When I was in my early to mid 20s people used to tell me I looked like John Franco all the time. For a while it was almost every single time I went to a bar at least 2 - 3 people would tell me that. But, honestly, except for the moustache, which I don't even have anymore, I don't see it.
I have never been shy, I have been told I resemble Joan Jett or Pat Benatar for as long as I can remember. Spoiler My hair is currently bright fucking red though.. Spoiler
This is mostly the opinion of drunk frat guys, but people always tell me I look like Tina Majorino. I have red hair, but otherwise that's me. My legs are that scrawny. We also have the same skin-tone. If you look for other pictures of her, we have the same waist-to-bust proportions.
I've posted enough pictures of myself over the years. If you don't know what I look like already, then it'll take minimal digging. It goes something like this: (I'm somewhat depressed these are the best pictures I could find from the fine film Vertical Limit.)
This is what I look like. Fortunately I have a sense of humor. Unfortunately I look like a Middle Eastern Mr. Bean.
Why not? One with hat, one without. I wear hats all the time so I'm breaking the rule. Edit: the first picture is obviously a shitty cell phone picture but one of the few where I'm not wearing a hat.
I'm have very few photos of myself, and the few I do have are usually taken by other people. Here's me at a NAGA tournament last year (I'm on the right).
Frylock was almost dead on, especially considering I wear black power trinkets on a near-daily basis. He did, however, get the hair wrong. (These are maybe a year old, I would have taken one now, but I can't figure out how to turn the flash on my phone off and it makes all the pics weird). A couple, one smiling, one not:
... What about cat-faces? * Not The Wife in the pic, and really don't remember the reason for the ash-face-painting, but I think my buddy The Pirate wins the night. And hell, I already shared this one over Christmas, so might as well here as well: Jigging for tuna while coked out on 5-Hour Energy and Coors Light makes me happy!
BD was pretty close with that first picture of the three Canadians. Here's a shitty cellphone pic from a few years ago since thats all I have right now.
I considered posting a picture of myself, then I remembered that there is already a picture of me in another thread, and I figured one is enough. However, I will post a picture of someone who I apparently looked like back in my middle school days, according to one of my friends: (Averman from The Mighty Ducks) I never had curly hair though, so I'm not sure how he made the connection. However, I did have the big nerdy glasses so I guess it's not that far of a stretch.
I've been told many time's that this guy looks a lot like me, minus the 9'oclock shadow. Ladies, what do you think? The actual me: