Spoiler I don't think she was trying to hide from anyone other than herself. She tried to split from Jimmy before, but instead married him. She didn't trust herself to be lawyer in Florida or anywhere else, for fear she slip back into temptation of the kind of thing she did with Jimmy. (And, I don't think she's married to "yep" guy, since he leaves without spending the night.) Sometimes you see these sorts of things in shows or movies, where the "hiding" person has kept something that's a nod to their old self. I thought it was brilliant writing that she ONLY kept her name. The ponytail, the blonde, the job, specialty drinks, the heels and power pantsuits are all gone. Jimmy changed his name and appearance, but can't (won't) escape what it is that makes him him.
To go with what @Rush-O-Matic said Spoiler Yeah, this is a self-imposed exile, simply to remove herself from Saul’s world. The divorce was in 2008, right? So maybe since Saul is ubiquitous in ABQ and obviously being the character that they’d both started to create, she just wants to get away, and wants to not be that Kim at all. The interesting thing to me is how before, they worked together to mess with people, and succeeded, and had fun…but this week we learn the phone call makes them both do what’s in their nature, with repercussion that could harm the other. Saul’s reaction to Kim saying he should turn himself in is to go for a con that actually involves heavy drugging and identity theft, and then potential killing a mark, and threatening Carol Burnett. All because his ex didn’t react the way he wanted her to. Puts him past Slippin’ Jimmy and straight into bad guy territory. For Kim, his pot/kettle comments cause her to return to ABQ, file an affidavit that she knows has no evidence, so is a weak case for the DA to proceed on. And she still cares about Jimmy so she lies about knowing whether he’s still alive. And now thanks to Life Alert, Saul is on the run, and might end up back with Kim after all. I hope this last episode is a good payoff.
I saw this posted elsewhere. Such a nice bookend shot: Season 1, Episode 1 and Season 6, Episode 13: Spoiler
It’s been fun to see Reddit implode with disagreement. I thought it was really good, although I’m not sure it was perfect. But I can’t thing if anything different I’d prefer.
I don't get on Reddit. I'm not sure what the disagreements would be about the finale. I know there are some different directions the final season could have taken, but after the penultimate episode, that finale was a perfect conclusion and the most fitting ending. (Plus, with Jesse getting away and Walt dying, Saul had to slot into that third option.)
what would you do with a Time machine….time machine….time machine…. Time machine…. What would you do with a time machine?????? The absolute only time the character changed in the entire six seasons was in the last 5 minutes of the show. I wanted a DEA agent to let Marie Schraeder shoot him while in custody after we all thought the plots had been tied up.
To be fair, a good amount of Reddit, like anywhere, is stupid people. For example; Spoiler several people have commented that they’re glad Kim is a lawyer again, or asked things like “why are they acting like they’ll never see each other again, Kim is his lawyer now,” because they didn’t even listen when she said that her NM bar license doesn’t have an expiration date on it.
Better Call Saul wasn't a show like Game of Thrones that was building to a clear conclusion, or even Breaking Bad which, while detailing a descent, nonetheless promised an explosive end. It was always a denouement, and its ending was always going to be about theme and character, not plot and action. You leave the show not blown away by the deeds of Saul Goodman, but with an understanding of Jimmy McGill, and why he became what he became. I thought they nailed it.