Albeit true, BLM has lost credibility because it had no real "leadership" except for that fucktard Deray and a couple of fake black people. Then they start blocking traffic at airports and creating fake outrage riots at American colleges, turning them into Thunderdome for retards while the world watches. It started off as a cause to make people see that black communities were getting the shit end of the stick, which in many ways they do (just watch the clips when they tried talking to Cardinals fans outside Busch Stadium) but it spread into this parody and attack ad on itself where they bully people who won't stand up to bullies. They aren't civil. They act like spoiled children who scream for attention instead of talking and listening. Nobody WANTS to listen to that. And that act in the photo is retarded. Go get your own fucking bulletin board.
I get that in the example you are using nobody lost a job, I also do not for a moment question the merits of automation but the bolded part confuses me. If you have doubled capacity doesn't that mean you are essentially reducing number of stations doing a specific task or reducing hours of operation in the absence of double the demand (to match capacity)? The major impact of automation of assembly has seemingly already occurred based on what you are saying. We are now seeing automation of point of sale positions at retailers, we are seeing self-driving vehicles which will lead to automation of trucking positions eventually. The technology is evolving quickly and in a business environment it is being used to cut one of the biggest costs employers have which is labor and all associated fringe. I don't see any reason to believe that the use and further innovation of robotics and drone technology won't be applied to other positions as it is figured out. As an example: I just witnessed while I was home, the County replaced every trash truck and gave out new trash cans to every county resident. These cans fit an arm that is outfitted on every new truck. Now the truck has only a driver, no throwers hanging off the back. So now you are dealing with a truck that never calls in sick, never gets injured on the job (other than repairs/maintenance), doesn't require vacation or insurance and doesn't get paid by the hour. The County, I'm guessing, is going to experience a financial windfall from this but essentially two-thirds of the County sanitation employees no longer have jobs.
This article was in my news feed today. I wanted to share it for toytoy. Trump inspired brothers plead guilty to beating homeless immigrant. It's not just Bernie supporters being violent.
I never said it was just Sanders' supporters, every candidate is going to attract their share of lunatics. Bernie supporters are just more wide spread and organized. Look what happened here in Vegas Friday night, and then all the death threats and harassment that followed it up. Bernie Sanders Supporters Unleash Sexist, Nasty Attacks On Nevada’s Dem Chair Just listen to the voicemails Roberta Lange has received.
So, this just passed: It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Congress also allow citizens of Pakistan whose families were droned, Yemenis who were bombed or Libyans or any other group that have been victims of the US handywork over the last few decades to sue the US Government for their involvement in their innocent loved ones untimely deaths?
Interesting development with the second cop in the Freddie Gray case. The defense finished up today, tomorrow the prosecution will give their closing argument. The judge has already announced he will not release the verdict until Monday. I wonder if the delay in announcing the verdict has anything to do with the running of The Preakness this weekend?
Eh, too soon to tell yet. There is plenty of primary radar in that area and we don't know what they saw. It seems like from what I just read was that they were at cruise at 37k and lost contact, that sounds like either a boom or someone decided to turn off the transponder. EDIT: I don't know about everyone else who flies a lot for work but days like this make me hate my job...more than usual. This is the second crash of the day. First one I watched burn up on the ground where I am.
The Greek Defense Minister said it swerved 90 degrees left, then went 360 degrees clockwise before plunging. Also I heard that it was in a climb at 37k feet, not a cruise. At this point it could be weather, terrorism, a mechanical malfunction or pilot error in response to something like weather or a mechanical malfunction. Not sure it's really pointing any one way.
This time of year, it wouldn't surprise me if a sailor cruising the Med watched that plane come down. It'll take them a couple of days to get to land and report what they saw, if any were in the area.
The CNN article is terrible. If you actually read the article, no one says with any definitive information that this was terrorism. It may be. It may not be. In short, they don't know yet as they, wait for it, don't have enough information. In other words, people, a little actual critical reading can reveal a lot about a situation, and specifically, at this time, the total lack of any evidence - other than an 'analyst' for CNN saying 'planes don't just fall out of the sky' - that there was actual 'terrorism' involved. Let's not jump to conclusions, even though 'news organizations' are doing just that. Let's get crazy here and wait until there's, I don't know, some actual evidence and facts to base any conclusion on. We're not there yet.
CNN and Fox are the absolute worst news outlets. You can almost believe the exact opposite of whatever they say, they're so half assed and editorialized. I have less respect for them in a mass media group for which I have no respect; put it that way. Shite reporting, celebrity commentators, special interest group analysts. That's not news, that's entertainment. CNN's producers must be doing backflips. The last airline tragedy, they milked that sucker for months. Shit, they STILL run the occasional Malaysian Air story. Double points is the B-52 crash in Guam yesterday. It is raining content for those parasites.
I heard a theory that the plane was delayed by something like 32 minutes, which means if it was a timed bomb and the plane departed on schedule it would have blown up at the Egypt airport. Interesting theory, certainly plausible. Of course no way of knowing right now or maybe ever if that was the case, but I do find it interesting. Blowing up a plane in a crowded airport in front of thousands of spectators would likely create the type of viral disaster footage we haven't seen since 9/11. Something the terrorists haven't done yet, and it's scary to think there are ways they could do it. As far as how it'll impact me: it won't. Until such time that flying in an airplane becomes more dangerous than the drive to work I make each day, I will not cease to utilize that means of transportation. If this is terrorism, fuck that and fuck them. We're all going to die someday some way. And until that time, I'm sure as shit not gonna let them "win."
First thing Monday morning: Baltimore officer found not guilty on all charges in Freddie Gray case I have a feeling he'd made his decision Thursday, he just didn't want unrest while the world was focused on Baltimore and the Preakness.
The Summer party conventions are going to be fascinating. The GOP establishment doesn't really like Trump, but may have to accept him. And, he's supposedly discussed waiting until the final night to name his VP running mate. AND, he's supposedly discussed speaking all four nights, both of which never happens. That should be a spectacle. It could potentially look like a cross between the-between-rounds ring girl show at a heavyweight boxing match and a sweeps week reality show promo. All the pundits' heads will explode. And, the national polls show either Clinton / Trump close, or Clinton slightly in front in a Clinton v Trump race. But, in a Sanders v Trump race, Sanders is well ahead with Trump getting less. At the same time, the Clinton v Sanders polls show Clinton ahead. Since the DNC asked Hillary to step aside for Obama's run, feeling that was their best chance to win - and they were right - will they do the same thing again? And, if Bernie is winning in polls, but Clinton gets the nod, would he have to mount an independent campaign? Or, can he? (The only serious one I know about was Perot's run and he was already qualified on the state ballots by February.) I can't seem to find a good central location to answer this - all the answers seem to be around how Sanders could still win the nomination or whether he should run as an independent.
Right now, according to Fox polling(so take that FWIW), Johnson is sitting around 10%, which in a close election, can sway the outcome. He did Rogan's podcast last week and it was super interesting. He gets a tad bit nutty with some stuff(taxes mostly) but on the whole, his social policies are mostly in line with Bernie. I see him as a viable 3rd party candidate if people didn't feel like they had to vote only republican or democrat. I also read this morning that 20% of Bernie voters would rather vote Trump over Clinton.
I listened to Rogan's podcast. Johnson has less than 10% of Ron Pauls charisma and even less of a following. I was sorry to see that Rand Paul did so poorly this time around.