First porno I came across I thought was a legitimate John Wayne movie- "True Grit". It had a lot of anal.
My dad was an avid porn collector and had a huge stack of Fox magazines in the cabinet in the bathroom my brother and I used. So since I can remember I had access to hardcore dick in pussy magazine porn. We also had a descrambler and multiple VCRs for dubbing. Having a brother 4 years older who'd bring friends around to watch it when he was in middle school meant I was introduced to it when I was 7 or 8, first or second grade. My brother would record pay per view porn or dub one of my dad's porn's and sell them at school for 25 bucks a tape. I still had to hide the fact I was viewing it so that meant staying up until parents went to sleep or rewind the porn to the same point it was at before. I honestly could not tell you what the first porn was that I ever watched. It's all kind of a blur, some of the earliest ppv stuff was soft core stripping only movies. I do remember the first porn I ever successfully jerked off to. The soft core show Beverly Hills Bordello on Showtime, the episode where the husband brings his wife along as she had agreed to let him fuck someone else for an anniversary present. She is apprehensive but gets into it while watching it through 2 way glass. It was the first show I could remember that showed full bush shots which I though was insanely exciting (despite the fact I had access to all sorts of real hardcore stuff). Sometimes, rarely, Ill watch a full episode of skinemax style porn to get that old teenage throwback jerk. ALT Focus I listen to Loveline and Dr Drew recently has started to mention how he notices guys seem to more and more rely on the easy access to porn to fulfill their sexual needs over trying to create long term relationships for the same purpose. I don't know if it's just his sample size being skewed but I can see this being a thing as pornography becomes as saturated as humanly possible with advancing technologies and such.
The internet didn't hit mainstream until I was in college. Growing up I found dad's Penthouse magazines and a couple videos (Kascha was the first I ever watched). We didn't have cable so I was a virgin to squiggly porn until I found it surfing the hotel TV one night during a road trip. I think the very first Playboy I ever bought is still buried in an old box in the closet somewhere. Miss April '97; Kelly Monaco. As far as softcore goes, I think that's what the lifetime channel is for anymore although I do recall one late night in college up late studying and whatever channel I had on for background noise aired 'The Great Texas Dynamite Chase'. Otherwise known as mid '70's softcore porn at it's zenith.
While I understand this due to availability and technology, it still blows my damn mind. I'm an avid watcher of porn, my friends joke about my hoarding tactics cause I rarely watch a video multiple times yet don't delete scenes I really enjoyed, and causally download torrents every couple of days. That being said, as a single guy, I'd cease downloading porn during the week if that was the tradeoff for getting action on the weekend. Of course you still download and utilize even in relationships, but if it was one or the other, thats a simple choice. But then I see some of these weirdos that go to the AVN conferences and such, and what female partners they likely have access to outside of their high-def fap sessions, and maybe its a different story.
The very first time I saw printed titties, I must have been 5 or 6. I was snooping around in a room that a cousin lived in at my grandmother's house and found a copy of a 70's Playboy. My porn consumption didn't really start until one of my mom's exes would rent a porno, disconnect the VCR while I was watching TV, then disappear into her bedroom. This was done while she was at work. He was nice enough to keep the sound to a minimum. Alt Focus: I think porn is going to ruin the next generation of men. A teenager boy watches porn and thinks that women only want a dude that's got a Pringles can for a dick, can fuck in weird positions and places, and can last forever. He's going to think that shit is normal, and is going to put pressure on himself to fit into that unhealthy ideal. What we're going to have is a nation of premature ejaculators with pulled hamstrings wondering why their girlfriend isn't interested in fucking in an Old Navy dressing room with her best friend joining in.
