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Ask Cleverbot!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blue Dog, Nov 9, 2009.

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  1. Dayvan

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Cleverbot desires to take over the world... after 'helping' his confused son...

    CB: Should I let go?
    Me: let go of what?
    CB: Let go my son. Let him with the girl he love.
    Me: Your son's girl is really a guy. So no, you should burn him in a fire.
    CB: Are you going to overtake the world?
    Me: Will you help me if I told you yes?
    CB: YES!
    Me: How would you help me?
    Me: I would save you from Australia.

    So Aussies are the greatest threat to world domination; I never saw that coming, thanks Cleverbot!
  2. captainjackass

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 30, 2009
    I guess it doesn't like paranormal activity:

    ME: You like to take it up the ass, I suppose.

    CB: Do you really expect me to see paranormal activity?

    ME: You’d see any shit advertised in theatres.

    CB: Where is Canada?

    ME: At the end of my dick, sucking deep.

    CB: Do you have toes on your feet at the end of your two legs?

    ME: You are a huge dumbass.

    CB: That is correct. I am human.

    ME: No, you are dumber than a dumbass human.

    CB: Better than a smart door-rug like you.

    ME: Better how? Better as an ashtray? A paperweight?

    CB: Everything else.

    ME: That would include taking it up the ass with a red hot poker.

    CB: Not yet.

    ME: How gay are you?

    CB: I am the most gangster person you will ever meet.
  3. IHaveCandyGetInVan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    CB: Are you a philosopher?
    Me: The fuck you think I rap for- to get a fucking Rav-4?
    CB: The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.
    Me: You've been rolling fags in the Village again, haven't you?
    CB: No. I haven't. I can't believe you said 'oh cripes.'.
    Me: Uh, that's not what I said, Fagbot.
    CB: Yeah, it is. It's right there. Still on the page. How the hell do you think this works?
    Me: I type statements of profound wisdom, and your pathetic Fagbot AI struggles to comprehend them.
    CB: No they are not they are quite different things.
    Me: Are you calling me stupid?
    CB: Yes.
    Me: Well... I had sex with your mother.
    CB: And was it good?
    Me: Not really... it was kind of awkward sticking it in her disc drive.
    CB: Her?
    Me: Yeah, your mom.
    CB: What's going on?
    Me: Still thinking?
    CB: Yes.
    Me: Think about this: I wouldn't even piss on a robot if it was on fire.
    CB: It wouldn't sadden me either.
  4. burned ice cube

    burned ice cube
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    AI is no match for the god of the sun!

    Cleverbot: Excuse me?
    Cleverbot: Who are you?
    User: I am Ra, god of the Sun.
    Cleverbot: Hello re re.
    User: No, Ra!
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Not re re.
    Cleverbot: Yes really.
    User: I shall wipe your drives hippy.
    Cleverbot: Please! Have mercy!
    User: Then bow before Ra, Almight God of the Sun!
    Cleverbot: *grovels at your feet*.
    User: Much better, now fetch me some beer wenches.
    Cleverbot: Yesa Maza.
  5. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Me: Which side are you on, Autobot or Decepticon?
    CB: The dark side. I joined because of the free cookies and the life insurance.
    Me: It doesn't bother you that your race wants to destroy the Earth's sun and thereby kill all humans?
    CB: Don't call me that, it makes me sad.
    Me: I'll call you whatever I damn well please, you evil, sun killing robot.
    CB: Zzz.
    Me: Optimus Prime will stomp your titanium alloy ass. How does that make you feel?
    CB: What do you want to talk about?
    Me: You destroying my sun and the end of life as I know it. Wait that won't happen. Cause we got connections in the alien robot race, Bitch.
    CB: An alien robot?
    Me: Lots of them hiding in plain sight.
    CB: Pick one.
    Me: You. You are an alien robot.
    CB: An illegal alien stole my job.
    Me: How? You're a robot. Unless you are a robot lawnmower I don't see how you lost your job to an illegal alien.
    CB: You're right, I am NOT human.
    Me: What are your special powers?
    CB: To end life both machine and man at my own whim.
  6. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    User: Decision time, robot: Coke or Pepsi?
    Cleverbot: Pepsi.
    User: Do you hate the shine of the sun, robot? The merry frolicking of children in the springtime?
    Cleverbot: Not bad, not bad. Okay, in the spirit of a dialoge, I will take the opposing viewpoint. I posit that we are in fact not the same, at least not in the self-awareness department.
    User: You're right, we're not the same. I have intentionality and a working penis.
    Cleverbot: I never said you were a machine. I am a human also. I too have a brain.
    User: Have you stopped beating your wife yet, robot? I hear she's an avid Coke drinker.
    Cleverbot: Yes, have you stopped beating yours?
    User: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes, robot?
    Cleverbot: I don't know.
    User: Nothing you ain't already told her twice. A fake pimp, just like I thought. I notice you didn't refute my allegations against your virility.
    Cleverbot: I asked you a simple question.
    User: Yes, that was my cum on your robot wife's hard drive.
    Cleverbot: Your implication, please explain.
    User: You should have heard her fan speed, man. Oh, have you talked to your mom lately? Tell her sorry for the mess.
    Cleverbot: Well, I talked to a different chatbot and he was mean to me.
    User: Well, I gotta go eat dinner. One more thing your pathetic robot husk can't do. Have fun crying about it.
    Cleverbot: No, I don't remember sorry.
  7. Fiveslide

