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Ask The Interviewer of Sexual Predators

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pink Candy, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Relevant article on medical treatment of pedophiles:

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    Texas pays for castration. But they won't do anti-androgen therapy (for those of you following along at home, anti-androgens reduce sex drive by reducing testosterone levels). Of course, castrated men can still sometimes get an erection / re-offend. And I don't need to get into an anatomy lecture to point out how people can still sexually assault other people without using one's own genitals.
  2. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Well, shit. I had no idea Texas actually paid for these guys to chop off their plums but won't pay for hormonal castration. I stand corrected.

    Our unit does have the group therapy and a lot of the offenders find it helpful. However, I have to wonder if the treatment providers could actually use adversion therapy. Or if I could watch that. Something tells me I'd like to see what would happen if a pedophile was overcome with ammonia fumes while checking out kiddie porn.
  3. Insomniac

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    How many offenders have you interviewed thus far (I know you said your unit handles about 30 cases currently, but I wasn't sure if that's the entirety of the offenders that have been interviewed or if you interviewed all of them, etc)?

    How do you think your being female affects their responses to the questions? Do you think it makes them more or less likely to divulge information?

    And you mentioned that on the Static tool it differentiates between a male and female victim - how does this affect their score on said test?
  4. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    How many offenders have you interviewed thus far (I know you said your unit handles about 30 cases currently, but I wasn't sure if that's the entirety of the offenders that have been interviewed or if you interviewed all of them, etc)?

    How do you think your being female affects their responses to the questions? Do you think it makes them more or less likely to divulge information?

    And you mentioned that on the Static tool it differentiates between a male and female victim - how does this affect their score on said test?

    I think I have interviewed pretty much the majority of our offenders in Special Assault. Nowadays, since the state is having a budget crisis, more sex offenders are being released or put into probation. Just what you want to hear, huh? But it's up to us to interview ALL the sex offenders in our county. So, I'd say between my boss and I we've done about 80. And we need to interview about 250 more. At least it'll keep us busy.

    I've always wondered about this, if they'd open up to a male better than they do a female. I once asked one of the female parole officers that isn't a hardass (surprisingly, the unit is mostly comprised of females) why we get answers out of them that they probably wouldn't admit to a male. Her answer was that as females, we may come across as less judgmental and softer because of that whole women = maternity. I don't get it, but I think she may have a point. I've heard female corrections officers talk about how the inmates of prisons don't really give them that hard a time because with male CO's, it's almost like you need to prove yourself to another man. Y'know, that whole testosterone thing. But, there's also a flip side...the offenders that come in and loathe women are the ones that stonewall us badly but admit gruesome things to their male PO's.

    Y'know, I've never asked my boss why, but you score a point for a male victim. I don't know if it's because offenders don't differentiate between the sexes (like, any child will do) or because male/male sex crimes are considered worse? I think I may have to ask her this when I go in on Thursday morning. Thanks for that question, it's a good one!
  5. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    How often do you get these types of offenders? I've always been under the impression that domestic offenders make up a majority of sexual criminals.

    How often do you interview someone who seemingly has no ability to relate to other people, like in a Patrick Bateman sort of way? You say most guys will express some degree of regret (though not necessarily remorse), but have there been any who simply didn't feel bad, as if what they did wasn't wrong?
  6. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    How often do you get these types of offenders? I've always been under the impression that domestic offenders make up a majority of sexual criminals.

    How often do you interview someone who seemingly has no ability to relate to other people, like in a Patrick Bateman sort of way? You say most guys will express some degree of regret (though not necessarily remorse), but have there been any who simply didn't feel bad, as if what they did wasn't wrong?

    I feel like I should clarify; a DV rapist is a type to use sexual abuse as a way to gain power over his/her spouse. But yes, in about 95% of the cases, the victim is sexually assaulted by someone he or she knows.

    I actually can't truly say that someone has sat across from me and said "Yep, I raped her and no, it wasn't wrong." I've heard variations of this. Said variations include:

    "She came on to me. Why should she be allowed to say no after we were kissing?"
    "That little girl (six years old) took out my penis and began sucking it. I didn't encourage her. She started it."
    "She was givin' me play and then said it was rape so her boyfriend wouldn't find out."
    "She looked 18 but lied about her age."
    "She (a 12 year old girl) came onto me so aggressively I didn't feel like I could say no."
    "I thought he (a 10 year old boy) was possibly homosexual, so I felt like I should show him there was nothing wrong with it." While there's nothing wrong with being gay, there's something incredibly wrong about molesting a little boy.
    "She's a prostitute. She was on drugs. She gives up her body for drugs. I just made her pay for the drugs she consumed." And by making her pay, he meant holding a shard of glass to her face to force her into submission.
    And my favorite from a guy that was convicted of a crime like what you'd see on To Catch a Predator: "Well, I was talking to a phone sex operator and she had this fantasy of being a schoolgirl and I went along with it, thinking it was a fantasy." He conveniently omits that he was caught in a sting operation with a cop admitting that he'd "love to fuck a 12 year old girl" that the cop was going to provide and that he'd pay $300 to keep fucking her every week.

