Spoiler It did kind of come out of nowhere. What I got from it was he just realized one of his 'solid' guys had already cracked under the pressure and turned now that the cops had their money. So I think part of his motivation is to get the money flowing again so the 9? guys left don't talk. The other part seems to be his granddaughter. The money was in her name which could be just a security measure but feels like something else. Like Hank said, Mike never touched the money. So is that money for the granddaughter in case something happens to him? Why have we seen the granddaughter several times but never a daughter or son? It kind of looks like we're missing some puzzle pieces here.
Eh... Spoiler I'm a little bummed that the big german guy offed himself. I thought he was going to be a more entertaining bad guy. I also was thinking "Hm, if this seasons bad guy is an insecure, nervous business chick that just pulls shit out of her ass from movies and tv, that'd kinda of be a new compelling villian. Mike had to get back into the game for multiple reasons. 1) His grandaughters money. 2) He had to make sure he had a revenue source for his people, so they don't roll. Which leads to 3) She has skin in the game, she needs those people with alive and just won't keep hiring assassins. I think if you watched the episode again and thought about motivations, it'd make perfect sense. What did Walt say at the end of the episode about family? Mike is doing everything to take care of is. God you people suck at watching TV...
Everything I want to respond to is buried in "spoilers". Re: Concerns about the German guy and the woman "villan". Spoiler I believe the German guy off'd himself because he is not the "big guy." He defibrillated himself because that was a better option that what he would suffer at the hands of the as yet unknown "big guy." Madrigal Electromotive (damm I want a T-shirt with that Company's name on it) is the source of precurser. The woman is an intermediary.
Walt finally scares the shit out of me. Feels like just yesterday he was whining and whimpering on the floor of his crawlspace. Only major problem is he isn't actually broke, he has 800k wrapped up in his car wash. What a creeper.
Wow that ending was creepy. It made me think that when he finally goes down, everyone he knows and loves is going to turn on him.
Watched the second ep again. Actually makes a lot of sense why Mike would stick around, given that his two million and change nest egg is gone (along with his guys cracking, as mentioned). Also, he seems to have some sort of affinity for his granddaughter. And I didn't notice on first viewing that the new chick (Lydia, I think?) was in the DEA office with das Germans. So that's where she's from. Goddamn that scene with Mike and Hank ruled so hard.
Yeah, Mike doesn't have a choice. The money he stashed for his granddaughter is gone, and if he doesn't give her a compelling reason not to, the young businesswoman or whomever she reports to will continue to try to kill him and his people. So he gets back into business, starts the money flowing again, and in theory, if he keeps Walt in check, all will be well. No way Mike survives this season.
The intro to the season is completely messing with my head given the events of the second episode. The guy keeping Madrigal involved in supplying Gus killed himself rather than face the wrath of his boss should he even be SUSPECTED of speaking to the police, and somehow between now and the end, Walt loses everything and goes on the warpath, I assume to take this boss on personally with a fucking assault weapon. awesome.
You could also guess that Madrigal is just the kind of shady conglomerate where the execs know that they have to fall on their swords when they fuck up. Off topic, we could probably use more of those corporate ethics in finance, right now.
I am kind of feeling Walt on the continued pay offs for Mike's people. I mean obviously you stem the immediate threat but how long would these people need to be paid off to keep silent about something they aren't even a part of anymore (except maybe the chick who has the chemical connections)? Obviously there is more to that side of the story we haven't been told yet.
Well they can roll on Mike and Nervous Nancy. That's the biggest concern. There is more to the episode. And holy fuck weren't the scenes with Marie, both with Skylar and Walk, fucking perfect? Jesus this show is scraping the roof of what great TV can be if you can't cut people's heads off or show boobs.
Walt watching Scarface was perfect. Also, the 3 Stooges thing was interesting considering whats coming about with Madrigal. Audrey, E Online has decent recaps: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.eonline.com/news/334206/breaking-bad-recap-bugs-are-the-new-chicken" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.eonline.com/news/334206/brea ... ew-chicken</a>
Though I don't know how this show will end I thought the Scarface scene was a little heavy handed but I guess this show is a lot less subtle than say Mad Men.
I thought the scarface scene was particularly interesting and appropriate as an indicator of how cut off from danger Walt thinks he is.. he enjoys that movie as if he was a hot dog vendor, not a meth cook. He is completely delusional and narcisistic at a whole new level. For a minute I thought he had the balls to put the lab in his car wash. Mike is going to Fuck him up. I also suspect he ends up killing Jessie. Jessie just seems doomed.
It wasn't meant to be heavy handed as you think. Vince (yeah, we're on a first named basis) tossed that in because he was tired of everyone saying "BB is going to end like Scarface" it was his way of saying "Fuck you, don't you tell me how my show is going to end." It also workds because of what thecurtain said about Walt not realizing how much danger he could be in. We already know he's going to be running around with a Machine gun and not having his mansion raided. I'm betting Jesse kills Walt, maybe Skylar. I don't think we're going to have a huge Walt - Mike confrontation, Mike is either going to punk him and peace out or for some reason just say fuck it and go with it. Unless Walt is the one hunting Mike or even vice-versa. So many awesome possibilities, I'm just rambling now. Also, TheAVClub has killer recaps. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.avclub.com/articles/hazard-pay,82877/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.avclub.com/articles/hazard-pay,82877/</a>
Narcissistic yes, but I'm not sure he's delusional. I think the transformation of Walt's character is complete; he's no longer part high school teacher flying by the seat of his pants, he is now Walt the meth lord. I think that's why Skyler is so hysterical, because she sees it. She knows him better than anyone, and since Gus' death, she sees the eerie calm and peace in Walt and recognizes what it is: him completely and utterly embracing the role that was supposed to be temporary.
I think it was a little fast turnaround from Skylar being over at Hank's family and being scared of Gus for Walt, to her being scared of Walt. Like he won, you were relieved, I think it is a little odd she's immediately petrified. The other option was that he gets killed is that what she wanted? She was also doing shit with Ted behind his back with all the money and what not. It looked like she was on the path to becoming a team member, then all of a sudden she gets super scared? It's a little weird, but I'm sure it'll turn somehow.