When I was in high school there was always a fear that a group of North Koreans who had fled were going to break into the school and try to get asylum. It happened at a few of the embassies and smaller schools. For some reason they really liked the Canadian embassy. You guys must be nicer than other people. Because of this and also just as part of Asian studies we had to watch a few documentaries on North Korea. The depth of insanity in that place is so incredible. I remember they kept talking about how terrified Americans must be when they see their armies march. Totally oblivious to the fact that they're basically the laughing stock of the world. I wonder how much longer people are going to put up with that shit before they finally revolt. I have no idea what percentage of the population is pro current regime and what percentage would rather rejoin with the south.
Its not like they consent to being ruled by that regime. Its more like if there if anyone assumes that they have any private dissent about the regime them and their whole family will be horribly tortured and killed. The regime maintains power through Stalinist era repression and torture. They don't get a vote, they merely try to survive the government purge of the citizens. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3071466/ns/us_news-only/t/death-terror-n-korea-gulag/#.VJhM34CA Also consider that they are forced into a type of severe and dramatic brainwashing from an early age. Its incredible these things happen, its absolutely bizarre really. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16336991
I was just reading that, but my first thought it, how many people in North Korea really have access to the Internet anyways?
Listening to the radio this morning, they were talking about how internet access for NK comes through China. If they didn't flick the switch off, my first guess is Anonymous related. The United States is asking China to help curb another nation's cyber attacks. The irony.
Anonymous was my first thought too. For the lulz. And to see what kind of international havoc they could reek.
I don't really the get the point of shutting off the internet to North Korea. Now the 10 people that have unrestricted access can't visit pornhub anymore, who cares really. Genuinely, how can you punish the NORKS. They have no money, they have an army from the 60's, they have nothing you can take away from them.
Apparently, it will be shown: http://variety.com/2014/film/news/the-interview-christmas-day-screenings-new-release-1201386144/
If it wasn't for the enormous amount of damage done to Sony, I'd swear this is starting to feel like a PR stunt. Tell everyone they can't see it, its not being released, then two days before the original launch date start slowly listing off the theaters where the now in demand movie can be seen. Its the full Cartman theory put into action. Genius.
Sony threatens Twitter with legal action if it doesn't ban users linking to leaks Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! They've gone full retard.
On CNN they were talking with someone in South Korea who said the activists there would love to get this movie into North Korea, that it isn't a comedy to them it is the perfect propaganda piece. I knew the narrative from the beginning was NK didn't want this because they're essentially insecure and it makes fun of them... but does it really rise to the level of potentially causing civil unrest?
Holy shit, they bought a diamond drill to tunnel through the Rock Bottom of Dumbass. You know, for a company centered primarily around technology, they don't seem to have much of a grasp in this whole "social media" thing. You take a quick twenty year nap is the world is such a different place! They do realize that people, in general, aren't going to give a fuck what they say and now will probably go out of their way to spite them, right? Hell, they're ALREADY DOING IT every way they can.