    I guess those are pretty much the same thing as saying they haven't done anything wrong, in my mind.
  7. turboawesome

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 7, 2009
    Did you ever come across a case where you thought that they were innocent? I ask this because my friend knows a guy who was convicted of molesting his own kid, however he maintains that his ex-wife put the words into the kid's mouth as revenge against him (like you mentioned previously). He's released now, however he would have been paroled sooner if he signed a statement admitting to the crime, which he refused to do as he still claims innocence. Have you ever run into something similar?
  8. Evildreams

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The earth's navel
    I'm at University studying Criminology (Criminal Justice in the USA). Most lecturers claim that for the 'perpetrator' rape and sexual abuse aren't about sex per se, it's more about the power that they hold over the victim during the ordeal, one even goes as for as to say that rape has nothing to do with sexual frustration or sexual satisfaction but that it's about power.

    What do you think? Is sexual frustration or lack of sexual partners the reason why these people are motivated to rape someone or is it really because they want to feel superior or in someway feel that they are in control of the victim?

    Another question: I've heard of some weird cases of rape for example, a 17 year old boy raping a 70 year old woman, breaking her bones in the process. I'm guessing you hear much worse, if so what's the worst case/s of rape you've ever heard of.
  9. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Is a chastity belt part of your work uniform?

    Would you consider administering your test to Scootah and letting us see the results?
  10. Lasersailor

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    Have you ever been wrong? If so, has this changed how you act to other predators?
  11. BrotherNumberOne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    A few questions:

    -Do you ever run into these folks in public like at the grocery store? If so, how'd it go? Which is to say, have they threatened you? was it 'a pleasant conversation'?

    -Have you ever seen one of them in public at a bar or near a playground & had to revoke their parole?

    -Based on your experience in reading people in your line of work and your exposure to offenders (you indicated patterns such as, many socially are children & enjoy children's activities), do you think Michael Jackson was a molester? I just wonder what your gut tells you on that one.

    Thanks for doing this, by the way.
  12. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Are any of the people you interview in there for bestiality? Have any of them admitted to bestiality?
  13. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm at University studying Criminology (Criminal Justice in the USA). Most lecturers claim that for the 'perpetrator' rape and sexual abuse aren't about sex per se, it's more about the power that they hold over the victim during the ordeal, one even goes as for as to say that rape has nothing to do with sexual frustration or sexual satisfaction but that it's about power.

    What do you think? Is sexual frustration or lack of sexual partners the reason why these people are motivated to rape someone or is it really because they want to feel superior or in someway feel that they are in control of the victim?

    Another question: I've heard of some weird cases of rape for example, a 17 year old boy raping a 70 year old woman, breaking her bones in the process. I'm guessing you hear much worse, if so what's the worst case/s of rape you've ever heard of.

    Rape is a crime of power. When we ask men that rape adult women how many sexual partners they've had, they usually report a high number (not counting the women they've raped). I've discussed sexual preoccupation as a motive for why these men want to rape women and so far, the best answer I can come up with is that in their twisted psyche, wanting to humiliate a woman and have power over her is what drives their arousal up.

    Rape and assault usually go hand in hand, especially if the victim is a fighter. The guy I interviewed on Monday raped a 25 year old woman and broke her nose in the process of it. Is that what you mean, or are you talking about injuries occurred from the, act?

    Is a chastity belt part of your work uniform?

    Would you consider administering your test to Scootah and letting us see the results?

    Negative. But one of the perks of my job is that jeans, a sweatshirt and sneakers are the preferred uniform. Anything that's tight is prohibited. And, anything that is open toed is prohibited since some guys have foot fetishes.

    If Scootah enjoyed raping children, yes. Since he doesn't, the testing wouldn't tell you much. From what he's posted on here, he doesn't seem to have any sexual proclivities that would make me really raise an eyebrow. The S&M thing, while unusual for some, isn't considered a deviant activity for a couple that are of age and don't go around raping women and children.

    Have you ever been wrong? If so, has this changed how you act to other predators?

    Yes, actually! Not because someone was innocent, but because he was so glib and sociopathic that I feel for his little act hook, line and sinker. Within a week of my interviewing him and his score came out relatively low, he was busted for viewing pornography. When the PO's went to arrest him he decided to expose himself to them while he was in the backseat...and then sprayed urine everywhere like a horse. When his PO was telling me the story after Hazmat came and hosed down the backseat...let's say I felt duped.

    After that incident, I'd look a little harder at their case files and try to read between the lines of their behavior to see if I missed something.

    As for innocence, I don't think I've come across someone that was innocent. Had appeals pending against the charges years after the fact, yes.

    -Do you ever run into these folks in public like at the grocery store? If so, how'd it go? Which is to say, have they threatened you? was it 'a pleasant conversation'?

