I'm probably the only guy playing the single player campaign on XBOX, but is there a strategy on what buttons to push and in what sequence when I am engaged in hand to hand combat? I'm at that part where I crawl through a vent into the washroom of some building in Iran and I can't seem to get by this one douche while pressing the B and R2 buttons. @#$%
I usually just mashed all the buttons, or died enough times to memorize the sequence and hit them before it popped up. Spoiler That same retarded cut scene/button mash mechanic happens about 10 times during single player.
So are most of you playing on consoles or how is there so little whine about the launcher? If nothing is running then starting the game launches Origin, which launches your browser which can be used to choose a server, which launches the game and directly connects to the server. When the game ends you get booted back to your browser, where all the metagame aspects are controlled from. How retarded is that? That said, the 64 player maps are so much fun. Especially the smaller conquest maps, where there is no room for anyone so the battles are very intense. I saw a guy tick off 8 dudes with a grenade. Awesome.
I'm not sure why you get booted back to the browser when the game ends, thats odd. The web browser interface is a retarded pile of shit. Then again, so was steam for the 1st few months, so I'm willing to give it a pass for now. It's already way better then it was during the beta. One really annoying bug that I didn't figure out for a few days is that if you add a friend from the game launcher screen, they don't show up in your "general" origin friends. So you either have to add them in two seperate areas, or you have to launch the fucking game essentially, just to see who is online.
Did anyone try co-op yet? I was browsing around on battlelog and apparently some multiplayer weapons can only be unlocked by achieving points in co-op.
There are five or six weapons that you unlock to use in Multi. The only problem is, you have to grind missions over and over to gain enough points to unlock them all. Supposedly this is being fixed in an upcoming patch so I'd wait if you want to unlock them. A good Co-Op game will net you 8-13,000 points. The last gun unlock is around 400,000. Kind of shitty. The helicopter mission is great for practicing flying though and I've gotten pretty damn good just from playing that one.
I'll probably get around to the co-op and campaign next month. I could really use the helicopter practice as I don't even have flares yet. On another note, I was pleased to discover that grenades can be cooked if you hold R1 after pressing L2. I wish I knew this sooner.
It seems like most of the server kinks have been worked out, sans the shitty teammates who can't PTFO. Been playing with a few board folk and it's been good times.
I may be semi-retarded, but how do you get out of a game and join a new one once the game has finished and is at the stats/awards/unlocks screens? Rep responses make me sad...why the hell not fix that crap?
Is there something special you're suppose to do to get the javelin and guided missiles in a tank to lock on to aircraft?
The Javelin is an anti-tank weapon, so you can't lock-on to an aircraft, for that you'll need the SA-18 IGLA. However in the rare instance you have a Support team member who uses the SOFLAM I believe it's laser designation will allow you to lock onto aircraft. As I rarely use the Javelin and even rarer still see someone using the SOFLAM I can't confirm that though. Same with the Guided Shell upgrade from tanks, which is what I'm assuming you are referring to. Anti-Air missiles are available on the AA turrets and the Infantry Fighting Vehicles like the LAV-25 or the TUNGUSKA.
I'm pretty sure the Javelin might be the most worthless weapon. You get two shots, it takes forever to load, and its not a one-hit-kill. Why even bother?
You get five if you use the Explosives perk or have a squad mate who has the Team Explosives perk, like me. I've found that it actually works quite well if you have a partner to coordinate with, but like everything else in this game it requires teamwork to function correctly. Basically you kinda swap. One person will shoot first, drawing out the IR flares, then shooter two pops his out and typically it'll get you the "Disable Vehicle". Do it again with shooter two going first this time, and you'll take it out.
I'm pretty jazzed for the Return to Karkand map pack coming in a few weeks, Karkand and Gulf of Oman have to be the best maps of any BF game. They need to also port over Atacama Desert and Arica Harbor from BC2. So what's the third seat in a tank? Played last night with a guy in a tank who went 44-5 in a tank with 3 spots. It was a fucking rape.
It's the last tank upgrade, called the CITV station. Apparently they can laser designated targets and use a proximity scanner, and fuck that guy in the tank, fuck him right in the ass.