And crack has exactly what to do with the situation at hand, your racism aside? Oh, wait, it doesn't. I can see why you would imaging it's a matter of simply pulling yourself up by the bootstraps of your boat shoes and getting back on the golf cart, since you've been lucky enough to be propped back up after your multitude of fuck ups. Why don't these dumb poor blacks run back to their country club network and rich fathers like the rest of us? It's almost like they didn't get a good education or a nurturing environment as children.
Are you being serious right here? Literally every post you've ever made about how you attract girls is "They see a tall white guy pull up in some expensive car and puddles appear under them, I can't help it." Plenty of people are born white and rich who don't suffer from your affliction. Tell me, since you're so knowledgeable, how much time have you actually spent with poor, inner city kids? How many have talked to you about how they're being peer pressured in school to join these gangs, to sell these drugs? The situation as it stands right now in a lot of places is "join a gang or you have no friends and are a pussy bitch." When you were 13 and friendless because you had no personality and sucked, I'll bet you tried to figure out ways to fit in with the cool kids. Same shit, but with much larger consequences. Okay, but you're wrong. Explain to me the steps that somebody can take that will for sure, 100%, get them out of their situation. And then tell me why they aren't doing it, without using the words "lazy" or "victim."
It isn't racism if it's true. At any rate, I do believe this is the first time in the history of ever that anyone has taken the side of Walmart. It would be hilarious if the government responded to this by yanking the food stamp program for a few months as punishment. Or maybe if Anonymous did something to the people in the pictures? I mean, you know they have internet access if they have iphones and all...
Yeah, I agree, if a bunch of poor people (including children) were literally unable to obtain food to eat, that'd be hilarious. Yuckity yuk motherfuckers.
If there's some way to verify the charges during the "no limit" time against the actual balance at the same time, the people who charged hundreds of dollars of food with little to no balance should have a small percentage deducted every month until the funds are recovered. Say $20/month or the equivalent of "no steak once a week for you until you pay this back" in funds. (Disclaimer, I know jack shit about EBT, I'm assuming that people get enough to be able to lose $20 and not starve. If that's not true, then this obviously won't work).
This is my favorite part of the article: This is probably the first time in history, ever, that a Super Wal-Mart had every single register open.
What makes me curious about that aspect of the story is: Does walmart actually get the money billed for the food even though the "actual" amount of money the people had was far less? The money on the card is allotted to the people but its not good for cash. You can't withdraw money, correct? So did walmart lose a bunch of money or did the federal government? Edit: In Texas, you can take money out to buy items for things you need. But thats for something called TANF. And its not food stamps. Its just financial assistance.
First of all, the assumption that everyone receiving food stamps doesn't work is fucking absurd. Minimum wage just happens to be far below a living wage in most parts of this country, and that's without taking dependents (children) into account. Most people who get food stamps/SNAP/EBT work. Second of all, you have to be at or below 130% of the poverty line to receive food assistance. That's about $25k/year for a family of 3, and typically families with incomes closer to that threshold receive significantly less per month, since they have a higher expected contribution. Third of all, fuck you ballsack. And fuck Ronald Reagan, too, for introducing the term "Welfare Queen" into the national lexicon. Are there people who take advantage of the system? Sure, but they are far outnumbered by those who actually need help. Spend some time at a food pantry and you'll hear about how often food stamps are insufficient for a family to get through the month, or how their benefits have been cut off because of a glitch in the system, or an error at DHS. And, in all seriousness, if you struggled to feed your family and worried that your children were going to bed hungry, would you be above taking advantage of a glitch in the system and clearing out a Walmart? Because I doubt it.
So a family of four would get $160/week or +/- $640/month (160 for 4 weeks)? I think they can spare a twenty every month as a punishment until the bill was paid.
Calm down you elitist racists. They couldn't buy anything besides food. Not like they walked out of there with TVs, clothes and other shit. They walked out with food and fuck if Wal-Mart said keep those registers ringing, keep those registers ringing. Not everyone is meant to be on the same socioeconomic level, better to have them on the government teat, then homeless and committing violent crime. Keep the masses fat and sedated, then they won't cause trouble. You don't want those people on the same level competing for the same resources as you. We all know once black people are on the same level, they're actually better. I do feel bad for the employees that had to but the shopping carts back.
^ This. They should be enrolled in community service to receive EBT. Do something with your time while you're living off of our taxes. Clean up trash along the roads, make license plates, mow parks, look for a job like it's your job (because it is). I know that many people just need a temporary leg up but what are the limits? Serious question, how long can you receive assistance before its shut off?
I read that WalMart is on the hook for the difference. I say that's good. They had all the registers open and were trying to take advantage of the situation too because they thought the government would pay for the problem. The simplest thing they can do is leave. Just get the fuck out of there. Simply standing in a different zip code will improve their situation. The only thing you lose by doing it is the support of your friends and family, and guess what? They're actually probably the biggest part of your problem. Get out of the city, including the suburbs. Find a semi-rural area that isn't in the old south and go there. Where I grew up, you can rent a 3-bedroom house with an attached garage for $480/month. There also tends to be plenty of manual labor jobs that pay significantly better than minimum wage. Take part in the community, find a church to join. They'll be distrustful at first, but once they accept you, those people will take care of you instead of spray-painting "snitches get stitches" on your door. You'll have to work your ass off, but it will be much better. If you're a kid in school, it's even easier. There is no one with more people lining up to help them than the at-risk inner-city teen. Passable grades and a clean record get you into a state school with plenty of financial aid. Study something useful and you're home free. It's not complicated and plenty of people do it, but you don't see them because they leave and never come back. The majority of the ones who stay do so because they're fucking stupid and have no impulse control. It's an unpopular opinion, but the majority of the chronically poor deserve it. I'm not talking about the normal people who had a stretch of bad luck and were on the welfare rolls for a few months. I'm talking about the people who are poor for decades. Their situation is largely the result of poor decision making, no self control, and a complete lack of any effort to improve their situation. My parents are white trash. If I could give them $1 million, I wouldn't, because it would take them less than a year to be right back in their current situation.
This is a joke, right? People are poor for decades and generations because there's so little room for upward mobility in our society (less than pretty much any other postindustrial nation, and less than almost any other time in our history) and generational poverty leads to extremely limited opportunities for kids growing up in deep poverty. How is a family supposed to just up and leave if they can't afford to move? If they rely on family for childcare? And how is this rural lifestyle going to work out for them if they don't have a car? And how far do they have to drive for groceries and daycare and everything else? Gas adds up. And what ridiculous idea of the world do you have to think that these inner-city teens have it so easy? How much time have you spent in schools with enormous classes, limited books and resources, and an ever-changing crop of Teach for America recruits that (while well-intentioned) know very little about teaching? Not to mention what they may be dealing with outside of school.