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Breaking Bad- Season 3

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Benzilla, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Though he has shown some promise before Im still not digging Aaron Paul. His buddies can be funny but how they drop in the over the top sore thumb comedy shit pisses me off. I know wanna be hoods that sound that stupid but their delivery is so bad and out of place (it seems like it is done intentionally) that it brings down the rest of the show. The Sopranos had a good knack for showing bumbling idiot gangsters with funny but not slap your face lines.
  2. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    This fucking show...

    Sticks with me for at least a day or two after watching it. I start trying to figure out what plot twists can be made to keep the show going and it leads me on these ridiculous tangents.

    Does anyone think that Hank could potentially be a part of Walt's mini crime syndicate in the future? He wanted out of the DEA and the DEA kind of fucked him over so there's at least potential there. Especially with the pain killer addiction.

    I absolutely LOVE that Walt went over and confronted Gus with his suspicions. He was very deferential in the way he presented it but he still presented it. It lets Gus know that he's not the only one playing chess when everyone else is playing checkers. I think it rebalances the relationship between the two a little too. Walt felt in complete control when he initially started working directly for Gus but the power swayed back over to Gus once Walt realized there were Mexican hit men gunning for him. Their conversation reset the scales. Walt also put forward the topic of extending his contract which was interesting.

    Finally... $96M in profit off of wholesaling meth... holy shit. I really didn't have any idea that Gus was making that much money on the shit. Wow.
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    I was wondering if Skylar's payment idea wasn't some sort of power play with Walt. That being said I think Hank might resent the Meth game even more now that he might be paraplegic, I don't think he'd be consciously willing to participate in it. Also remember that that 96 million is ONLY three months worth. Spread that out over a full year and you see the money he'd be taking in.
  4. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    I was wondering about it too.

    I think it might be two things. First it legitimately helps Hank and her sister and undoes some of the bad that Walt's involvement with meth has done.

    Secondly it allows Skylar to start spending some of the money? The writers made it very obvious to show her enjoyment of all the "finer things" at Ted's home. Now that she's done with Ted and has let her sister in on how much money they have there's no reason to not spend it.

    I mean fuck, Walt is going to be a millionaire in a couple episodes. He's been driving a piece of shit Aztec and hiding money in duffel bags. Since the lawyer is washing the money somehow for him it only makes sense that he be able to start spending it. It also puts a nice little plot branch into the mix. Skylar becoming a greedy shopaholic. Once she spends the first dollar of drug money there's no reason for her to stop.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I thought it more along the lines of the "fuck you Im fucking Ted" type of power plays. She is kind of forcing his hand to do it and it lets him know she won't just sit there and let him lord over her with the fact that he raised all this cash "for the family." Though with the whole Ted scene from this episode it does seem like she might be going back to Walt emotionally. I wonder with all this cash that will be coming in if Walt will have a bigger role in how it is laundered. At some point like Saul tried to tell Jesse, he'll need to have some sort of legitimate business to explain where this influx of MILLIONS are coming from.
  6. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't think Hank is going to go the painkiller addiction route. It seems too cliche for this show, because it has been done SOOOO many times before. Ex cop turned addict is about as common as a laugh track.

    Also, everyone seems to be ignoring Walt almost killing himself. Me too. Either that scene just lacked any kind of symbolism, or I'm not picking up on it.
  7. Benzilla

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    Oct 19, 2009
    It feels like there's a scene missing or something. Walt is driving away after beautifully exposing Gus' plans and extending their business relationship indefinitely and then he floors it and veers into the other lane? Maybe he's looking for another thrill because the secret drug scientist deal isn't doing it for him anymore.
  8. SMUGolfer

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I interpreted Walt post-meeting as a guy who is digesting the fact that he's a full fledged drug dealer for the foreseeable future and is revolted by it. By doing it for three months he covered his family, now he has jumped into the deep end of drug dealing and is officially a bad guy. Of course I could be completely wrong about the moral conflict and some crazy shit happened that we weren't shown.
  9. fourtytwo

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I mostly agree with this, although I think that, more than just coming to grips with being a drug dealer, he was coming to grips with the entire situation: the cousins had been gunning for him, Gus is a way bigger player than Walt had originally estimated, Gus potentially was going to let him die after the 3 months were up, and so on. Walt had all these suspicions, and Gus essentially confirmed them by not denying them, and while Walt kept his cool through the whole conversation, I think the scene with the truck was just showing how he's maybe not has hardened as he'd like the other bad guys to believe.

    Another great moment for Skylar, drawing Walt in with the gambling lie only to turn around and tell him straight up how much disdain she has for him. I'm really enjoying the way she's using her power over him.

    One thing I'm wondering about, how is Walt's money being laundered? They shut down the charity website -- did they mention a new scheme and I'm just forgetting?
  10. Superfantastic

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    Oct 21, 2009
    So I'm getting into this show late, but...

    ...has Jesse always been a complete fumbling retard? I know he used to do meth, but at the beginning of the season it seemed like he was turning a corner and showing some semblance of brains. I know he hasn't met Gus, but he did see that the cop who almost killed him was nearly assasinated by the Mexican drug cartel, so he's got to know he's in the big leagues, no? The look he gave after his dope head buddies did their thing in the rehab circle was way too smug. Like "tapping that market" is some genius plan while working in the same circles as Anton Chigurh's Mexican cousins. I thought that box speech was 50% too long, too. And they've got to stop making him end sentences with "yo". It sounds way too fucking forced. He doesn't even pull off saying "bitch" very well.

