Personally, I love seafood but there are people out there that can't eat lobster and quahogs (great choice btw) because they are allergic to shellfish. Did the catering dudes not bring this up ?
I never thought I'd say this, but should we take bets on anaphylactic reactions/deaths at Ballsack's wedding? Theres always 1-2 people in every small group that is highly allergic to shellfish, not to mention peanuts and other things. This could be one for the ages.
Apparently this video was staged. The bride should have won an oscar, pretty convincing female mental break down.
Acoustic guitar is a little bit dated now, don't you think? I recommend something a little bit more contemporary, especially for you:
How big is the wedding? It would be cool to have an Idiot table, the best wedding gifts would obviously come from us.
I'm surprised we haven't chartered a bus trip yet. It could be like a cross-country trip!! (for most of us)
Feign attraction and interest for an all inclusive trip to Jamaica? Hell, I have done that for far less in the past. I'm in.
I bolded the special part for you. If that is an accurate account, let her whole statement, including the emphasized part, sink in. Hint: You'll be losing a LOT more than your deposit. Say goodbye to 50% of your stuff. Guys, what's the over/under on a Ballsack/FutureWife divorce on or before their 5th anniversary? Some days I just see things that affirm my belief in staying single permanently. This post has made it one of those days. EDIT for the slow: I am not making a statement about anyone else's relationships there, just my own, and, for the purposes of this thread, Ballsack's.
If you are still into the destination weddings to keep numbers down you could just hold it in Iowa or Nebraska or where ever you are living these days with the scary methheads.
Utah. I'm sure one of the nice Mormon churches there would be happy to host the ceremony. I don't know where you live, Sack, but maybe the Carolina coast? Clear water, decent temperatures, and best of all they still fondly remember slavery. I'm sure you could find a fitting, restored plantation house in which to celebrate your Holy Matrimony (catered by black people in era dress).
I'm still trying to grasp Durbanite having the gall to come in and shit all over Ballsack's relationship, good god.