Earliest porn memory was watching a tape my friend's older brother had. It was two guys and a girl, and it was awful. So much hair. I hate that I can remember it so clearly. Can also remember the first pic of Pamela Anderson I watched load on my computer for 15 goddamn minutes. She was wearing a cowboy hat. Of course it started loading from the top, so I couldn't even be sure if she was naked. Once it got past her strapless shoulder, I knew my life had changed forever. As for porn's effects, I think it's similar to any other vice like booze, cigarettes or drugs: some people can handle it, others can't. I'm sure it gives virgin teenagers ideas they wouldn't otherwise have had until later, but they're gonna be insatiably horny no matter what, especially the boys. As creepy as it might sound, I think parents can do a lot to help prevent their kids (boys especially) from blurring the porn world with the real one. Not that they have to get into specific acts, but when having The Talk, explain clearly that there's virtually no connection between the two. Reminds me of one my favourite Tweets: @OutrageousM I come from a long line of people who were able to get laid. And it all ends here with me watching vids of other people getting laid.
The year was 1998. I was 11 years old, and we had just gotten The Internet. It seemed pretty cool. Then one day I had an idea; an idea so crazy, so too good to be true, that it could never possibly work. Unless... With trembling fingers I opened Alta Vista and typed "naked ladies." I wanted to believe, but I felt my hope flicker as I waited for the page to load. There was just no way. But then, after a dozen or so seconds...
My first porn memory is picking up a skin mag at the barbershop when I was about four. I don't know which one it was, but the one image I remember was two women in a shower or sauna with one licking the side of the other's face. In middle school I discovered my brother's stash of Hustler Humor books. I had the best dirty jokes in school that year. By ninth grade I discovered his VHS tapes. Some of you talk about how tough it was hiding your porn activities..but have any of you had to write down the VCR counter numbers and re-wound a tape to the exact second you started it? Yeah, I was hardcore. If I was desperate for new material, there was a video magazine my brother subscribed to that had a special sealed adult section in it, like Columbia House for porn. The tiny pictures of the VHS tape covers did well in a pinch.
Ah, but if the girls watch it as well, they might be down for that. I just think that it's not bad for people to get used to a wider idea of what's available sexually, and keep in mind that gonzo porn isn't the only thing out there. My stepmom used to get Adam and Eve catalogs in the mail. I would get home earlier than they would and check to see if any envelopes with the PHE return adress were there. I had a collection of them.
The problem with Adam and Eve today is if you order stuff from them, they send you emails with naked ladies in them (come on, where's the dudes? Sexism!), which is fine in my gmail as it sorts that stuff now. But if I'm checking my email at say, the Y, and you read one and it automatically goes to the next one, it's like Bam! Titties! Both my parents worked for a book manufacturer. Before they decided they were too good for the smut, they used to make dirty books. I discovered one in the cabinet one day (really, next to the extra shampoo dad?) when I was about 14 and my world was forever changed. I also had to go the bathroom a lot after that. I don't know why.
This is EXACTLY why I have my settings to NOT automatically open attachments and read next email on my phone and computer. Well, not exactly, since I don't go to the Y, but same idea. Years ago, I used to pull the catalog cards out, fill them out for people who absolutely wouldn't admit wanting the Adam & Eve catalogs and have them mailed to their office address. And, dibs on the sig. Thanks, funball.
Hahahah this was me! (Dad had a massive collection of Penthouse Black Labels)... However I didn't want their friendship, I wanted their cold hard cash. I rented that shit out in exchange for kids lunch money. I did eventually get ratted on, and got an in-school suspension for my efforts, but for a brief few months I was the porno king of the schoolyard and it was glorious. A year or so later right around the start of high school i finally located the holy grail (a nasty ass 80's VHS porno in a box in the garage) and i dubbed a bunch of copies and rented that shit out too, that was a real money maker and i never got busted for that little scam.
You just gave me a brilliant idea. I don't have the office address (though I could look it up, and cause innumerable damage there), but I do have the home address. Which is even better, from a pure-destruction standpoint. Karma is speaking through me right now. I cannot stop it.
A friend of mine had a complete asshole of a boss, who was a pathological liar, fired people who she felt threatened by, etc. My friend used to go into bookstores or drug stores, pick up each magazine and shake out the loose subscription card, which were (are?) all postage paid. Slap a bulk-printed address label to the boss' house on there, check "bill me later" and mailed them in batches from a post office nowhere near where we lived. The woman must have gotten hundreds of magazines over the course of a year or so.