    I'm head over heels in love with this show, and holy fuck balls does Cranston kill it (and gus, and Skylar, and Hank, etc.), but the Jesse character seems painfully one-dimensional for a main role (that dimension being, a total fucking idiot), and the actor doesn't make up for it, in my opinion.

    But again, I'm out of the loop on 80% of this show, so I probably, hopefully, am missing something.
  11. rbz90

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    Nov 8, 2009
    I really think that every female character on this show so far has been an insufferable cunt. Skylar's sister is just fucking annoying, Jesse's dead girlfriend came off as a controlling bitch as well and the issues that go on with Skylar are just endless. After you basically tell your ex husband he needs to pay for your brother in law's medical bills (the point isn't whether he wants to do it or not) and then turn around and accuse him for his condition is bullshit. I would really love for Walt to eventually stop feeling guilty and taking this shit from her.

    I think Jesse's character is actually more realistic than a lot of people give him credit for. Yes, he's an idiot, but he's supposed to be. What about his previous experiences in life would lead anyone to believe that he is intelligent?
  12. Superfantastic

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Totally agree on Skylar's sister, but I know even less about her. I agree about Skylar too, but at least she seems to be learning/growing/evolving (again, within this season only, from a hurt, losing control, wife and mother, to, what appears to be, a helpful sister who's figuring things out and in some ways taking control of her situation).

    That's what I was wondering in my first post. So, he's just always been a goof-off teenager who can't see past his own immediate desires? Nothing else? Why does Walt feel he owes him anything, let alone 50%? I know I should shut-up and watch the previous seasons, I'm just shocked a show of this calibre has kept a main character so stagnant for so many seasons.
  13. manbehindthecurtain

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I look at the behavior of all the main characters in this show as varying stages and severity of embracing self destructive behavior. Ie:

    Jesse: finally has a chance to fall in love and live on his own and develops a heroin problem that indirectly killshis girlfriend. Then on e he gets cleaned up and off of drugs immediately figures out a way to sabatoge his financial an physical safety.

    Skylar: tries to do the right thing in the beginning but discovers her morality is flexible as once she realizes her husband was lying to her has no problem helping and fucking her boss who cheats on his taxes. Once she realizes her husband is rich, cares more about how he "earned" his drug money, no longer finds Ted as attractive since Ted's wealth is based on a failing business. Thinks she can reconcile the illegality ofthe drug money by using it to help Hank but fundamentally agrees to go against her lawyers advice and aids and abets the drug operation by using the cash.

    Hank- starting bar fights and sabatoging his own career because he was too much if a pussy to seek help for his PTSD.

    Walt- the whole macro arc of the show will capture his downfall due to hubris. He could have gotten out once he paid for his treatment but now is willing to embrace his ego. For his sake let's hope he knows the risks. He's not nearly as cool q customer as Gus is. Compare Gus vs the cartel with walt running around Like a madman when his wife got mad or when he was tearing through jessies apartment looking for the first batch of meth to sell Gus.

    Everyone on this show is in over their head and I think is a microcosm for what happens to the typical methhead. Sometimes it glorifies the drug trade sometimes it brutally shows the consequence of heavy drug use, but it is always showing us that all people are corruptable and have morals that adjust based on material need.

    Write this in my iPhone on the train so excuse the stream of consciousness and any grammatical errors.
  14. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    Gus and Walt's meeting was such a cool scene; I loved how the light showed exactly half their faces. Seemed like pretty clear symbolism: the two men have a professional relationship, but each has a side they're not showing the other. Scary for Walt... I wouldn't fuck with Gus IN ANY WAY if I were him.
  15. smoke

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Does anyone know where to watch Breaking Bad online? The Lost finale is on during Breaking Bad this week and the wife will have none of me watching Lost on one TV and recording Breaking Bad on the other. I wish AMC would put all of their episodes online.
  16. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    You sound pretty whipped if you can't record a show on a separate TV (and assuming separate DVR) in your own house. They tend to play it twice in a row and then again at 1 am. Just record it at a different time when it doesn't interfere with Lost. Otherwise there are plenty of Torrent sites that have it up within a day or so.
  17. smoke

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    When you have two TVs and you're watching Lost for 2 1/2 hours on one of them, it's difficult to try and commandeer the other TV at the same time.

    I didn't know they replayed it at 1 a.m. Thanks.
  18. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    A day? More like a hour hour after it is over. Just download the torrent and that way you wont have to stay up till 1am on a Sunday.
  19. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    Here. I don't know about the torrents, but it usually takes about a day or two for at least one good, working link to be posted. These link to websites that stream the show like youtube (but not youtube). In my experience, if your just watching a one hour episode megavideo is the best. But after watching 90 minutes of video megavideo makes you take 60 minutes break to try to entice you to buy their paid video membership. But like I said, just to catch up on one episode go with a megavideo link. two days after the show airs there should be at least a couple megavideo links.
  20. fourtytwo

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    This site will have a direct download megaupload link for Breaking Bad about an hour after it airs.