's easier money. If you enjoy being the recipient of the niche that you're selling to - well, I'm fucking envious. Beats the shit out of working in a cubicle.
  14. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I don't plan on hiding it; I do plan on possibly being vague on the details. I would have to gauge their initial reaction before I delved deeper. What I've done and what I do now makes me who I am, and I'm quite proud of myself, so I see no reason to hide my past, either from my partner or my children. I probably won't tell my kids until they're at least 18, and only if I feel it's necessary. If my potential daughter never considers an adult career, I may not tell her unless she asks me outright.

    I was abused when I was young, around six or so, by some Boy Scouts at my church. I didn't really know what was going on, and I'm not sure they really knew what they were doing, either. But despite the confusion and discomfort, I didn't know it was wrong, and I carried it into my personal life. Sort of playing doctor gone wrong. I understood and accepted it a long time ago, and I don't feel that's it relevant to what I do today. My job has nothing to do with abuse or exploitation. I chose this for myself after a lot of thought and research, not because I was convinced that a blowjob is all I'm good for.

    Their stories are really no crazier than mine, as I tend to put up with the odd/problem clients that the other girls won't deal with. Armpit Guy is about as weird as it gets - at least two other girls at my agency have refused to see him, and that's how he got passed along to me. I don't think stings on agencies are common, as agencies tend to be very organized and take several security precautions that independent, and often inexperienced, providers cannot. Girls that decide to go outside the agency to make a little extra on their own by responding to online ads often get caught precisely because they don't check up on their clients' backgrounds beforehand, and sometimes because they make the mistake of discussing money-for-sex in explicit terms. I'm not aware of all the valid reasons for refusing a client, as I don't handle that end of business, but I assume that being late too often, shorting the fee, or making the girl uncomfortable would all be valid. Independents [should] screen their clients similarly to how agencies do, by asking for all personal information, particularly employment info, so that the provider or manager can call the client's place of business and verify that the client is who they say they are and not an undercover cop, as well as requiring the clients to bring multiple forms of ID for verification. Often times, they don't, and that's how they end up getting arrested. You're welcome.

    I prefer the term "high priced call girl," but if the shoe fits, I suppose I'll wear it.

    I've always been boy crazy, and I've always been popular with boys. I started dating when I was about thirteen, and I leapfrogged from relationship to relationship from the age of fourteen to nineteen. It's only recently that I've taken time in between break ups, and only very recently, about three months before I started escorting, that I made a conscious decision to stay single for a while.

    I completely agree with what he's saying. I've met several strippers, both within the business and outside of it, as well as a couple of amateur porn starlets, and those girls, especially the ones that have been doing it for a while, even more the ones that do it because they feel that they can't do something better, are a lot more jaded and angry than any GFE girl I've met. Most of us are doing this because we can, because we want to make bank and enjoy it. We don't plan on being here forever, or even for more than a year or two, because we have solid plans for the future, and this job is just a stepping stone.
  15. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do you know of any female celebrities that have done this before hitting it big? Seems like something someone in the business would hear about. We want some juicy gossip! Spill it!
  16. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Denise Richards is widely rumored to have worked as a call girl before she got into movies. But it's not exactly the sort of thing that's easy to prove.
  17. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Yeah... The most prominent females I run into are usually rappers'/producers' girls on the side, or girls that have been in videos with said musicians. Atlanta's not really known for its acting scene.
  18. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    1. Somewhat silly question: Do your friends reference your job casually in conversation ("Hey whoreface, lemme borrow this Bebe shirt") or is the entire subject taboo now that you're actually a sexual services provider?

    2. Something I've wondered about for a long time is the attitude of escorts/call-girls towards other types of sexual service providers. I get the feeling that you are extremely open-minded and naturally non-judgemental about lifestyle choices in general, and I truly respect that. I try to be the same way also--but I'll admit that when I hear about a girl/woman who is escorting as her only profession (with no exit plan in sight) and using the proceeds for stupid shit, I tend to mentally judge her just a teensy bit. I fully support any woman who chooses to peddle pussy as a means of furthering her education or paying off her student loans, because I know that the end result is a highly educated woman without financial burdens tying her hands. Those are results I can get behind! But do you ever feel the same way? Do you ever come across an 18-year-old girl doing this for the newest Louis Vuitton handbag and think..."Honey, you shouldn't be doing this for that?"

    3. Ever considered sugar dating? Being a dominatix? Working for a different agency?

    4. Atlanta has a fairly large gay population (especially for being in the Bible Belt). Do you know any gay escorts?
  19. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I nicknamed my best guy friend Slutface years ago, and he follows in kind, so I'm not bothered by casual references to my job, so long as I know the speaker isn't being derogatory. I catch myself looking down on other girls sometimes when I know they don't have any "better" plans for their futures, and while I don't like that part of myself, I know why I feel that way. Many of those girls have a diva attitude to go with their job, and it's that that irritates me. One of my buddies has a 20 year old ex stripper following him around like a puppy dog right now, and the girl drives me crazy. Do what you do, but have some fucking self respect and common courtesy. I don't care that the girl started stripping at 18 just like her mama, but she constantly flashes her tits and grinds up on the nearest penis at our parties, and it's just gross. So when I'm being bitchy about her, I get negative about everything about her, including her job, even though it's really just her attitude that grates on me. I feel that everyone should make some meaningful contribution to society, and I just don't think adult jobs cut it in the end. I've considered all of the above. When I get out of the job, I may actually end up with one of my regular clients as a sugar daddy - he's already offered a couple times. As far as being a dominatrix goes, I think it would be an enjoyable job, but it's a very specific niche. The one dom I really know a bit about is a female bodybuilder, and she gets paid big bucks to treat guys like ragdolls, lifting them up and throwing them around. I can't fill a niche like that. I keep an eye on the other agencies in Atlanta, always monitoring who's hiring, what the turnover is like, whether their prices are on par with ours, and what their girls look like. Should anything go wrong with my current agency, I will certainly consider going to work for another one if I want to continue in this industry. However, I'm currently very happy with my agency, so I hope this won't be an issue. I've seen ads for several male escorts, but I've only ever known one, my gay BFF. He was an escort out in California, and ended up with a rich doctor sugar daddy that actually pays him something akin to alimony now that they've split and gay boy is back in Georgia. Most of those boys are gorgeous and make me wish they weren't gay.
  20. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Just for reference, the female body builder thing? Absolutely unnecessary and would actually put a lot of typical clients off. The dichotomy of submitting to someone who's ass they could probably kick in a stand up fight but being under her thumb is a big part of the kink for a lot of guys.

    If you're interested - drop me a PM and I can find you the details for the Atlanta scene's public events and you can meet some people and see how the whole thing plays out.

    As an aside - if anybody really wants to find their local kink scene and doesn't know where to start - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> is a great, free place to start and almost every decent sized city has some kind of kink community where you can go and meet people and learn stuff.