This is Screech. He is a Newfoundland. He gets his name from: He's the 2nd Newfie Dog my family has had. He's also the 2nd to be named Screech. If I ever get a Newfie, I will name it Screech III. Just something about that name for a Newfie dog just fits.
I have a Piper too. Named her that because she is hyper as shit and it seemed fitting. It's strange, because our last collie was the laziest fuck I've ever met. If you didn't know any better you would've thought he was a carpet because if he wasn't eating or shitting he was laying down.
Second that. My other dogs name is Bob. Several of my friends, one in particular, decided that it was disrespectful and have elected to call him Robert instead. Now the dog answers to both. I think he may have developed some sort of dog disorder as a result.
Thor. Had a pit named Zeus. My parents rott is named King, and my next Rottie will be Ares. Big on mythological names and single sylablles.
When I was a kid, we had a black doberman named Adonis. Best name for a dog I've ever heard. Now I have a cat.... named Lavender.
My English Bulldog, Lulu. I didn't name her (got her when she was about three years old). She is sweeter than soda pop.
DASKO. The Rott. My parents dog, he's a fuckin champ. Eats whole *rabbits, head fur and all, and once tore a feral cat into little red chunks. * If he corners them in the burrow, he can't run for shit.
I had a rottweiler show up at the house for a couple of weeks last summer. My girlfriend and I started feeding and watering him, and even gave him a name: Slash. Is that a surprise? I think he belonged to the neighbors and he ended up going home after he got bored with us.
If anyone here is ever brave enough to get a Great Dane, you HAVE to call him Hamlet. Seriously, you cannot top that.
Grandma named her 'Snowy belle'. I don't suggest the use of this name is you ever want to yell it in public. Oh, this is the look you get before she tries to taste your hand. This is her with Barf pig and Barf cow. (She throws up on them almost daily)