^ I wasn't referring to you, nor the majority of doctors. Keep your bruised ego in check please. I'm glad that there are waivers I can sign to get me out of a surgery I don't want. Oh joy. What are you going to do if I don't sign it? Imprison me there? And I realize that you are not out to inflict pain on the general population. But there is a set of doctors, maybe 5%, maybe 2%, who ARE out to abuse random women and patients, as pinkcup's links demonstrate. Why would you think the percent of sociopaths in the medical field would be lower than that of the general population? In may even be higher. So yes, the vast majority of doctors are probably fine people, but the subset that isn't can also cause a lot of pain and trouble in our society, especially since everyone defers authority to them and there is no oversight, save a legal system where the doctor will claim paternalism. You seem to be living in a fantasy land where the moment I enter a hospital, for any reason, I surrender any and all freedoms over my body. You've been drinking the cool-aid too long.
Be advised that you sound like a meth'd out retard and are probably two or three more blows to the head away from trying to convince us there is a chip in your brain that robot-Obama monitors on a daily basis. Pinkcup has been emotional, but has had a point at the core of her posts. You just sound like a fucking moron. Stop it.