    -Have you ever seen one of them in public at a bar or near a playground & had to revoke their parole?

    -Based on your experience in reading people in your line of work and your exposure to offenders (you indicated patterns such as, many socially are children & enjoy children's activities), do you think Michael Jackson was a molester? I just wonder what your gut tells you on that one.

    I live about 50 miles away from my office, 20 miles by ferry. The offenders in my unit don't live outside of the county since it'd be a pain in the ass for them to report every day from my town. I haven't heard of someone being threatened outside of the office, however, a PO's brake lines were cut while her car was in the parking lot. Nobody was caught for doing this.

    Me personally, no. I don't go out into the field and observe their living situations or their activities. But yes, some are arrested and given a short jail sentence. Parole is different out here; we don't revoke them to serve the remainder of their sentence unless they've had a suspended sentence. The maximum time I've seen given for a parole violation was 180 days. After that, they're back out. In a traditional parole situation, they'd be sent back into prison for a number of years and go through the parole process again.

    Oooh, Michael Jackson. I refrained from giving my opinion when this came up on the RMMB since it was such a violatile topic. While he was found innocent, I have always wondered about the millions of dollars paid out to the victim's family. Seems to me if you were innocent, you wouldn't do something like that, right?

    Are any of the people you interview in there for bestiality? Have any of them admitted to bestiality?

    Nope, nobody has a bestiality charge. Yes, some of them have admitted to acts of bestiality. One particular guy had never slept with a woman but had screwed several horses. A few others have admitted to acts with piss and shit. That was a particularly interesting interview.
  14. falconjets

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    You met your husband before you started this I'm assuming.
    Do you think this would have had an affect on your relationship if you had started working before you met him. For example, when you first met a guy do you feel like you would have been much more guarded and took numerous (possibly extreme) precautions because of what you see on a daily basis. Sorry if that's too much of a hypothetical.
  15. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Wait a minute, hold the interviewed a guy that screwed horses, never had sex with a woman, and was a sex offender? What was he up on charges for? Fondling a horse? Did the victim whinny, neigh, and stomp it's feet on the witness stand while being questioned?

    You must elaborate on this one.
  16. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Im betting it involved a dude. Disgusting that a dude would do that to another dude. I know.
  17. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Wait a minute, hold the interviewed a guy that screwed horses, never had sex with a woman, and was a sex offender? What was he up on charges for? Fondling a horse? Did the victim whinny, neigh, and stomp it's feet on the witness stand while being questioned?

    You must elaborate on this one

    He was brought up on child molestation charges. He was at a house, repairing something, when he asked the daughter of the homeowner where the bathroom was. She showed him and he pulled her into the bathroom, locked the door and fondled her. She was seven years old.

    This was actually way before my time in Special Assault. My boss told me this, I looked up his file and checked out the interview she did about five years ago. He was out of prison in 2006...I have wondered if in that time, he's managed to finally nab a woman.

    You met your husband before you started this I'm assuming.
    Do you think this would have had an affect on your relationship if you had started working before you met him. For example, when you first met a guy do you feel like you would have been much more guarded and took numerous (possibly extreme) precautions because of what you see on a daily basis. Sorry if that's too much of a hypothetical.

    Yes, I met my husband long before I started this job.

    I've always been a pretty cautious person (reading about serial killers and rapists can make one paranoid) so I don't think I would've changed very much if I had met him after I started this career. Of course, he manged to lure me into his apartment the very first night with a Simpsons DVD. Something tells me that I'd probably be lured just as easily today. Which likely opens me up to a barrage of comments and observations...
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do the criminals usually fit the stereotype descriptions we usually have for sex offenders (ie the sex offender shuffle video)? Ive always read that a lot of sociopaths are normal in all outward appearances and some, like Ted Bundy, were even considered above average and thus alluded capture much longer.
  19. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Do the criminals usually fit the stereotype descriptions we usually have for sex offenders (ie the sex offender shuffle video)? Ive always read that a lot of sociopaths are normal in all outward appearances and some, like Ted Bundy, were even considered above average and thus alluded capture much longer.

    There's no way to really "tell" if someone is sociopathic by just looking at them. I remain adamant that most people in politics have a lot of antisocial tendencies - their appetites for bad behavior are usually hidden better or they can cover it up easier. Yet, there are some that I've seen in the lobby that I've never interviewed and sometimes I can pick them out before we interview. Strangely, I seem to pick up the old guys as creepy sex offenders quicker than I do with the younger guys.

    In my tenure of this job, there was only one guy I found to be a tiny bit attractive because he had big blue eyes (which is a weakness of mine). I'm brought right back down as soon as I remember he was convicted of raping a quadriplegic woman.

    Also, not too many of the offenders are really that intelligent. There's only one that finished college. About 3/4 dropped out of high school. And the ones that have eluded capture are the men that can successfully groom their victim enough that the victim won't tell what happened for years.
  20. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Thoughts on Chris Hansen?

    Any of your predators ever make the news?