I feel the same way about photos in general. There's better pictures of the Hoover Dam on the web already, thanks. Saves me the time and hassle, and I don't have to bother carrying a camera whenever I go somewhere. Only reason I could ever think to take a picture would be (A) meeting a celebrity of some sort, or (B) Halloween.
You're right on when it comes to famous sites; one can find a 1000 different pictures of any quality from any angle of Notre Dame. But I half the fun of going somewhere new is exploring and seeing what you can find that is off the tourist track. Stuff like that you can't find pictures of and those pictures are among the most cherished in my collection. Now assholes who bring cameras EVERY FUCKING TIME they go out drive me absolutely crazy.
Just installed a slick mp3 player to play podcasts on the site I'm building. Goodbye single embedded player, hello playlists. And it's not even noon. I haven't been this productive since.....yeah, never. I probably need more beer, don't want to get burned out.
In honor of it being 78 degrees and a cloudless day, and because I'm near the beach. I give you the most gorgeous woman alive in a bikini in the sand...
Test, two quizzes and a short paper this week. So far, I've read one chapter. And I'm here posting this. I need a pill for the "Idontwannas." This case management text makes Melville exciting by comparison.
Hmm. This says a lot about you, and the only good thing it indicates is that you may be a practical person. The worst thing it says is that you actually like Halloween. And let's be honest, there's better pictures of celebrities on the web already as well. But hey, seeing you with one would be pretty awesome...as you'd be compelled to post it at every opportunity. Anyways, hot tub, wine, skrills, Inception, no work tomorrow. Probably get to the fuckin' as well. A day of rest indeed.
I see nothing at all to argue about. Unlike L4L (see how I did that there?) I have no papers, quizzes, etc. to worry my head about. But I'm not sure that painting the ceiling and cooking pot roast are much better.
I just found out my buddy got his truck stolen last night. That's some fucked up stuff. A man's car is just something that you don't mess with no matter what. I realllllly (yes, 6 'L's) hope my buddy get's a hold of the fuckup who took it so we can all see the aftermath of what a proper beatdown/execution should look like. He had a 2010 F150 with all the high end stuff and he lives in Corpus Christi, TX, so if anyone down there knows of someone who just happened to come across a really nice new truck, let me know and I'll pass the info along.
Katt Williams is a pretty good comedian. There are plenty of good black comedians, and saying that the only difference between a good black comedian and a bad black comedian is delivery is nutslappingly stupid.
If you think Katt is a good black comedian, I hope you caught Patrice Oneal's special on CC last night. He absolutely killed it.
It wasn't until this black comedian debate started that I realized I had no clue who Katt Williams was, and I was in fact imagining William Katt:
If you understand why people like Louis CK, you should be able to understand why they like Katt Williams.