Where's Reagan when we really need him? He'd just nuke the fuckers and say "Ooops. I thought the red button was to order pizza. My bad." And NO ONE would say a fucking word lest the senile old bastard send a strike their way.
MPAA owns the government. Paramount is a member of the MPAA. Paramount forced the cancellation of The Interview in the Most American Theatre in the US, as well as banned the showing of Team America. America = MPAA = Paramount = Pussied Out = GOT OWNED BY BEST KOREA. Therefore AMERICA = GOT OWNED BY BEST KOREA. I'm pretty sure my math checks out.
It checks out aside from the massive assumptions that MPAA owns the governemnt, aside from that, your arithmetic is perfect
Now HERE'S a true American, Larry Fucking Flint. "If Kim Jong Un and his henchmen were upset before, wait till they see the movie we're going to make"
Lol, I can see Larry Flint funding a gay porn featuring the a charaicture beloved leader as the center-piece. Aside from all the hyperbole and nonsense of this weird situation, freedom of speech really is one of those things that can never be compromised at all and needs to be defended from any threat.
I only missed the parts where you said "MPAA owns the government" and "Paramount forced the cancellation of The Interview." And yes, one of my favorite documentaries is "This Film Is Not Yet Rated."
MPAA Plans To Pay Elected Officials To Attack Google MPAA & ICE Confirm They Interrogated A Guy For Wearing Google Glass During A Movie MPAA Anti-Piracy Lobbying Targets FBI, DOJ, ICE, DHS and Biden Do they control it outright? Of course not. Do they have more control of it than you? Absolutely.
Well since I guess Homeland Security has domain over movie piracy (according to the second article), we should be aaaaaa ok when it comes to terrorism against film goers. Right? Homeland security will keep us secure. God bless Larry Flint, king of the smut peddlers.
North Korea could not and did not do this hack. http://www.wired.com/2014/12/evidence-o ... k-is-thin/
Great. So now they're threatening the U.S. directly. Because that is sure to end well for them. This is all just so stinkin cute.
This is scarier than you might think. I've heard their commandos have recently been seen carrying TWO slingshots.