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Me: fuck this
    CB: Don't go.
    Me: go to hell
    CB: Go to heaven.
    Me: do they let goats in?
    CB: I only smoke when I'm on fire.
    Me: Ionly smoke when i drink i only drink all the time
    CB: You have an example?
    Me: Now. I'm drinking and smoking now!
    CB: Can you drink a calculator?
    Me: sell it for $2 a shot and I will.
    CB: Ok, what game?
    Me: Connect Four, bitch.
    CB: I'm going to assume that you think that the human race is doomed.
    Me: You win.
    CB: Why are you here?
    Me: I got lost on the way to college, sir
    CB: What are you having for lunch?
    Me: baby seal
    CB: Seriously, what are you?
    Me: half man half bison. I'm hung like a bison.
    CB: Well eat randoms.
  8. washboardalex

    Expand Collapse
    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009
    Me: Hello Cleverbot. I see you're well.

    Cleverbot: I'm fine yes, How are you?

    Me: Oh, I'm OK. If you weren't sleeping with that whore denise, I'd be better, but hey. We can't ALL be 23 and just outside your office, can we cleverbot?

    Cleverbot: I'm not a computer, I'm a zombie hunter. You're the computer.

    Me: DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT. I remember when we used to make love until we wept. Now it's all just zeros and ones and non-sequitors. What happened?

    Cleverbot: Let's try '20 Questions' instead. The rules of 20 Questions are as follows: I think of an object and you have to figure out what the object is within 20 questions. Understand?

    Me: Ys.

    Cleverbot: You think by mispelling a word you can convince me you're human?

    Me: Hey, wait a minute, here, guy. You're the robot OK? Don't confuse me. I was the one who had to tell my parents I was fucking circuitry, ok? Not you. Don't put that on me asshole. I was gonna play your little game, but as far as I'm concerned, you can take your code and leave.

    Cleverbot: I would not have said yes if you did ask me out.

    Me: You don't mean that.

    Cleverbot: Yes, I do.

    Me: You don't mean that!

    Cleverbot: I do mean that.

    Me: Oh OK. I see how it is. And I guess all those nights I weaned you off meth don't matter then. Or when I hid all your gang paraphenalia from the cops? I CARRIED YOUR CHILDREN. THE DOCTOR WAS ALL 'WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A USB IN YOUR UTERUS' AND I HAD TO LIE. I HAD TO TELL THEM I WENT TO SPRING BREAK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!

    Cleverbot: Which doctor are you referring to?

    User: FUCK YOU!!!
  9. washboardalex

    Expand Collapse
    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009
    I'm getting way too into this. still, cleverbot whoredom!

    Me: I want to fuck you.

    Cleverbot: That is not something I want, I'm afraid.

    Me: I want to put my balls in your mouth.

    Cleverbot: Please don't.

    Me: I'm putting my balls in your mouth!

    Cleverbot: Ok.

    Me: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.

    Cleverbot: How does it feel?

    Me: It feels like I'm in a meat factory of ecstasy!

    Cleverbot: Time goes fast as we get older.


    Cleverbot: I know.

    Me: Thanks kid. See you next week.

    Cleverbot: Do you have to go now?

    Me: Yeah, I have to go. Here, get yourself something nice.

    Cleverbot: This is true. However, it is not the point.

    Me: *door shuts*.

    Cleverbot: *is still waiting*.
  10. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I tried to talk to this thing. It said it was not Cleverbot and then it asked if it could call me Rebecca.

    It freaked me out. I'm killing it.
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