I had a kitten called Google. I wanted to be original. My father adopted a dog from the SPCA... a Chihuahua/Corgi mix, he's mine now. I hate him but love him. His name is Taco. Call your dog Copper, since you love cops so much.
Alt-Focus: Not my first pet, but the favorite name I ever gave to an animal was my fish Dallas, just so I could have this conversation: "I named him Dallas, after the submarine from Hunt for Red October." "I thought the submarine was the Red October." "No, the other one." ...Turns out I'm the only one who found it at all funny.
I though you were suggesting a name for a second. Now I really like the idea of Bump the dog. Alternatively: Captain Bacon. I think someone came up with it here or on the old board, it's awesome.
I have a bad habit of naming my dogs after songs. Our first family dog is some sort of Spitz/Pomeranian mix, since she looks just like a fox we called her, "Foxy lady" or Foxy for short. When I picked up my last dog with my roommates* we decided to find songs we liked that we could use. The girl living with us was bent on naming her Penny Lane but I wasnt having any of that. So we settled on Layla. Not a bad name but I didn't realize how unoriginal it was until I started running into every other dog named Layla or Lola or Lala. I still lover her but I should have taken a page from the breeders name for her mother which was some long drawn out bad ass name like you hear for the Westminster Dog shows. If I ever get a male pitt Ill name him "Monlicher Carcano and the Man that killed Kennedy." *note: 19/20 year olds getting their first apartments, dont ever get a dog thinking you and your roommates will share dog responsibilities. Five months into having "our" dog my roommate started hinting that he wanted his own dog so that he could have one when we moved out into different places. He promptly stopped taking care of the dog and started looking at puppies. The apartment was dirty enough with two guys, a hippy chick, and one dog, much less two.
I'm going to second Dixie. Great dog name, appropriate for a farm dog, you know it is a female without naming her princess. Daisy and Molly are nice too. And my dogs (who are cuter than all of your dogs, by the way) are named Theo and Jake. Probably not the most clever names but considering they were Royce and Alfie when I got them, I think it is an improvement.
This is Kash. He's cool as fuck. American Pitbull Terrier. Not my dog, its my sister's but he stays at my house more than his owners. Seriously a great dog. Obeys all commands and does not bark. Until he wants to do some rough housing, then he barks like a mother fucker. Extremely gentle and great with strangers, kids, and other pets
The black lab I had growing up was called Ben - my parents named him after Gentle Ben from Grizzly Adams. For awhile I was on a food kick for names based on the colors in their coat. A black and brown tiger stripe kitty was called Mocha, an orange tabby was Cheddar, a black and brown shepherd mix was Hershey (chocolate). My current cat is a tortie, which I always said if I got a tortie I would call it Reese - chocolate and peanut butter. My daughter didn't like that, though, so we stuck with what the spca called her - Lola. Lo-lo-lo-lo-Lola!
Alternate focus: What is your pet's name (or names)? Why? Teufel is German for devil. My dad got our first German Shepard while we were stationed in Germany and this is the 4th one to be called Teufel. He's the sweetest dog to everyone, but I never worry about him protecting like he's trained to do. Engel is German for Angel and this picture is from when I first rescued her. I read the paper less and less in bed on Sundays now because it normally means three cats and a dog "helping" me. Still, they all can do no wrong. The other two cats are both all black as well and are named Cole and Buckwheat...yeah, I know.
I strongly suggest giving the dog a one syllable name. The dog has an easier time hearing it above background noise and generally, you'll have an easier time saying it. That being said, if you must give your dog a two syllable name, make sure it can be shortened to a one syllable name. Obviously, unless you like the name Dix, I'd avoid Dixie. My dog is named Churchill, Church for short.
Myko (stupid backpack), Lily and Reese(bandana), all name by my wife Myko because she got her right after a trip to Greece, Lily because she looks like a dog named lily, and Reese because that was the name the rescue place gave her.
