I think you forgot one amazing one.... NSFW http://www.themusicage.com/video.php?content_id=12940 It's so NSFW you can't even find it on youtube anymore (and I can't check to see if this video works because I'm unfortunately at work.
To this day, I still can't figure out how the HELL they pulled off the cinematography in this video. It just seems impossible the way it's done, and it just plain fascinates me. Awesome song, too.
This is one of my favorite videos, it's almost full CGI and the song tells an awesome violent story despite being a slow song. Here's another full CGI video, one of my favorite metal bands and it's a wicked video. Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 always brings me back to the young carefree days.
Last one, I promise. This one is Metallica's greatest song and greatest music video. Basically, it's a Communist Zombie conspiracy to destroy capitalism.
With credit going to KIMaster for the post, this was the funniest thing posted in the earlier So Bad It's Awesome thread. This was the first time in my life I laughed myself sick during the entire duration of a video. Thriller doesn't have shit on this choreography. The song: Life at the Outpost. The band: The Skatt Brothers. Hold onto something:
This is my kind of thread. Since "Tonight Tonight" and "1979" have already been posted, and since The Smashing Pumpkins are my favorite band, I'll post another. A beautiful video for a beautiful song. It was shot entirely with a still camera, giving it that shaky photo album look. Also Michel Gondry will fuck anyone with his music video prowess
MC Skat Cat for the win. No, really...what were these people thinking? "Cartoon MC cat? Brilliant! Cut it!" But, for real, this video: It's "Madonna Channels Bjork". I love it.
Speaking of channeling Bjork, nobody does it better than Bjork herself. Starts out fairly normal, then the "play within a play within a music video" thing happens and it's awesome. Then of course robot chicks lezzing out is always good.
They don't make music videos better than this... ...and this is my idea of the absolutely perfect rock video, by an absolutely perfect rock band. There's never been a sexier video than this:
This is a good recent one, too; Or maybe I just really like the idea of a sci-fi kung fu Western. Edit I disagree; "Pussy" by Rammstein (NSFW).
Clearly KIMaster was a fan of Rikki Rathman and Headbangers Ball. The Famous Nipple shot, when I was in sixth grade this song ruled the planet. Hasn't been many Rap videos up here, this is one is da bomb. **** Video's today SUCK. Everyone is over the top crazy with costumes and crap. The Cycle of MTV in a young person's life. 12-17 watch VIDEOs loyally. 17-22- smoke pot watch MTV on mute and listen to your own music. (you watch for hot chicks) 22-26- REAL World and all that crap 27- There is an MTV still???
Here's another good Foo Fighters one. It would have been cool enough as a one-take video if it was just the guy running and saving stuff, but the fact that the band appeared in every room he was in makes it an awesome performance video too. The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be: This one is just a mindfuck. A combination of videotape and film where the video transitions are re-created with live props in the film "dream world"...that didn't make any sense. Just watch
And another old school classic. Remember how amazingly popular this song was for like 6 months? Added bonus, Robin Williams NOT doing voices.
How about some quintessential 80s? Huey Louis: Ok, the real one (featuring Doc Brown): Robert Palmer's duo of Model videos: I know this wasn't an iconic 80s video or anything, but goddamn. Alan Silvestri was a genius. I think I have this on my mp3 player somewhere... And to get even farther off topic, some kid doing a crazy drum adaptation of B2tF theme: WAY way far from topic, here's a compilation of Alan Sivestri themes (hint, he loves strings). Unfortunately, it's awful movie heavy. He's still a musical genius.