Let's say they are making a political statement. Does everyone have to be drawn and quartered socially when they fuck up? The Left loves to do that, but the Right is jumping on the bandwagon now too apparently. Yes, military personnel cannot make political statements, especially officers. But the army investigated and said it was fine. I don't think we need to see the lives of these women ruined to get some bizarre sense of satisfaction or justice.
I have several biases which I will be up front about: 1) I do not think women should be in the military. No, it's not a question of whether they can do it, they certainly have the ability. I just believe it is barbaric. Men are about killing, women are about life. Misogynistic? Probably. But that's how I feel about it. 2) i don't like Democracy, especially in the military. Every time the military has become a political unit in history, bad things have happened. Rome, Greece, Europe, Asia, it hasn't mattered. The military in a country has a defined purpose, and that purpose is to kill other people. The military's political views are irrelevant and should remain so in order for it to function properly. 3) "LOOK AT ME ISM' that is prevalent in this society needs to stop. Ok, given all that, I think these cadets should be reprimanded. You're in the military, stop acting like you have an opinion that matters. You get to kill people without sanction. That's why you get the shiny helmet and gun. Knock it the fuck off, shut your mouth, and do what you're told. That's what the military is about. Is my blood boiling? Not really, but I don't want these asshats in my military - given the fact that we're perpetually at war (which is one of the reasons this matters). We - as a country - need to stop conducting unending wars. Why does this matter? Because it becomes part of our culture, which leads to things like this, because it has become a permanent part of our society and these people don't want to feel 'left out.' Which is a really fucking bad idea historically.
Touché Audrey. Unfortunately, I believe my statement about the confederate flag was misguided, to say the least. But the fact still stands I said it. Regardless, well played.
Given the recent track record of the military, this seems like one of the least offensive controversies ever. It's not like they blew up a hospital on accident. Some friends got together for a stupid picture.
I think Clutch has a point, they are college kids. It can be easy to forget that despite the physical maturity these cadets(?) are more similar to a 16 year old in terms of maturity than a 28 year old. Regardless, they are at West Point and held to a higher standard and if my memory is right West Point hopefully only admits the best. So there should be some minor consequence, something strong enough to scare them and make them understand what that gesture really means and why that sort of sentiment is inappropriate given their role. I don't think their careers should be permanently sidetracked because of this. They were stupid, scare them enough so they don't do it again, move on.
I think it has a lot to do with the left acting like a petulant little child in grade school on cupcake day. They notice that some of the cupcakes have more sprinkles then others and THAT'S NOT FAIR! So the teacher wastes time and energy counting to make sure that each and every cupcake has exactly the same number of sprinkles. Problem solved. Not so quick. Now the child notices that kids who have the best grades get cupcakes with shiny wrappers. THAT'S NOT FAIR! Now everyone gets shiny wrappers. Next the child notices that the kids in the front of the room get their cupcakes first. THAT'S NOT FAIR! Now they draw cupcake receiving numbers from a paper bag. Ah, but now half the kids have to choose last and all the good numbers may be gone. THAT'S NOT FAIR. Eventually the teacher says "Fuck it. No more cupcakes for anyone.", because of a very loud minority making unreasonable demands for bullshit made up problems. Most of the kids just wanted to have a cupcake in peace and quiet, now they can't because of some loud mouth bullying the teacher. The radical left marches, yells, screams, destroys things, blocks traffic, and attempts to ostracize from society anyone who does not agree with them. And their favorite thing is to call people who disagree with them "Nazi." The irony is unbelievable. I think the right is coming to the conclusion that you can't reason with the unreasonable and like the teacher in my analogy is just saying...fuck it. No gets a cupcake.
I think it works this way- The right found something they were passionate about (anti BLM and the military) to go SJW on.
Quite possible. I don't think these women need their careers or lives ruined over the whole thing...just a reprimand and maybe a little speech about being a leader and what could constitute inappropriate behavior. Treat it as a learning experience and move on.
When I went to military college, we hadn't even really done anything with the military other than do some bullshit light-weight summer training that made our regular forces trainers cringe and drink heavily. It was basically no different than any other college, maturity-wise. These are kids that were just in high school with no real world experience, never mind military experience. Taking ANYTHING they say seriously or to heart is beyond idiotic.
And at this very moment the backlash against the progressives is growing quickly in Europe. It's a never ending cycle. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/0...ed-in-anti-muslim-platform.html?intcmp=hplnws
Called it. The backlash is never a return to reason, its a hard snap in the opposite direction. There could be an alarming rise in nationalism across Europe if the governments over there dont get their shit together.
Progressives need to step back and take a hard look at why this is occurring. It's not just the typical culprits of far-right reactionaries; there's a lot of antipathy and disgust toward the left from ex-muslims who think progressives turn a blind eye toward Islamic Fundamentalism in the name of political correctness.
Can someone fill me in on what Trumps policies are? The only one I'm aware of is winning, he is very big on winning and saying he's going to win and that he has won. Aside from that I haven't heard much. When I was in Cleveland, as I mentioned before I think, my friends family are big Trump supporters so I heard a lot that weekend, but I didn't hear any official policies besides that he wants Mexico to build a wall. Genuinely, I just want some basic info on what the Republican nominee is going to promote. Does he have any official stance on international issues (aside from crooked Hillary fucked up Benghazi, keep that mess out of this please), domestic issues, taxes, economic factors?
You can click here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ and then look at the "positions" tab to see some of them. Feel the Bern here: https://berniesanders.com/issues/ under the "issues" tab. Hillary's are also under the "issues" tab here: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/ I guess, Ted Cruz can still be included? https://www.tedcruz.org/issues/ Those, of course are the candidates' websites. Two others you can look at that compile answers and so forth are: here http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm <-- no frills, mostly compiled stuff here http://votesmart.org/ <-- this one is a bit slicker, and allows you to try and pair yourself best with a candidate
His platform is whatever pleases the audience he is speaking to at the time. He deleted this one, but not in time: Spoiler