Yeah it's manipulated I'm sure. I was looking quick. I'm sure her lingerie is holding stuff in. But it still made my point.
Why is Zooey Doucheanal on that list at all? Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence at number 5 and 4? Really?
Its not just the lingerie thats holding stuff in. I'm sure the editor went crazy on her body making it more appealing. In real life, that plus size model looks nothing like that. I'm sure the process shown in the video is what they did to her photo.
uhhhh. That second example is not what I consider curvy. I consider that sloppy as fuck. And Kate Upton is disappointing because besides her tits and great hair, that girl has nothing going for her. edit: Emma Stone, Mila Kunis (whose lack of ass is made up for in so many other ways), Cate Blanchett...Yes please.
I don't think she's curvy either. I would call her overweight. I think that's how they see themselves. I think Kate Upton is pretty, but this is always the picture I think of when I think of her: Spoiler Just something about her body looks misshapen to me. I think it's that her waist is too high or something. I'm sure that's where all you guys are looking as well. And if guys use waist to hip to describe her as curvy, she's got none. I don't even know why we're discussing this. We all know it's personality that matters anyway. Duh.
Yeah, I am agreeing with you. When men say curvy, they mean "not skeletor". If women hear men say curvy, and they extend it to think guys are somehow saying fat is okay (or as Shim perfectly put it, sloppy), that's not on the men. So, I am perfectly comfortable with and know what I mean when I say curvy.
I don't think women are misjudging men's reaction to the word curvy. Curvy for women seems to have been pushed on them recently to justify figures like the second one posted, mostly from women. I like girls that are built small I like girls that are built big. I like the bigger built girls because they tend to have huge jugs. I love huge jugs. I just like saying the word jugs when referring to curvy women with huge jugs. That girl Kelly Brook has awesome jugs.
I always thought curvy was more about shape than weight, I mean, the word is literally describing the shape of a person. Skinny women can be curvy if that's the way their body is shaped, fat women generally can't since after a point they just become a single curve.
So does Keeley Hazell.[/quote] I think all the women from 'Nuts' magazine are stunning and epitomize what curvy actually is. They are thin, but have nice curves to their body.
Pretty sure that's how she looks without eye makeup on. Thanks US Weekly! Unrelated, and not trying to threadjack, but at happy hour on Wed, my singleness came up and a friend of a friend, who is kind of a borderline militant feminist, made some trite comment about my preferences and "unrealistic expectations from society". I said something about "my type" and she honestly told me "real women don't look like the fantasies you have in your head." I then trolled her saying "since when is being attracted to fit/athletic girls who have the same values/interests as me a negative. I think this is the opposite of fat shaming, you are fit shaming me." I thought her head was going to fly off her body. To add to the absurdity, while not exactly cute, she's a yoga freak and has a REALLY attractive body.
Its the face you fuck. Its fuck you face. Thin shaming only normally occurs from fatter chicks in denial.
Sure they can. The "real woman" is them, personally. Everyone else is fake. Now a "real man" is obvious. A real man punches inanimate objects in frustration, spits in the middle of sentences, doesnt let pepper spray affect him and picks fight when with a group of friends. That's MAN shit right there.
Oh my god this whole thread is going to make my head spin Exorcism styles. "REAL MEN WANT CURVES. DOGS WANT BONES." "If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" Fuck you you lazy self entitled bitches. Fuck you and your entitlement and fuck you and your complete complacency in your life. Fuck you for not making an effort to take care of yourself and/or be a good person. Fuck you for thinking that EXISTING should be enough to make up for your lack of imagination, culture, and compassion. Fuck you for thinking that because you have tits and a vagina you're excused from putting any effort forth and improve yourself. Oh my god I could go on but I have to go to a nerd convention and reserve a table (literally). But fuck those bitches. I want food and a beer now. Fucking entitled cunts.