I am Canadian, ergo in this scenario I'd be just fine. My neighbours and I would plant a community garden and share our lager while sitting under a rainbow and minding each other's children as groups of us went off to scavenge while nodding politely to other raiding parties. The only confrontation would be polite disagreements over who gets to hold shop doors open for whom, and it would be done while apologising profusely. Seriously though, I am a wicked good shot with a rifle and have enough medical knowledge to do in a pinch. Combine this with the fact that the bf is half native and was raised to respect his ancestry with knowledge of hunting, skinning, tracking, trapping, etc. and the fact that we are close to both a major mountain range and the inhospitable north, I'm pretty sure we'd be ok.
I'm just hoping that I can develop a taste for fat people. They are slow, plentifull and packed full of calories.