You gotta love the snazzy music on the website though. It's almost good enough to go. USA Today calls it "A Sleek Escape." If you haven't checked it out, do so. You'll be swinging back and forth to the music in your chair saying things like "Damn baby!" or "This chicken is kickin'." in a deep voice. I have an awesome feeling that this guy will end up being the only person at his own after party. My estimate is 3 popped collars he'll be sporting, depending on the weather.
This is so good. Pay 2 grand to meet The Founder? I think he wants to start a cult, but doesn't really know how. Everyone knows you have to claim to be the Messiah right from the start to get any respect.
I've been to the Gansevoort, I was there last week for some book launch party, since it's a half mile from my apartment I can stop by for the conference and see what the deal is. Obviously I'm not going to pay anything.
I can't help but think this guy is just a spin-off of the whole Real Social Dynamics/Mystery Method pick up industry. He even picked a hotel that all the "community" guys hang out at. By the way, the tall doorman with a pony tail is named Tim. The password to skip the line is "Hero."
We love him, he loves we! We're the Founder's family! *The Founder actually feels no love or other human emotion, preferring to coldly and robotically manipulate human psychology to achieve unprecedented levels of happiness. Yours for $29.95.
Untrue. Haven't you seen Trading Places? But seriously, you can certainly teach someone to be charismatic.
You don't have to be born with money to get it either. Hell, even looks aren't entirely something you're born with. The ugliest people are the slobs. Nearly everyone can at least look decent if they put some effort in. If the point is just that you're either born popular or you're not I have to disagree.
Is is even possible to be "popular" after high school? Seriously, is it? And for the after 30 crowd, what would being "popular" even entail? Anyway, reading that crap made me think about the Last Psychiatrist's rants about narcissists. Put another way-- this type of programs is to narcissists what "the cleanse" is to anorexics.
LOOKING GOOD, BILLY RAY. You're right, but for the wrong reason. Eddie Murphy was smoove as hell before the Dukes made him a rich man. He already had charisma. They just gave him the power to make rich people notice it. Which is what The Flounder is promising. FEELING GOOD, LOUIS.
I absolutely hate this kind of marketing. It's an infomercial selling something super dumb without a cool pitchman like Billy Mays or Popeil to sell the product. They resort to super ugly web pages full of terrible word type. You can find loads of these on google ads when you do random searches on google. I saw one for a product that cleanses your digestive tract and after a few weeks, a super long nasty thing comes out. The site was full of pics with people holding up long turds.
I just PM'ed you the torrent I found of it (looks like it might be an older version though). If anybody else wants the link PM me.
So far I am yet to dig up ANYTHING on this guy. Since he prefers to remain incognito, he's obviously a gigantic chickenshit. Anybody who considers themself a success and brags as much as this walking talking cliche does but refuses to reveal who they are is no doubt afraid of something. I personally think he won't come out of hiding because he's scared of somebody revealing what a fraud that he is. I did, however look up the club The Pink Elephant that the "The Founder and his Crew" (snicker) are partying at*, and it looks like the card-carrying definition of everything I hate about modern "scene" nightclubs: Overpriced, over-decorated, and filled with douchebags and gum-snappers. Pass. *-I adore how he says on his website that the two grand admission price doesn't guarantee your entrance into the club. I'm sure security will have no problem with letting the dorks that show up for this catastrophe skip the line.
So I read it. 56 pages of shit. It's not even what you'd expect, though. I went in thinking "this guy is going to give some retarded advice." There's hardly any actual advice! Half the book is the douche telling the reader why he should listen to him (not kidding, half of it.) The only "advice" I gleaned was "conform." That's about the extent of it. Not as funny as you'd think it'd be. No stars, would not buy from again.
Say what you will about the guy, he has a very active sex life. Every day he manages to fuck an entire short bus of social misfits out of thirty bucks an e-book.