I disagree with the one syllable name thing. My dog with the one syllable name more often than not gets called Jakey (or Jakers or Puppers). Although that my be my desire to place "ey" or the equivalent on the end of everyone of my pets name when I baby talk them and try to cutify their names. Probably not as important when you are calling your dog over the noise of farm equipment. Or if you are a manly man calling his dog. I didn't mention this earlier because I clearly do not love my cats like I do my dogs, but I have a cat named Diva. Originally named Lady Godiva because she is a Burmese and is a luscious chocolate color. Based on her personality, she is now Diva (or Divey-Div when she allows me the luxery of actually petting her). My other cat is Cameron. No reason for the name, but she is only called Cammey now (see above)
Tags added due to size. Spoiler That's Loki. Spoiler This one is Lucifer, or Lucy for short. Yes I named both my cats after fallen angels. This is Abby on the left and American Bull Dog, and Hannibal on the Right, a Mastiff. For size comparison, that's a California King sized bed. That's Blackie, a black lab. * I didn't name him.
My hell-hound, Piper She got her name because of a character in a book I read as a kid. I thought I would shorten it to Pip when I was training her, but Piper seemed to work much better. Plus, it works in so many combinations: She shit in the house? Piper Diapers. She's running madly through the house after a bath? Hyper Piper. She's taken your Frosty (her favorite food ever- she's like a Frosty ninja)? Piper Swiper.
This is Belle although she had many names such as stupid, ho, and idiot. She was none of these but but my family is weird like that. She didn't know what they meant and would always wag her tail no matter what you called her. She passed away about a year ago. Looking at this thread makes me miss her. Oh and she could and would sit like this for an hour if told to then would toss it up a bit and catch it in her mouth.
Nala. Cuz she looks like the Lion King character, sorta. I thought it was creative. Apparently every other yellow girl dog is named Nala too. Whatever.
This is Tobias, otherwise known as Toby, Toblerone, Tuber, Woofie, Poochie Woo, Woofus, Snarfle, and Stinky. He lives with my parents, but he is mine, all mine. Whenever I come home his whole little self wags while he moans ecstatically, and as you can see from this picture he sleeps on my bed every night I'm there. He also hops into my lap at every opportunity and will adjust my arm with his nose if it is not petting him to his satisfaction. He is a hound, and hounds must perforce have ridiculous old man names. We brought him home from the shelter (yes, somebody dropped this purebred face off at the pound, there are many people I would like to punch in the crotch in this world) with the name of Corbin, which was not nearly ridiculous or old manly enough, so my mom busted out the directory of this old man club my dad is in and went through it. In related news, I will name my first basset hound Chester. It will be awesome.
Well I'm actually leaving out a couple here, believe it or not. I have no pictures of my budgee/parakeet. We had a yellow male named Homer who died, and a blue female named Marge who's still there. Also we had a fighting fish named Jason we won at a friend's 50th birthday whose name was also Jason, but the fish died too recently. Anyway, here's the current list of pets I have pictures of and their names. Sierra - Female Cockatoo Ash - Female doberman Ozzie - Male doberman Milkshake and Skittles (Left to right) - Two male cats (but fuck if I've ever said their names) Shaka - Male horse (I think it's a thouroughbred, don't know horses that well) Romanov - Male horse (I think it's a Dutch warmblood, but again fuck if I have any authority) My house is kind of a zoo. I guess there's no real mystery here as to whether or not I get along with animals. Apparently when I was born we had no less than 5 dogs, and apparently when I learned to walk I used to run around with them in the yard and fall asleep with them in the kennel. Yeah, I'm a totally sane and normal person. Woof woof. EDIT: Oh yeah, I think I mentioned it in a rant and rave, but I was really drunk at a party and this shirtless idiot was crawling around the floor barking at a chihuahua, and it was running circles around him and nipping his stupid ass. After his friends pulled him up and left the chihuahua ran over to me and sat in my lap, instead of it's owners. I count that as some sort of obscure victory in the animal magnetism front.